Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 986: That's the taste

"Sister Suwon, please give me some advice, this is the soup dish I made - [Crispy Meat Soup Change]!" Yang Ming said and opened the lid, and suddenly the attractive and rich aroma came out from the inside.

However, after hearing the name of this dish, students including Suwon Yumi had a few big question marks on their heads.

"Crispy... crispy broth? What's that?"

Not to mention that these Dongying students know what "crisp meat" is, even many places in China don't know the existence of "crisp meat".

Suwon Dongmi looked at the soup dish with good "color" and "fragrance" in front of her. There were a few golden pieces of meat floating on the soup surface, and her face was still full of doubts: "Crispy... crispy broth? Western food? Do you have this soup dish?"

Accompanied by the questioning voice of Suwon Yumi's doubts, there are also the voices of other students discussing. Because the group of Yang Ming and Erina is already the last group, it naturally attracts everyone's attention.

"This transfer student... has made a strange dish with a confusing name!"

"This time, what is it that I haven't heard of crispy meat at all!?"

"Crispy meat... The name feels so good!"


Facing the whispers of others and the doubts of Suwon Dongmei, Yang Ming explained confidently: "Sister Suwon, this crispy broth is naturally not found in Western food, in fact, it is a soup dish from my hometown China. It's a delicious and popular dish!"

"Is it Chinese cuisine?" Suwon Tomi returned to her previous expressionless face, and said, "But this time the theme is 'Western-style full meal' and it has nothing to do with Chinese cuisine."

"So, the name of this dish is [Crispy Meat Soup·Change]!" Yang Ming laughed.

As soon as they heard Yang Ming say this, some students who held a hostile attitude towards Yang Ming sneered again.

"No wonder we haven't heard the name before, but it's actually a Chinese soup dish!"

"Hahaha~ This transfer student is really messed up. The taste of Chinese food and Western food is so different, no matter how you improve the taste, it must be very strange!"

".〃Yes, isn't this holding Erina back?"


Hearing these yin and yang strange words, before Yang Ming's attack, Jixingliao's "Second Generation Mrs. Wenxu" Yoshino became furious. She pointed at the guys who were sarcastic at Yang Ming and said:

"If you haven't tried it, you can comment here. Even if you have any dissatisfaction with him, let's talk about it. I hate you guys who have no strength and only a mocking mouth!"

The power of "The Second Generation of Wenxu" is really strong enough. Under her shock, several trolls actually shut up obediently, but the "trolls" still landed on the judge's side with a joke in their expression. , At this time, Suwon Dongmei took the lead in putting a piece of "crisp meat" that she was most curious about into her mouth...

Although the crispy meat has been deep-fried, it has been steamed and the soup is moisturizing, so it becomes smooth and smooth, and there is no greasy feeling at all. A piece of crispy meat is just big enough to be chewed back and forth in the mouth. The more you chew, the more delicious it is. At the same time, the meat is full of elasticity...

"And...and this meat?"

Suwon Dongmei was very surprised and picked up a piece of crispy meat and put it in front of her eyes, saying:

"There is also a special aroma in it, which is completely different from ordinary fried meat! If I'm not mistaken, you should have put red wine in it... and then..."

"As expected, Suwon Academy ate it right away. That's right, my meat was marinated with Ceylon cinnamon and red wine before juicing, so the meat will have a refreshing flavor until it is fried! Ordinary crispy meat does not have this step. This is also where I improved, in order to make the taste of the crispy meat close to the Western style!"

Yang Ming explained.

Of course, this improved method was proposed by Erina. Of course, it's just that the style of crispy meat has been improved. I don't believe it. Since it is a soup dish, the focus is still on the "soup".

Since it is a soup dish, the taste of the soup is the most important. So Suwon Tomomi took up the spoon and slowly sucked a spoonful of soup into her mouth.

At the moment of entrance, her expression turned to one side again, her eyes widened involuntarily, and a delicious wave was set off in her heart.

"The taste of this soup is so refreshing... Drinking it, the unique fragrance of the sea can't be dissipated in the mouth, which stimulates the taste buds for a long time and can't calm down!" Suwon Tomi closed her eyes and said intoxicated.

After a long time, Suwon Yumi opened her eyes, put a spoonful of the soup in her mouth and tasted it, and said:

"I see... Is it the unique flavor of boiled shrimp shells? However, generally speaking, the taste of seafood in shrimp shells should be masked by the strong meat flavor of [Crispy Meat], but why drink it? Then there will be such a strong taste!?”

Yang Ming smiled again, and said, "If it is boiled directly together, the unique seafood taste of shrimp shells will naturally be covered by the rich meat aroma, but if it is boiled separately, it will not."

Suwon Fuyumei and the surrounding students were stunned when they heard

"I realized that I boiled the shrimp shells with other seasonings to make a rich base soup, and then I combined the two into one after the crispy meat here was almost processed, so even if they are put together like this, their fragrances 557 The taste will not be masked!"

Yang Ming raised his finger in disbelief.

Suwon Dongmei understood immediately after hearing this, nodded and said, "It turned out to be this way. The refreshing taste of crispy meat and the rich seafood flavor of the soup combine in the mouth to form a brand new taste..."

Suwon Tomomi didn't finish her sentence, and added in her heart: This is completely different from the soup dishes I've had before...

At this moment, a new door to cooking seemed to be opened in front of her eyes.

Temporarily improving Chinese-style dishes into Western-style tastes may seem like a mess, but the improved taste is so good. If you don't have absolute confidence and certainty, you wouldn't dare to do this... Of course, Suwon Fuyu also "peeped" just now that Erina was instructing Yang Ming to improve the work, but the strength of the two should not be ignored.

With this thought in mind, Suwon Fuyu became even more curious about the next two dishes.

Soon it was the third course. The third main course is Erina's steak with two sauces.

Steak is the most common type of Western food, but Suwon Tomi was stunned when she saw the two sauces prepared in front of her.

"Two different sauces?" Suwon Toumi's eyes lit up.

Erina nodded and said, "That's right, [Onion and Black Pepper Sauce] on the left and [French Madeira Sauce] on the right. The two flavors can be eaten according to Chef Suwon's personal taste!"

Although some students have made steak before, the degree of completion is far inferior to Erina's steak with two sauces, and the degree of completion is not a dimension at all!

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