Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 576: Eating soil and eating pots

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Seeing aunt Charlotte Lingling lying on the beach chair, drinking tea and eating desserts, looking up at the sky, her eyes are leisurely, everyone can feel a kind of incomparable comfort from it, and at the same time, they are extremely hungry!

"Is it really that delicious?"

The red-haired Shanks wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, but his feet were very honest, approaching quietly step by step, like a thief.

Aunt Charlotte Lingling never imagined that Shanks, one of the four dignified emperors, would one day steal for food!

Because of this, aunt Charlotte Lingling had no defense at all, and Shanks easily stole a pot of cactus matcha.

Succulents are a unique and attractive plant family that is popular in the world today.

Succulents show different shapes because of their thick and sap-filled leaves, and their red, blue, pink and green coats make themselves like natural crafts, which are addicting.

But now, when Shanks was holding this pot of cactus in his hand, he had a feeling that it was hard to tell whether it was real or fake. If it wasn't for the smell of a little matcha tea, I'm afraid he really couldn't recognize it.

Zhep is worthy of being the mentor of Sanji Shi, and also a super chef. He used a pair of dexterous hands to make succulents and matcha cakes have a perfect sweet encounter!

It really makes it difficult for "succulent control" people to take a "tongue".

When you hold it in the palm of your hand, do you really have the heart to bite it?

Shanks said that although he likes watching, he likes eating more!

In his hands, the cactus matcha cake looks delicate, small, and silent, full of herbal succulent sunshine, similar to the hazy feeling of a young first love.

Fresh visual infection, never get tired of seeing it.

The fragrant taste enjoyment, Spirited Away.

When Shanks took a bite, a trembling from the depths of his soul emerged spontaneously!

In an instant, goosebumps all over!

"Oh my God!"

Shanks looked at the pot of cactus in disbelief, the fragrance and sweetness that wrapped the tip of the tongue, it was amazing!

Shanks finally understands why aunt Charlotte Lingling loves this dessert so much. Even though Shanks has traveled all over the world, he has never eaten such a delicious dessert!

Stimulated by the dessert, the palm-sized cactus matcha cake was quickly eaten up.

At this time, Shanks was very careful and noticed that there was something wrong with the soil under the cactus.

You know, how can Zhepu, who can make potted desserts, be the kind of famous chef who doesn't pay attention to details?

The devil is always in the details, and this sentence is fully reflected here.

Since it is impossible for Zhep to make such a low-level mistake, then that is to say, there is something wrong with the soil!

And Zhepp can make potted plants that are almost like real ones, and there is no reason why they can't make realistic soil.

With this thought in mind, Shanks squeezed a portion of the soil and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Yang Ming's mouth twitched fiercely.

"This foodie!"

Although Yang Ming also wanted to go up and have a taste, there is no time left now. After all, most famous chefs have already finished cooking, and there are not many opportunities for him to steal from teachers.


When Shanks chewed the dirt in his mouth, he couldn't help but stare, surprise, joy, and a feeling of guessing, all of which were complicated and difficult to understand.

Shanks suppressed the urge to laugh wildly in his heart, glanced at the dirt left over from Aunt Charlotte Lingling's meal just now, stuck out his tongue and licked it, a glint of light flashed in his eyes.

"Hey hey, now, these desserts are all mine!"

Feeling the silky and mellow deliciousness lingering on the tip of the tongue, Shanks was so excited!

It turns out that these clays are really desserts!

What a god!

The granular soil in this is all hand-kneaded by Zhep with dry pais, which is a kind of Tanghua cake with good stickiness and shape.

As for these soils, they are actually cake flour kneaded from baked chocolate cakes, and they taste different.

In this way, in the strange eyes of others, especially Shanks' subordinates, they have already turned their heads away and dared not look at them.

A dignified four emperors, if you say it out, Shanks is actually eating dirt here, it's embarrassing!

Shanks didn't notice it, after all, it's true that he eats it in his stomach!

And when all the soil was eaten up, it finally attracted the attention of aunt Charlotte Lingling.

Aunt Charlotte Lingling raised her brows, looked at Shanks with cold eyes, and said angrily:

"You actually stole my dessert!"

"This..." Shanks looked embarrassed, turned his head sharply, pointed to the soil, and said righteously: "I didn't steal it, these are desserts that you don't eat, I'm just afraid that you will waste food. ."

I have never seen such a brazen person!

Aunt Charlotte Lingling's eyes widened in anger, her chest heaving violently, she calculated silently in her heart, just by virtue of her half-crippled state, she really couldn't win against Shanks, so she had to break her teeth and swallow it in her stomach. Who called her? I didn't notice just now that these soils are also desserts!

Huh? and many more!

Since these soils are desserts, what are these pots?

Like a thunderbolt from a sunny day, Aunt Charlotte Lingling seemed to have found the truth at this moment, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes!

Without saying a word, she quickly grabbed a bowl and took a bite.

Seeing this, almost everyone was stunned and messy in the wind!

In the past, Shanks ate soil, and later, aunts ate pots. Have you forgotten that you are the Four Emperors?

When Shanks saw that aunt Charlotte Lingling actually picked up a pot, Shanks realized after realizing that these pots are also desserts!

Holy shit!

When Shanks took a bite, it was so exciting, it was actually a dessert!

The bottom of these potted desserts turned out to be embedded with red velvet cakes!

It's just that before that, these pots were just like the soil, and they looked very inconspicuous, and the light was covered up by those plant-based desserts.

After all, everyone can understand that those plant matcha desserts are desserts, but it is difficult to turn around and realize that the remaining soil and pots are also desserts!

When he watched Shanks eat the rest of the pot with a happy face after eating the soil, his subordinates were all stunned.

"Isn't the boss out of his mind?"

"Did you **** too much last night?"

"Is the boss like this? He's a man without a right hand!"


It should be said, should it be Shanks' subordinate, the topic is getting more and more biased.

At this time, Yang Ming had already started cooking his own dishes.

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