Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 773: Don't pretend, we're still good friends

Humans have been making complex dishes since the earliest civilizations. More than 2,000 years ago in China, Confucius said, "Eat is not tired of fines, and food is not tired of fines".

Among the three ancient Indian civilizations in the Americas, the rich and colorful cooking methods of potatoes in Peru, the countless varieties of peppers in Mexican kitchens, and the varieties of yellow, black, and green corn in Central America have been popular until now. Le Road.

The great French writer Romain Rolland once said: "There is no concept of progress in art, because no matter how far we look back, we will find that our predecessors have reached a perfect state... If someone thinks that centuries of effort have brought our progress close to Perfect, that would be ridiculous."

In the world of the spirit of halberd, the culinary experts here have studied and made food as art and science. Even if it is not perfect, it must be unique.

Yuanyue Restaurant seems to have gathered the attention of all diners for a while, which is breathtaking. The unimaginable arrangement of dishes and ingredients, as well as the wonderful and varied taste, make those who have experienced it feel that they are not eating one after another. instead of enjoying the art on a plate.

For these competitors who had never met, Yang Ming left Yang Ming's small shop with curiosity about the food in the world of Spirit of Halberd and walked into this restaurant that has long been hotly debated by the entire Konoha Village.

Of course, Yang Ming was rich now, so he naturally chose to go to the VIP room.

This is a very ordinary-looking room. On the wooden-decorated courtyard wall near the door, there is an art logo representing Yuanyue Restaurant.

Walking in, Yang Ming found that this is an independent courtyard. In the small courtyard, there are several sofas and coffee tables under the shade of trees. The floor-to-ceiling glass of the restaurant naturally divides the space into garden, restaurant, rest area and open-air cooling area, etc. Neat, warm and comfortable.

"It's really maddening people to compare people!"

"This interior design alone has completely exploded my store!"

Seeing this, Yang Ming sighed in his heart, and suddenly a sense of crisis appeared.

Facing such a competitor, this is not an easy thing to deal with!

"Sir, do you need anything?"

At this moment, a sweet voice sounded, awakening Yang Ming from his contemplation.

Yang Ming looked up, my dear, the beautiful waitress in front of her, she was simply a childlike giant, pure in appearance, tall and slender, wearing a low-cut maid outfit with black and white patterns, which made her look rational. The coquettishness of the little woman, when she leaned down a little, she could see the Alps, which made the blood flow!

Fortunately, Yang Ming is also a time-tested person. He didn't do anything bad because of the beauty of the other party. He couldn't help but make the beautiful waiter feel good and give him a few more glances.

Yang Ming didn't care, took the menu from her and flipped through it.

On these menus, there are not only pictures, but also famous names, and the ingredients of the dishes are also listed.

There are some foods cooked by chefs in the world of the spirit of halberd. It can be said that the principle of molecular gastronomy is applied. By changing the molecular structure of ingredients, recombining them, and slow cooking at low temperature to create unique foods, such as making a kind of food. An ingredient tastes and looks like another ingredient, etc. Such is the pursuit of the art and science of molecular gastronomy.

Seeing this, Yang Ming couldn't help but sigh:

"It's not easy for your restaurant. These delicacies that have to be prepared after several days of busy work are digested by customers in a moment. It would be a pity if they were given to customers who didn't know the goods."

Yang Ming's question has a hidden mystery. It can be said that an immortal guides the way and can detect the tip of the iceberg of this restaurant.

In this regard, the beautiful waiter smiled sweetly and said:

"Yes, our carefully crafted artwork disappears very quickly. However, it will exist in another form and will remain deeply in the minds of every customer. To achieve this, our restaurant Togetsu Our chefs are looking for all kinds of natural and fresh colors and flavors in the whole ninja world. The most important thing is the flavor, which can evoke people's good memories. Some of them can even be reminiscent of childhood tastes, giving people a good and happy feeling. experience."

After a pause, she continued:

"The taste is directly connected to the brain and it stays in the memory for a long time, so we worked hard to make the taste more pure, authentic and rich."

Yuanyue Restaurant is not easy!

Yang Ming took a deep look at the beautiful waiter, and he could see that this beautiful waiter was not a person from the spirit world of eating halberds, but a native of Konoha Village.

But it is such a native of Hokage World. After joining the Yuanyue Restaurant, it was just a short period of time, as if it was a different person, and the spirit of the whole body changed.

Moreover, as for Yang Ming's seemingly simple question, but in fact it was a hidden mystery, but he was neither humble nor arrogant, and the answer was fluent, it could be seen that Yuanyue Restaurant deserves to gather all the senior chefs in the world of the spirit of eating halberds.

The water here is very deep!

Yang Ming just looked at the menu once. From the names on the menu and the use of ingredients, he already guessed that the ingredients in Yuanyue Restaurant are mainly local special ingredients, and they use seasonal fresh ingredients, through tradition and innovation. Combining methods to make, form your own style and character.

Yang Ming couldn't help but concentrate, looking at the title page of the menu, which read this sentence:

"We try to innovate, but we also respect tradition, because traditional cuisine is our foundation."

Indeed, UU Kanshu Yuanyue Restaurant has achieved the goal of giving customers a new experience. In fact, the customer experience goes beyond the dozens of dishes on the table. As soon as you enter the door, attentive and considerate service begins. The restaurant tries its best to provide guests with a comfortable, quiet and elegant environment, paying attention to every detail. The waiter will offer drinks or coffee, explain the situation in the restaurant, or show you the kitchen.

Some people say that restaurants are like music. There are classical music, pop music, heavy metal music, rock music, jazz, etc. Different people have different preferences. Another example is painting, there are different genres, Yuanyue Restaurant is a modernist restaurant. In this era of pursuit of difference, this restaurant has made food an art and given science to three meals a day.

Perhaps a poet can be quoted to express Yang Ming's feelings about Yuanyue Restaurant:

"You stole my heart with the tenderness of the seasoning."

"Use the notes of the delicacy to play the melody of the song of your life."

If you use a line from a web article instead, it would be:

Don't pretend, we are still good friends!

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