Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 753: grilled fish

When Ningji came back, Yang Ming was preparing to cook the gar.

As for the ingredients, they are classified according to grades based on the combination of deliciousness and nutrition. The most concise and to-the-point is "these four legs are not as good as two legs, and the two legs are not as good as those without legs." This way, the fish is the best.

The wisdom of the ancients, handed down to this day, makes people always like to eat fresh food, which is not without reason.

Freshly caught fish is a world of difference compared to quick-frozen fish.

Maybe it's because fish are born in water, and the water is agile. Fish swim in it all day long. How can a fish that swims not taste good?

"Roasting" should be the earliest method used by humans after they mastered cooking ingredients, and it is also the most primitive way of making ingredients. Today, roasting has evolved into a roasting-based enjoying method, and fish is no exception. Grilled fish is now on the streets. The most lively place for foodies, diners flock to it, and the food stalls are second only to the signature dish of crayfish.

But the skill of baking is easy to get started and difficult to master.

When most people mention grilling, does the image that pops up in their minds, run a fork through the fish, place it on the grill, and that's it?

If you think so, it can only be said that the pattern is broken!

There is no doubt that grilling is one of the best ways to cook a whole fish.

"Whole grilled fish" tastes great, and even better, it's one of the easiest ways to cook.

The unique dry and powerful heat of grilling can turn the surface of the fish yellow, crispier and richer in flavor.

Using charcoal grilling, if the wood used is the kind of old fragrant wood, it can also increase the flavor of the smoke.

Of course, in the forest of death where Yang Ming is located, if nothing else, sandalwood with hundreds of years of age is everywhere, and the most important thing is that it doesn't cost money!

Yang Ming chose a five-hundred-year-old sandalwood. This kind of sandalwood, which is used as a valuable furniture material in the rich family in modern society, falls into Yang Ming's hands, and it can only be reduced to burning wood, adding flavor to the grilled fish. .

As for the skill of baking, it is easy to get started, but difficult to master, that is:

One of the most common problems with grilling fish is that the fish tends to stick to the grill.

For beginners, it is best to use a special grilled fish net, so that you don't have to worry about the problem of not being able to turn over.

In addition, even if the fish is stuffed with seasonings and the whole fish is clamped with a grilled fish net, there is no need to worry about the seasoning running out. At the same time, the fish is very tender, and it is relatively difficult to grasp the heat.

Generally speaking, it is better to start grilling fish directly from the high temperature area, because the skin of the fish is less likely to stick on the hot surface, but if it is a large fish with thick meat, it should be slow-cooked at a low temperature in the indirect heating area first until it is quickly cooked. When the time comes, go to the high temperature area and quickly bake at high temperature.

And the gar that Yang Ming is cooking now happens to belong to the type with thick meat.

With skillful movements, Yang Ming scraped off the fish scales delicately and delicately, then scooped out the internal organs of the fish and washed it from beginning to end.

Among them, pay special attention to the belly of the fish.


Because wild fish, because they eat a lot of things, are likely to have parasites in their bodies!

You don't want a centipede-long parasite to eat into your mouth, do you?

Generally speaking, most of these parasites are hidden in the belly of the fish. Just look at whether there are bulges and floats on its belly, and you can know it.

Before grilling, one of the most overlooked issues is to carefully clean the grill.

This is important for all grilling, but especially for fish, which is tender and will tear more easily when it sticks to the grill, and a dirty grill is more likely to stick.

Cold fish are more prone to condensation, and fish that are wet on the surface are more likely to stick.

So, Yang Ming kept the gar at room temperature, carefully patted the surface dry with paper, then seasoned the inside and outside of the fish with salt and black pepper, and then smeared the whole body with oil, which also prevented sticking.

The flames rose.

After the grilling temperature stabilized, Yang Ming made a few diagonal cuts on the fish, and then put the fish into the grill. If you don't use a grill, you can keep the fish and grill at 45 degrees, so that the grill print will be more beautiful. , and easy to flip the fish.

At the same time, Yang Ming placed the back of the fish towards the hottest area of ​​the grill. Because the back of the fish is thicker, it requires higher heat.

Seeing this, do you think the skill of baking is so simple?

If that's the case, it means that you haven't tried real BBQ, or at most simplistic BBQ at a cafeteria.

When grilling, when to turn it, you need to accumulate experience, but also need unique vision and techniques.

Under normal circumstances, you can wait until the tail has turned yellow before turning it over. If you use a grilled fish net, you can turn it directly. If you don't need a grilled fish net, many people will use a shovel to turn it, but you must insert the shovel under the fish.

By the time you find the fish still sticking to the grill, it's too late, the skin has been torn, and people are using food clips, which can be a bit rough.

Yang Ming has a very good method to avoid these flaws perfectly.

Yang Ming turned the fish with a cleaver, inserted the cleaver under the grill, and tried to lift the fish from the bottom.

If the fish is sticky, try it later. If it is not sticky, it will be easily lifted. If the fish and grill are prepared well in advance, they will not stick.

After confirming that it could be turned over, Yang Ming turned it over with a meat cleaver, and then slowly put it down.

After flipping, you can wait until the fish is cooked.

It's a pity that Yang Ming didn't have a quick-reading thermometer on hand. Otherwise, he could insert it into the thickest part of the fish to confirm. If it reaches 57 degrees Celsius, it means the inside is cooked.

It doesn't matter if you don't, based on Yang Ming's past just insert a chopstick into the thickest part of the fish. If you can't insert it, you will only find that the surface of the grilled fish has turned yellow and crispy, which means that the inside If it is not cooked through, continue to grill the fish.

After some debugging, once the chopsticks can be inserted into the thickest part of the fish, it means that the grilled fish is completely cooked.

Accompanied by the curling cigarettes, the unique sandalwood fragrance of sandalwood is mixed in the smoke, mixed with the delicious taste of fish, slowly spreading out.

Just take a breath and you'll feel heartfelt joy!

Before finally serving, Yang Ming placed the grilled fish on top of a large banana leaf to cool.

Afterwards, Yang Ming directly squeezed the fruits picked by other employees, squeezing the fruits, letting the juices splash out, dripping onto the grilled fish little by little, making a slight popping sound. sound.

By this time, it's basically ready to serve.

Of course, due to obsessive-compulsive disorder, Yang Ming only gave everyone a taste after disposing of the fish head and tail.

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