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"I know!" Uchiha Mikoto was a little unhappy when her confession was interrupted by Li, but she could still say that kind of thing for the first time because of the momentum. Now that the momentum is gone, how can she say it? She lowered her head and trotted home to change clothes.

Looking at Uchiha Mikoto's back, Li shook his head helplessly and murmured,"She is still so naughty at the age of nine. She is far from the gentle and virtuous lady of the clan leader in the future!"

It was already late at this time. When Uchiha Mikoto changed her clothes and came over, the sky became dim. Uchiha Mikoto was wearing a white kimono, standing at the door of Li's yard. Her long black hair was tied on top of her head, revealing her smooth forehead. Her beautiful big eyes were narrowed into crescents, and she was smiling.

"Brother Li, let's go quickly, everyone is probably getting impatient!"Uchiha Mikoto waved to Li.

Looking at Uchiha Mikoto's outfit, Li was slightly stunned, and a strange feeling rose in his heart. Hearing Mikoto's call, Li also came back to his senses, walked out of the yard quickly, and came to Uchiha Mikoto's side. Uchiha Mikoto quickly put her left hand on Li's wrist, with a smile on her face.


" Li frowned.

Such an intimate action can only be done between lovers.

He and Mikoto grew up together and belonged to the same family.

Although they were not blood relatives, they were also very close relatives.

With such a background, is it really okay to do such an intimate action? Although he felt a little repulsive in his heart, subconsciously, Li did not want to break free from Uchiha Mikoto's hand, especially when he saw Mikoto's beautiful dress and those cute big eyes.

Li felt that his heart seemed to twitch, and the strange feeling was even stronger.

"Brother Li, what are you thinking about? Let's go!" Uchiha Mikoto didn't notice Li's abnormality and urged him.

""Hmm!" After coming to his senses, Li didn't care so much. Just hold each other's arms. It shouldn't be a big deal to do some intimate actions between relatives.

After leaving Uchiha, they came to the streets of Konoha. Suddenly, the passers-by cast their eyes on Li and Mikoto.

"This is Uchiha Li, the number one genius of Konoha. He seems to be only nine years old this year!"

"Yes, nine years ago, his parents brought him to me to buy diapers!"

"Time flies so fast. A few years ago, this kid was only as tall as my waist, but now he is the number one genius in Konoha!"

Some elders started to discuss, feeling that time flies so fast. The kid they thought was autistic has grown into such an excellent ninja. His gorgeous lightning escape technique has really brought great honor to Konoha.

""Master Li? That's Master Li?"

The children in Konoha are very precocious.

Some students wandering the streets accidentally saw Li and shouted excitedly.

Now Li's reputation is high in Konoha.

Almost every household is discussing Raikiri and envious of Li for being able to create such a powerful ninjutsu.

Parents are talking and their children are listening.

In addition, Li once studied in a ninja school, so those who know Li began to follow him.

The fan club is growing.

Everyone in the ninja school knows that Konoha has a genius who created an S-level ninjutsu at the age of nine.

Precocious children, there will be fewer crazy fans.

"Damn, who is that girl next to Master Li?"

"It seems to be a member of Li's clan, Chiha Mikoto!"

"No matter who she is, she must leave Master Li. She dared to hold Master Li's hand so intimately. It is really unbearable!"

The fans had a lot of resentment towards Mikoto, but no matter how fiercely they said, they did not dare to really come forward. Everyone could see that Li was very good to the girl holding his hand, and the two were from the same clan. In addition, Uchiha Mikoto was indeed very beautiful and cute. In this situation, who would dare to go up and pull Uchiha Mikoto away?

"Brother Li, those people's eyes are so scary!" Uchiha Mikoto also felt a chill down her spine, and she tightened her arm around Li's, almost hiding her whole body in Li's arms.

"It's okay, I'm here, no one can hurt you!" Li shook his head slightly and patted the back of Mikoto's head.


Just as he was about to answer, Uchiha Mikoto's foot suddenly twisted and she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Li was quick to hug her. When he looked down, he realized that Uchiha Mikoto accidentally stepped on a piece of gravel, and she was wearing clogs. This step made her lose balance and twisted her foot.

"Are you okay?"After helping Uchiha Mikoto up, Li frowned and asked

"'s okay, I just sprained my foot, I'm afraid I can't walk anymore!"Uchiha Mikoto was sweating profusely from the pain, but she didn't want to make Li worry, so she gritted her teeth and said it was okay.

"Really, you are too careless!"Li sighed helplessly, and then flicked Uchiha Mikoto's forehead.

Uchiha Mikoto grimaced in pain after being flicked by Li. She felt very wronged. It was painful for her to sprain her foot. It would be fine if she didn't get any comfort, but she was flicked on the forehead. She was about to get angry, but Li came in front of Uchiha Mikoto and squatted down slightly.

"Come up!"

Hearing Li's words, Uchiha Mikoto immediately forgot the pain, looked at the pedestrians on the street shyly, lowered her head and whispered,"Is it okay?"

"Of course, you always call me brother Li, so it’s only right for me to fulfill my brother’s duties!" Li nodded, and then urged,"Come up quickly!" Li didn’t turn her head. If she turned back, she would definitely see Uchiha Mikoto’s eyes that turned from happy to sad. In her heart, she had never regarded Li as a brother. But...

After carrying Uchiha Mikoto on her back, Li felt that she was unexpectedly light. Her heart softened, and she said softly,"Don’t practice so hard in the future. With me here, no one can bully you. I’ll take you home now. As for the party, forget it. Just explain to them tomorrow!"

"Oh!" Uchiha Mikoto lay on Li's back and replied weakly.

"What's wrong? Do you want to go to the party so much?"Li was a little helpless, thinking that Uchiha Mikoto was unhappy because she couldn't go to the party. After thinking for a while, he said again,"When your foot is healed, I will take you out to eat delicious food. Now, you have to stay at home and take care of your foot. Don't leave any hidden diseases, understand?"

"I know it!" Uchiha Mikoto hummed, and then buried her face in Li's back, feeling very annoyed.

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