Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 774: Shock! The best food at Totsuki Restaurant!

"You stole my heart with the tenderness of the seasoning."

"Use the notes of the delicacy to play the melody of the song of your life."

No matter how the world changes, how history evolves, the only constant in this world are two things: food and human love for food.

After reading the dishes on the menu, a thoughtful look flashed in Yang Ming's eyes, while the beautiful waiter on the side saw this, but just stood still like a virgin, with his mouth slightly raised, waiting patiently, without revealing A trace of impatient look, giving people an excellent experience.

The dishes of Yuanyue Restaurant always give people a subversive feeling. No matter from the use, collocation and arrangement of ingredients, they are always innovating and making breakthroughs. This is somewhat different from the rich experience of the chefs of Yuanyue Restaurant. necessary relationship.

Just by looking at the dishes on the menu, Yang Ming, relying on his past experience, can find the common points of these dishes on the menu: they are infinitely close to nature, and use the most natural and wild flowers and ingredients to give them vitality to serve customers. A feast for sight and taste buds.

After thinking for a while, Yang Ming already had an idea in his mind. He pointed to the menu and said:

"Please, give me this...this...and this dish."

Yang Ming ordered a lot of dishes, covering various types of dishes in Yuanyue Restaurant, including drinks, appetizers, main dishes, and even desserts.

At the same time, Yang Ming speaks very fast and flips through the menu frequently. However, the waitress was very patient with Yang Ming's problems, her big bright eyes blinked and the pen in her hand rustled. It sounded, in one go, without the slightest interruption, and the beautiful writing fell on the text.

When Yang Ming's voice fell, her pen just stopped writing.

"Okay, guest, please wait a moment, I'll bring it to you!"

Yang Ming was also a little stunned. He didn't expect that the waiter's training was so well-trained that he could resolve his deliberate problems invisibly. While admiring in his heart, he also paid more and more attention to Yuanyue Restaurant.

Even the waiters are like this, so what about the strength of those chefs in Yuanyue Restaurant?

Really looking forward to it!

Although the waiting time is long, Yuanyue Restaurant will not let the guests get bored. The beautiful Moscow tune slowly sounds, like a close friend in the boudoir, who is pouring out the pain of Acacia in the heart, which makes people immersed in this wonderful in the music.

"Guest, this is the dish you ordered, please take it slow!"

I don't know how long ago, the beautiful waiter with a childish face, pushing a small car, slowly walked into this VIP room, and took advantage of the beautiful and picturesque dishes one by one. in front of Ming.

Fabulous night under the moon at Konoha Village, beautiful imaginative food presentation creative but not exaggerated. Beside a beautiful woman, there is delicious food in front of you, you should really sing the wine, and drink boldly.

On the menu, you can see that there is still something on the wine list on the left. Yang Ming ordered an aperitif called Murloc Tears, which is very poetic. Just seeing the name made Yang Ming extremely excited. curiosity.

This glass of wine is worthy of the name of Murloc Tears. The whole body is transparent and colorless. Yang Ming took a sip. With the movement of his Adam's apple, the wine fell into his stomach. He only felt that the wine tasted clear, sour, and bitter, blending with each other. , a bit like the feeling of lemon juice, which is really suitable for appetizers.

A good dish can not only achieve full color, flavor, but also meet visual needs. In a sense, the food in front of you is already a work of art. You can appreciate it, taste it, put it in your mouth and chew it slowly, every bite is a happy taste. Yuanyue Restaurant, not only the dining environment is full of unique European and American style, but also the exquisite dishes touch the taste buds.

Yang Ming ordered all the delicacies of Yuanyue Restaurant in the world of the spirit of eating halberds.

The first dish Yang Ming ate was a Moroccan-style appetizer. The fresh mint naturally dipped on the biscuits on his finger. When he bit into it, the taste was sweet and minty, giving people a sense of taste. A refreshing experience.

The second dish is also full of exotic flavors. The grape leaves wrapped around the Turkish bread taste very fresh. Although the structure inside is very small, it blends well without any conflict or incongruity. Turkish bread was originally tossed with ground wheat, parsley leaves and tomatoes etc. Sometimes it is wrapped in grape leaves and placed under it.

The third dish was Spanish potato and onion omelette, which impressed Yang Ming the most. Under normal circumstances, this should be a very solid thing that was made into egg yolk, and the juice inside was fried in the mouth the moment he bit it. , the texture is very similar to egg yolk, but the taste in the mouth is exactly the same as a normal egg roll, even the caramel aroma of the onion is in it. Strictly speaking, the potato and onion omelette here is sold in every tavern in Spain, and the potato and onion omelet that each home makes by itself is regarded as the national dish of Spain.

"Hmm, very good, very interesting food!"

Yang Ming wiped his mouth, took a sip of water to moisten his throat, removed the odor in his mouth, and began to try the next dish.

The puffed kidneys of Yuanyue Restaurant are also very unique. At the beginning, Yang Ming didn't notice that the menu was written on kidneys, because it was cooked with liver, and the slightly bitter taste made the tongue coating wake up again after accepting so many delicate and complex tastes. .

How do you feel, it's a bit of a taste of cowardice.

For those who are this is a very novel experience.

But for Yang Ming, it was a little uncomfortable.

After eating the main dish, it is the dessert after the meal. This is a layer of juice wrapped in a chocolate film. The juice is added with truffle oil, so it has a strong truffle taste.

After biting it, it will burst open, so you have to eat it whole. There are some small things with strong graininess in it. It feels like a truffle that has just been dug out of the soil. It is a very natural and wild way to eat.

The apples and duck livers are beautiful in shape, and the cooking methods live up to these two ingredients that are already very compatible.

The imitation and road snow square bricks made of white asparagus and truffles were served frozen, which moved Yang Ming even more. It's not just sentimental, it's full of nostalgia. It is full of European and American style in the 1990s, and the taste is unparalleled.

Yang Ming had never thought that white asparagus could still taste like this before. It was cool, sweet and fragrant, which was completely different from the crisp taste of white asparagus that ordinary chefs pursued.

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