Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 701: Terumi Mei's Crisis

boom! boom! boom!

The uproar bombarded down from the sky, and the power bonus it brought was so terrifying. The originally hundreds of tons of water collapsed down with a terrifying strong wind. On the ground centered on the three-tailed rock, it suddenly opened and split into a serpentine shape. like cracks.

What followed was a violent earthquake that shook the heavens and the earth, as if even the earth could not withstand such an impact.

However, when the water waves gradually receded, revealing the behemoth underneath, the ninjas who attacked were stunned:

"It didn't work!"

"How can this happen!"

Yes, nothing works, reality is so cruel!

Originally, in this place with plenty of water vapor, the power of the water escape was greatly improved. Previously, the power could even destroy a village, but it failed to leave any scars on Miyo Isata's body.

However, no injury does not mean no pain.

Isota Sano rolled his eyes and opened his mouth.

Ow! ! ! ! !

The terrifying sonic boom sounded, turning into a circle of air waves visible to the naked eye, spreading around in a fan-shaped pattern, setting off huge dust, blowing and breaking the nearby trees, and piercing the eardrums of people!

Wind blows!

A monstrous hurricane was set off, and in front of this hurricane, the individual seemed so small, like an ant, and was easily blown into the air.

Sano Isata's eyes were cold, and the three tails behind him flicked gently, making a pop in the air, as if the air was shattered. The ninja blast away!

Every tail of Sano Isata was as thick as a pillar, and it took several people to hug it.

But before it hits, the large army led by Mizukage Terumi Mei has already arrived!

"Water escape! Water curtain!"

"Water escape! Water curtain!"

"Water escape! Water curtain!"

"Water escape!……"

Hundreds of ninjas of all levels, either Chunin or Shangnin, used the same ninjutsu under the command of Terumi Mei in order to save their comrades!

The frequency of their knots was in sync, and they were done at about the same time.

The surrounding water vapor, which was originally scattered, was attracted by the Chakra here and gathered again, and this time the scale was even more amazing. The water vapor within a kilometer radius was swept away, and even the nearby seawater was diverted. Part of it came out.

Under the control of many ninjas, a sky made up of azure waters came from behind, and lay in front of the attack of Mio Isata!


The three Optimus Prime-like tails blew up a loud air wave, and suddenly fell into the sky, causing a huge roar, the whole earth was shaken, and there was a blasting sound in the air. One sound!

The water curtain prepared by hundreds of ninjas, like a gate hit by a battering ram, shattered into pieces, turned into splashes of water, and shot in all directions.

And being blocked like this, the three tails no longer had the mighty momentum they had before, and were reluctantly taken back by Isao Mitsuo!

It worked!

The hearts of many ninjas present were ecstatic.

But it didn't take long for them to be happy, the expressions on their faces suddenly solidified!

I saw that there was a flash of anger in the eyes of Isao Sano, not only because he couldn't hit anyone, but also because he was disturbed by others.

In the face of the gazes of hundreds of people, Isata Sano has always been used to being lawless. For this kind of thing, its first reaction is not to be cowardly, but to go back directly!

Sanweiji suddenly opened his mouth, and the suffocating chakra, under its control, all gathered into its mouth, turning into a dark tailed beast jade, exuding a destructive atmosphere .


Seeing this, Terumi Mei also felt a headache for the madness of Mio Isata, and hurriedly ordered:

"Hurry up and spread out!"

In fact, it is not necessary to say Terumi Mei, the people present are all experienced ninjas, and they have already avoided it.

call out!

It took a little time to concentrate on Chakra, and then Sanwei Isata spewed out the tailed beast jade.

But like a cannon hitting a mosquito, he was avoided by a nimble ninja.

The tailed beast jade spirals forward, carrying a mighty aura. In front of it, no trees, no rocks, all are not obstacles, but when it touches it slightly, it is crushed by a terrifying destructive force. Smash!

In the end, the tailed beast jade landed on a small island not far away in one go, and an earth-shattering roar suddenly erupted, and a mushroom cloud rose into the sky straight into the sky.

In just a short time, all the original landforms on the small island with a radius of 100 meters disappeared, and it was rolled into flat ground. Bubbles, emitting a thick smoke of gunpowder.

Seeing this scene, many ninjas at the scene broke out in cold sweat, secretly thinking that they were lucky!

In the face of such a natural disaster, let alone them, even if Terumi Mizukage is personally there, I'm afraid they won't be able to get any benefits!

But before they could calm down, Sanwei Isata was like a lunatic who would never give up until his goal was achieved, and a tailed beast jade came out of his mouth again!

Seeing this, Terumi Mei frowned and shouted to her subordinates:

"Never let it fire again!"

"All team members obey orders, all free to attack!"

The ninjas present all understand that if you stay for a long time, you will lose.

For a while, with the violent flow of chakra here, the water vapor rippling wildly, gathered from all around, and even made people feel that the air was sticky and humid.

"Water Escape! Water Dragon Ball Technique!"

"Water escape! Break the torrent!"

"Water escape! Water dragon whip!"

"Water escape!……"

As the crowd Terumi Mei was also unwilling to be reconciled, her mouth bulged like a frog, and with a wow sound, her red lips lightly opened, and a force that poured and melted everything spurted out. !

"Rong escape! The magic of dissolving monsters!"

Among the various types of ninjutsu, Terumi Mei's Rongdun stands out. With Rongdun's terrifying corrosiveness, he is the first to corrode a piece of the tortoise shell of Sano Isao!

The ninjutsu, like a thousand arrows, carried the overwhelming terrifying power, followed the defense broken by Terumi Mei, and slammed straight into the weak point of Sanwei Isata, and suddenly it was so painful that it extinguished the unfinished tail beast jade. , a terrifying cry came out of his mouth!

After a while, Isata Sano's body, which was originally intact, had numerous injuries.

But among them, the injury caused by Mei Mei alone is the most obvious!

Miyo Isata has wisdom, and naturally understands who is the culprit who caused such injuries, and immediately fixed his eyes tightly on Terumi Mei!

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