Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1234:

"How about using a more pungent flavor as the leading factor, and then combining it?"

"A more pungent smell? Is it spicy?" Yang Ming quickly thought of a dish, "Like a spicy hot pot?"

Although Kanri Xiangzi's original intention was not this, but as a Chinese person, when he heard the pungent taste, Yang Ming almost immediately thought of the spicy taste, such as hot pot, spicy incense pot and other dishes.

Mala Fragrant Pot is a fusion of spicy flavors from Sichuan and Chongqing. The dishes that go with it have been fried or boiled in advance to fully absorb the umami of various meats and side dishes. Fragrant and oily, it has a unique taste that is spicy but not dry, fresh but not fishy, ​​fragrant in the entrance, and has a long aftertaste.

Thinking of it this way, the ingredients from all over the world are combined into a pot. Although the spicy taste is dominant, different ingredients have different flavors, which is indeed in line with the statement of multi-level taste.


Yang Ming immediately denied himself: "No, then the ingredients need to be fresh enough to differentiate into different tastes, and if you want to cover up the staleness of the ingredients, you can only increase the amount of seasoning, which is inconsistent!"

Kanyakako also turned around immediately. If there are too many seasonings in the prepared dishes, it will not meet the requirements of multi-layered taste. If too little, it cannot hide the freshness of the ingredients, not to mention the review here. Mr. Fudisheng, this kind of cooking that tries to get away with defeating a senior from Hantan Temple?

Simply fantastic.

"What the **** is going on..." Yang Ming didn't think of an idea for a long time, his eyes wandered aimlessly, and soon he arrived at the abbot of Kanagawa.

"Have you guys started yet?" Yang Ming's eyes just met the sharp eyes of Abbot Kanagawa, Abbot Kanagawa glanced at the progress on their side, and smiled disdainfully.

Ignoring Abbot Kanagawa's provocation, Yang Ming looked at the ingredients selected by Abbot Kanagawa and the treatment he performed.

"Alas..." After watching for a while, Yang Ming could only let out such a sigh.

"What's the matter?" asked Kanhi Xiangzi on the side, he was still thinking about what cooking they were going to do.

"The abbot of Kanagawa used at least a dozen kinds of vegetables..." Yang Ming frowned and said, "It seems to be making vegetable french jelly."

"Vegetable French jelly?" Xiangzi Kan was also a little shocked. "With so many low-quality ingredients, does he want French jelly?"

As I mentioned earlier, the beautiful appearance required by French jelly is based on the ingredients.

If the ingredients are oxidized or damaged, the damage to the French jelly can be extremely huge. These materials must be processed before they can be used to make French jelly.

Just for the treatment of an oxidized cauliflower, Kanyakako was judged to be unqualified by the abbot of Kanagawa because the vinegar used in the treatment of the cauliflower destroyed the original sweetness of the vegetable.

But what about now? These ingredients are more damaged than the cauliflower in the morning, and they must be processed, not only vinegar, but also all kinds of seasonings must be added. The abbot of Kanagawa will use such ingredients to make French jelly?

"Let's see what a real French jelly is." Abbot Kanagawa did not speak, but expressed his opinion with actions.

It's just... an arrogant gesture that you can't do and I'll show you...

What should I do... Yang Ming thought with a bitter face, feeling that his head was about to explode.

Kanyakako was silent beside him. In the afternoon, he and Yang Ming discussed a lot of possibilities. Of course, he also thought of multi-level cooking, but all their assumptions were based on high-quality ingredients. .

She frowned again and looked at the ingredients prepared on the table. What kind of dishes should she prepare to cover up the insufficiency of these ingredients and meet the requirements of the project?

The abbot of Kanagawa completely used his own hard power to overcome this. As a monk, his years of immersion in vegetable cooking gave him extraordinary attainments in vegetable cooking. If these ingredients were not fresh, he would use various A way to mask the past and ensure that there is no difference in the final taste.

But she and Yang Ming... can't do it. This is a gap in experience and experience, which is difficult to make up in a short period of time.

"Calm down and think about it carefully." Yang Ming simply closed his eyes and started to think.

Chinese Cuisine...Japanese Cuisine...French Cuisine...

As long as Yang Ming has seen, eaten, and learned the dishes here, it is like a giant ship composed of plates. Countless plates of delicately decorated delicacies are wandering in Yang Ming's mind.

"It's not this... it's not this... it's not this!" Rounds of white jade plates filled with dishes moved towards Yang Ming, but the young man waved his arms and flew away.

"It can cover up the imperfections of the ingredients! A dish that can have a variety of flavors! Where are you!" Yang Ming kept shouting in his heart.

At this moment, he found that the plates in front of him slowly stopped and gradually dispersed to the side, just like the guards surrounding the emperor when he was on a tour.

And a huge black shadow... walking slowly from a distance, all the dishes that were not bypassed were knocked out by it, splashing white debris on the ground, like water splashed by a giant ship.

What is this behemoth?

"This...this is..." Yang Ming stared blankly at the dark shadow in front of watching it appear little by little, and finally remembered.

Just when he was about to call out the name of the dish, he was lightly tapped on the shoulder.

"Yang Ming?" Looking at Yang Ming's dry sun for a long time, Xiangzi finally couldn't help recalling her soul, but she was greeted by two big health ball-like eyes, "What's wrong?"

Yang Ming clenched his fists and said, "If you had interrupted me two minutes earlier, I would have burned you red today! But it's good to see the appearance of that giant ship hidden in the deep sea."

This kind of unconscious search in the cooking library of one's own brain is really troublesome!

"What's the matter..." Qian Rixiangzi listened to Yang Ming's words in confusion, "Giant ship? Deep sea?"

"Don't say that, I've already thought about what to do." Yang Ming leaned over gently and whispered his plans.

The boy's hair touched Kanyakako's neck, which made her feel a little itchy, but what interested her more was the cooking the boy said.

"What do you think?" Yang Ming's eyes were shining like stars, "Isn't it great?"

"It's very interesting." After listening to it, Hyugako thought it was an excellent idea.



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