Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 702: Terrifying 3 O Isota

The ninjutsu, like a thousand arrows, carried the overwhelming terrifying power, followed the defense broken by Terumi Mei, and slammed straight into the weak point of Sanwei Isata, and suddenly it was so painful that it extinguished the unfinished tail beast jade. , a terrifying cry came out of his mouth!

After a while, Isata Sano's body, which was originally intact, had numerous injuries.

But among them, the injury caused by Mei Mei alone is the most obvious!

Miyo Isata has wisdom, and naturally understands who is the culprit who caused such injuries, and immediately fixed his eyes tightly on Terumi Mei!

It's this tiny, abominable human being in front of me!

There was a hint of red light in Isata's eyes, exuding a sun-devouring aura. Even if he was crawling on the ground, it made people feel a biting cold.

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, as if the winter was coming, the water vapor in the sky condensed, and even pieces of crystal ice flowers fell from the sky.


"Water escape! Heavy water bombs!"

Accompanied by a low roar and roar, Sano Isao suddenly opened his huge mouth, and the turbulent chakra surging, gathered into a large spiral roaring water polo, bombarded like a cannonball, and a bang sounded in the air, along the cold air. Come straight ahead!

Water is so soft, there is a saying that the highest good is like water.

But water has the possibility of being wireless. After continuous shrinkage and condensation, it can accommodate more water and more power.

When I saw the heavy water of Sanwei Isata bombarding, a strong gust of wind came first, and even the water beach on the ground was lifted up and moved away from both sides.

Can't fight hard!

Upon seeing this, Terumi Mei's heart rang loudly, realizing that this was not a monster that could be resisted by manpower, and immediately moved her feet, quickly dodging at an overwhelming speed.

boom! boom! boom!

Just as Terumi Mei walked on her forefoot, several two-story heavy water bombs landed on the ground, causing a violent tremor in the ground among the trees.

These heavy water bombs are numerous and fast. Several ninjas could not dodge in time, but were only touched a little. Accompanied by a piercing sound, an incomparably mournful wailing sound, these ninjas were instantly hit by a huge spiral force inside. Stirred into a meat sauce, blood fell like raindrops.

Seeing this, Terumi Mei frowned, and before she could feel the pity of her opponent's ninja, she felt that Sano Isota once again gathered a huge amount of chakra.


"If it goes on like this, Isao Miyo will bring heavy losses to the village!"

"Damn, I didn't bring the seal class here before, this time it's troublesome!"

Terumi Mei knew that the situation was urgent, and threw the item that symbolized Mizukage's identity to Changjurou, who had been with him, and said in a hurried tone:

"Quick! Hurry back to the village to transfer the seal class!"

"What about you?" Although Changjurou knew that this matter was very important, he still said involuntarily: "As the right hand of Mizukage-sama, how can I put you in danger!"

"Long-winded!" Terumi Mei didn't let her man brows, her eyes brightened, "Hurry up and do as I say!"

"A mere beast with a tail..."

Terumi Mei's chakra churned in her body, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, "I'll take it over by Mizuyo!"

"Boil! The art of clever fog!"

If a volcano erupts, the fog like fire and electricity, with a strange power that can erode steel and melt granite, gradually spreads in the air, turning into an invisible hand, shrouded in the past towards Miyoshi!

There was a hint of amazement in the eyes of Isao Miyoshi, this kind of power has been able to threaten its existence!

It even felt that if the mist was bigger and thicker, it might be able to penetrate its tortoise shell directly and melt it into a mess of mud!

Never let it get close!

There was a hint of vigilance on Mitsuo Isota's face, but there was no trace of fear. He just stopped the ninjutsu he just prepared, and then opened his mouth suddenly.


The sound that surpassed the supersonic speed turned into an incomparable sound wave, and the space in front of Miyo Isata suddenly rose and fell, forming ripples visible to the naked eye, and there were bursts of sonic booms!

When Lin Mu touched it, he was immediately affected by a terrifying sound wave, was broken by the waist, and was crushed into flying ashes.

The nearby sea trembled, setting off huge waves, rolling blue waves, with a dozen floors high, unusually noisy, and aggressive!

Even Terumi Mei couldn't help but bend her knees and sink her feet into the ground to resist this violent sound wave!

In front of this sound wave, Terumi Mei had previously used the art of skillful mist, like a swarm of ants in a gust of wind, with no resistance at all, and was suddenly scattered and separated, and even the body of Miyo Isa could not be touched. arrive.

This is the tail beast!

A terrifying war monster comparable to an atomic bomb!

Their existence is a kind of nuclear strategic weapon, full of mighty might, with just a little force, they can easily move mountains and reclaim the sea!

To deal with such behemoths of war, unless they have the strengths of Madara Uchiha and Chishou Hashirama, it is a bit difficult for even ordinary shadow-level masters to deal with them.

Of course, if there is a sealing team specializing in sealing tailed beasts, because they specialize in the art, they can easily deal with Miyo Isata.

Just as the thoughts of everyone present were mixed, they suddenly discovered that Sanwei Isota did not pursue the victory, but raised his huge and long head and looked towards the sky in the distance.

what's there?

Whether it's an ordinary ninja or Terumi Mei, all of them follow the eyes of Isao Mio, and if they can alert this behemoth of war to stop attacking, something must have happened!

Rumble! Rumble! ...

A burst of sonic boom thunder sounded from far and near, and leaped from a distance in a mad and indomitable supreme gesture!

Facing the dazzling sunlight, Terumi Meimei narrowed her eyes slightly and opened her mouth involuntarily.

what did she see?

She actually saw a person flying in the Like the **** king of the ten directions, the supreme of all realms, the white clouds in the whole sky were swept away by the terrifying air waves, moving towards the left and right sides, leaving a road to the sky. , as if welcoming the supreme existence.



The man in sight was getting closer and closer, and his face appeared in Terumi Mei's line of sight.

Terumi Mei frowned, this person is very unfamiliar, with her Shuiying identity, she naturally knows most of the famous powerhouses in the ninja world, but almost no one can compare with this person!

If there is only one person, only the mysterious and unpredictable Yang Ming can compare with him!

With the arrival of this mysterious powerhouse, Terumi Mei was surprised to discover that the arrogant and arrogant Mitsuo Miyoshi actually looked like a mouse seeing a cat, his whole body stiffened, and then he turned around and ran towards the ocean!

The powerful tailed beast is actually going to escape?

How holy is this man!

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