Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 754: Taste grilled fish

Just take a breath and you'll feel heartfelt joy!

Before finally serving, Yang Ming placed the grilled fish on top of a large banana leaf to cool.

Afterwards, Yang Ming directly squeezed the fruits picked by other employees, squeezing the fruits, letting the juices splash out, dripping onto the grilled fish little by little, making a slight popping sound. sound.

By this time, it's basically ready to serve.

Of course, due to obsessive-compulsive disorder, Yang Ming only gave everyone a taste after disposing of the fish head and tail.

Watching a live gar being grilled into a crispy grilled fish is self-evident and delightful.

Jun Malu lined up, holding a banana leaf in his hand, and got a portion of the grilled fish from Boss Yang Ming, and immediately ran to a big tung tree happily.

Seeing that Junmalu got the most delicious part of fish belly, Jiraiya licked his face and stepped forward, saying:

"Jun Ma Lu, why don't I change yours. I heard that eating fish belly is easy to gain weight. For a handsome young man like you, it's better not to eat so fat."

I have never seen such a brazen person!

Looking at the grilled fish that Jiraiya had eaten with only bones left, Junmarou rolled his eyes.

He's not a dog, so don't bite the bone!

Therefore, Junmalu said simply: "No!"

"If you want to change, go find someone else!"

"This..." Seeing the extremely delicious fish belly in front of him, Jirai also became anxious, and took out the latest version of Intimacy Paradise from his arms, "Or, I'll use this Intimacy Paradise with my autograph. exchange with you?"

"I'm not bragging, my Intimacy Paradise hasn't been released yet. It's a sought-after item outside, and it's worth a lot of money with my own autograph!"

Jun Malu silently opened the intimacy paradise and glanced at the catalogue:

"The opposite **** is only for reproduction, the same **** is true love!"

"I'll soak up the boss in women's clothing!"

"The beauty's personal master is me!"


Seeing so many bizarre catalogues, Junma Lu met Jiraiya's inquiring gaze, silently closed the book, and returned him to the other party.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in this book!"

"Nani?" Jiraiya was also hit!

Seeing that Jun Ma Lu was too tough to eat, Zi Lai was helpless, so he had no choice but to shake his head and go to the other side.

Not bothering him without coming, Junma Lu leaned against a big banyan tree.

With the breeze coming, the green grass is swaying and colorful, Jun Ma Lu looks at the blue sky and white clouds, green water and green mountains in the distance, and tastes a piece of grilled fish in a quiet and peaceful environment.

In the past, Jun Ma Lu was not a foodie, but since he came to Yang Ming's shop, he has become obsessed with food.

Junma Lu looked down, and on the green banana leaves washed with clean water, the grilled fish with its skin slightly charred and red and hot, was lying quietly on it, with the fragrance wafting away in the wind. It is overflowing and charming, stirring the desire in people's hearts.


Junma Lu silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

This layer of grilled fish has a crispy skin on the outside. After Yang Ming poured a layer of juice, it was mixed with a sweet, delicious and attractive fragrance. Junma Lu stepped forward and took a bite. With a click, the aroma of barbecue, the fragrance of fruit juice, and the woody fragrance of sandalwood immediately hit the nostrils.

At the same time, the slippery fish inside was swallowed along the skin at once. The crispy outside and tender inside was not dry, smooth and tender. Anyone who tasted it would definitely not be able to resist taking a second bite. .

“Delicious! So delicious!”

Junma Lu's eyes lit up, no matter how many times he's eaten grilled fish, he can't let go of the taste of this fish!

Putting the soft white fish in his mouth, Junma Lu couldn't help but let out a groan.

The grilled fish is fragrant and rich, accompanied by the taste of juice, the taste is deep and aftertaste, just like the nine-curved Yellow River rising from the sky, and like the eighteen bends of the mountain road here, after eating the stomach, there is a refreshing feeling!

In particular, gar is different from ordinary fish. It has a lot of fish fat, which is mixed between the skin and flesh of the fish. It is soft and attractive in the mouth. It has a unique flavor and is unforgettable.

Life is alive for decades, and it is a blessing to be able to eat, drink and sleep.

While enjoying the bounty of nature, isn't it one of life's great joys to watch the shop staff laughing and roaming around?

Jun Ma Lu raised his head to the sky, looked at the clouds, and was a savage in the mountains, tasting the food cooked by Boss Yang Ming. It was an extreme enjoyment.

Thinking of this, Junmarou was hungry again.

Junma Luyong didn't care about being dirty or hot, grabbed the grilled fish, shoved it into his mouth, and ate it whole.

The dry-hot grilled fish instantly turned into a red-fire-like flavor. The fish meat with a light fruity aroma is very attractive. The smooth and tender fish meat is sandwiched with melt-in-your-mouth fish paste. It is really delicious!

In this one, the fish meat is covered with a layer of juice, and with the teeth chewing slowly for a while, the taste will be particularly soft and smooth, as if a piece of silk is wrapped around the tip of the tongue, with a light juice taste, eat it in the mouth There is a taste of happiness.

While many employees were enjoying their meal, Yang Ming also used the tools at hand to squeeze out the sweet and delicious juice from the remaining fruits and spread them on the prepared sandwiches.

The sandwiches are made before the departure of Yang Ming's spring tour, in order to avoid not having enough food on the road.

When the sandwich with juice entered his mouth, Yang Ming suddenly felt a fragrant and attractive fruit taste, sweet and soft taste, just good taste, the perfect sandwich can withstand the picky taste of various tastes.

When you take off the outer layer of wrapping, you can see that the sandwich is filled with ham, which is full of nutrition and at the same time, it is also very appetizing.

In addition to tasting, Yang Ming couldn't help but think greedily, if at this time, if paired with a cup of rich coffee, the mellow taste, charming color, and rich coffee aroma must be It will make people feel relaxed and happy, and the lips and teeth will be fragrant.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing now, which is really a fly in the ointment.

Unlike many employees, Neji and Dingji have no appetite at all.

The two of them are also brothers and sisters in trouble. Originally, they thought that they had been chasing Bai for so long, and they had already been able to bear fruit, but who knows!

What an unspeakable tragedy!

At this time, the two rivals, Neiji and Dingci, looked at each other.

Ningci: "Dingci, you're so miserable, you're just a quick shooter in less than three seconds!"

Dingci: "Ningci, how does it feel to be squeezed dry?"

The two looked at each other, and suddenly there were 10,000 creatures with the grass name Nima running in their hearts.

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