Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1107:

"..." Dojima Gin felt that he couldn't speak for a while, "It's a spice blended with soy sauce and cooking wine, Japanese sake, etc. Later... It should be used in the dishes."

But... what about sea bream dishes that use "seasoning"? He hadn't figured it out for a while. However, this is also the charm of the game, isn't it, if you can see through it at a glance, you will not be able to reach the stage of this final.

As for Yang Ming...

He didn't understand at all. The snapper was still placed in a box full of ice, and the ingredients were already all over the table, making people worry about where to put the cut fish.

Moreover, Yang Ming is busy doing things... it must be too much!

While the soup was being boiled and something was still being steamed, the oil pan next to him was also being heated on a small fire, and it was about to boil. At this time, Yang Ming was still doing his best to chop the ingredients. It made people sweat, can this really be busy without the avatar technique? Just a little bit of misremembering the timing, and it's going to be a mess!

As a dish, there is no reason to use so many utensils...

When it comes to the cooking of sea bream, he almost reflexively thought of the "Map of the Continent of Red Sea bream" made by the Chinese master.

If he remembered correctly, it was a bet on the legendary kitchen utensils. In a god-knife duel in Guangdong, facing the opponent's four sea bream dishes made with superb knife skills, the young master unexpectedly only used A meal to deal with.

That is the "Red Sea Bream Continent Map" made by gathering the essence of the four regions.

That is, the "grilled fish wrapped in green onion cake" with the capital style, the "sashimi wrapped crab yellow" with the characteristics of the magic city, the "Kung Pao fish diced" with the Sichuan flavor, and the Yangcheng style "fried fish and vegetables with oyster sauce". A variety of dishes with various characteristics are placed in corresponding positions according to the geographical location of their cuisines, and together with fish heads and tails, they form a gorgeous Chinese map of sea bream dishes.

In this dish, you can taste the different flavors of the world, and the dishes of the four flavors can also be eaten in a specific order to enhance the taste of each other. Just using this dish, the little master and the other party's carefully prepared four dishes were tied.

It's just that it's better or better, Yang Ming naturally won't cook this dish, and their exam questions this time are not the four dishes of sea bream. But that didn't stop him from getting some inspiration from the "Map of the Continent of Red Snapper".


Yang Ming touched the surface of the sea bream. After taking out the sea bream in the ice-water mixture for a while, the temperature of the body surface has slowly risen.

"Are you finally going to start processing the sea bream?" Isshiki Kei, who was standing at the edge of the venue, stared at the two chefs in the center.

The sea bream they prepared were all the best "Akashi sea bream" caught at sunrise. Before playing, they kept the freshness of the sea bream with ice cubes, and they did not start to thaw until they went on stage.

By this time, the ingredients have been prepared, and the snapper has been thawed to the point where it can be handled. The allocation of time between the two is just right, and it can be said that they are evenly matched.

"Wait! What's the matter!"

"That boy, how did he scrape off the extremely hard fish scales by touching it with his hand?"

There was a sudden commotion in the auditorium, and Yang Ming rubbed the fish with his hands, and the scales of the sea bream, which were even chipped by the kitchen knife, flew off piece by piece.

Yi Shihui got closer, and of course he could clearly see the steel wire between Yang Ming's hands. The magic-like scene was also brought about by this steel wire.

Wire scraping fish scales, this method is generally only used by experienced chefs and seaside fishmongers. Although it is convenient, if the grasping force is not good, it is easy to scratch the fish body when scraping the scales. Seeing how skilled Yang Ming looked, Yi Shihui couldn't help but feel relieved. Yang Ming's hard work over the past few days has not been in vain... All of you in Jixingliao have not suffered in vain these days...

After scraping the fish scales, Yang Ming put the steel wire aside. Only then did the audience on the side understand what method Yang Ming used to remove the fish scales. Before they could recover, Yang Ming started to move again.

Picking up the dragon-slaying knife with his right hand, and holding down the snapper whose scales were cleanly shaved with his left, Yang Ming cut the abdomen of the snapper with a clean knife. The precise force was truly amazing. Obviously there is only one kitchen knife, but the movements seem to be one after another, so fast that it is dazzling. First, use a large arc to deal with large areas, and then use the front part of the knife tip to target the fins and tails of the fish. Portions, just like that, swirled and landed on a side plate with fish and fillets.

"When dealing with ingredients, the biggest enemy is indecision."

This is what Yang Ming's teacher said to him when he was studying cooking at Yuanyue Academy, and he has always remembered this sentence.

The hesitation in the heart will affect the skills of the knife, and a good chef will evolve the knife into an instinct. Once you lift the knife, you will let your instinct drive you, don't think, don't hesitate, believe what you see at first sight, and make decisions with intuition.

The audience was completely stunned. To be honest, Yang Ming's technique, many of the students present also know how to handle fish with a knife!

It's just that they are far from the level of Yang Ming.

The perfect grasp of strength and angle, as well as the understanding of every inch of the structure of the sea bream, made Yang Ming's speed much faster than the average person...

The most intuitive is that when Yang Ming has completely processed the snapper, Ye Shanliang, who is opposite him, has not even finished processing the scales!

You know, Ye Shanliang's speed is already very fast!

"It's a terrible swordsmanship..." I have been following the game for a long time, and I have to be amazed in my heart. When it comes to swordsmanship alone, Yang Ming has compared him. "Is he really a master?"

After all, Yang Ming's pondering of knife craftsmanship has reached the peak. Half of the knife skills I learned from Teruki I was from Togetsu's teacher, and the other half was slowly discovered by myself. Now it seems that he needs to improve further.

I heard that Togetsu Academy will also send exchange students to Tianfu Cuisine Academy next year for exchange and study. For a long time, I have been considering whether to go for this place, but he has been hesitating...

It's not that he can't bear the position of the ten heroes. To be honest, he is not very interested in the ten heroes. For him, it is just a sign to prove his strength. What he was most worried about was that after he left, the Chinese and Western Cuisine Research Association lacked a leader who could suppress the scene.

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