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""Li, thank you for sending Mikoto back. Oh, Mikoto is such a careless child. I didn't expect that she would sprain her foot!"

After sending Uchiha Mikoto home, Li met Mikoto's grandfather, the third elder of the Uchiha clan.

Li knew that the third elder belonged to the moderate faction, but this was not absolute.

The third elder was a moderate on the surface, but in fact he was a wavering person.

He said that he was on the same boat with Uchiha Hao, but when suppressing the fighting faction, the third elder did not dare to do too much.

To put it nicely, he was leaving a way out for a meeting in the future.

To put it bluntly, he was a fence-sitter, looking at which way the wind was blowing.

If the wind was in favor of the moderate faction, the third elder would completely become a moderate.

If the wind was blowing towards the fighting faction, the third elder would probably switch to the fighting faction immediately.

So at this moment, even though he knew that Li was on the side of the fighting faction, he still looked enthusiastic, unlike Uchiha Hao, who saw Li as if he saw an enemy.

""The Third Elder is too kind. Mikoto is a very good girl and will definitely become a great female ninja in the future!" Li said indifferently. He did not despise the Third Elder's character. People look down on fence-sitters, but in Li's opinion, steel is easy to break, and being too soft will go with the flow. Being in between is the kingly way of survival. However, here we are talking about survival. If you want to achieve great things, fence-sitters will not work.

"Haha, Mikoto is not close to anyone in the clan, but she is close to you. I will ask you for help from now on. As long as you don't let her suffer a big loss, I will thank you!" The third elder shook his head, but he was smiling. His intention was obvious. He let Uchiha Mikoto board the ship, and he would continue to act as a moderate. When the time came, the moderates and the fighting factions would fight, no matter who won or lost, he would be able to withdraw unscathed. Why not?

"Don't worry, as long as I, Uchiha Li, am still alive, no one in this world can let Mikoto suffer the slightest injustice!"Li curled his lips slightly and said seriously, with unparalleled confidence in his tone, no matter if you are Uchiha Madara or Kaguya, as long as I am given enough time, what can stop me?

"Third Elder, it’s getting late. I’ll take my leave now. I’ll come to visit Misaka tomorrow!" Li said, and turned around and walked out of the yard.

Looking at Li’s back, the smile on the Third Elder’s face disappeared completely.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured,"Fighting faction? Haha, the two factions have been deadlocked for so long.

In a few years, it will be time to decide the winner.

Uchiha Li is so talented.

If he wants to defeat the moderate faction, no one can stop him!

Although I am a moderate faction, as long as Misaka is here, Uchiha Li will definitely not do anything excessive to me!

"Thinking of this, the Third Elder smiled again and planned when to get his granddaughter engaged to Li.

This way, it would be foolproof.

As for Uchiha Hao, he could just say that he respected the choice of young people to fool him.

Li could also see the Third Elder's thoughts and intentions, but he didn't care.

In the entire Uchiha clan, only Uchiha Mikoto was the person Li had to protect.

Since the Third Elder was Mikoto's grandfather, even if he became his enemy in the future, he could not kill the Third Elder for Mikoto's sake, even if the Third Elder did not use Mikoto to protect himself.

Therefore, the Third Elder's idea was just a superfluous move, and it would not do anything except make Li sigh at the sadness of being a fence-sitter.


Time flies by, no one can catch up, no one can catch up. After the Second Ninja World War, the Ninja World has been peaceful for six years. The peaceful days are always very long, and everyone is spending them in happiness. However, there are also some young ninjas with great dreams who are practicing hard.

"Uchiha Li, the Hokage is calling for an emergency, please go to the Hokage building as soon as possible to gather!"

After finishing the morning exercise of the new day, just when he wanted to take a breath, an Anbu suddenly appeared in front of Li and hurriedly announced the order of the Third Hokage.

The Anbu came and went quickly, and disappeared directly after he finished speaking.

I think he was going to inform other ninjas.

Seeing this, Li frowned immediately.

What on earth could make the Third Hokage issue an emergency call? Since the end of the Ninja World War, this emergency call has not been used for six years.

Unless the village is in danger of being destroyed or the war breaks out, this kind of emergency call order will be issued in order to quickly gather the ninja army.

"Why think so much? Let's go and have a look first!" Thinking of this, Li had disappeared from the spot.

Hokage Building!

When Li arrived, hundreds of ninjas had gathered in the hall on the first floor of the Hokage Building. Each of them was a Chunin level or above. Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and White Fang were all present, standing at the front of all the ninjas. In front of them, the Third Hokage stood there with a serious face. Even Danzo and the two advisors of Konoha had arrived. It seemed that this matter was no small matter.

Several more groups of ninjas came one after another. After a while, the wide hall was full of people. Namikaze Minato and Kushina also arrived. They stood beside Li with doubts, but because so many people and the Hokage were In the past three years, everyone has changed a lot, and the biggest changes are still Namikaze Minato and Li. Both of them are now jonin. In fact, Li was already a jonin a year ago. At this time , Li is already about

1.6 meters tall, with long black hair almost reaching his waist, casually draped, and the right eye in front is covered by the long hair, only the left eye is exposed. He is still wearing the black high-collared coat. The older he gets, the more similar Li looks to Madara. Many people in the clan already think that Li is the reincarnation of Uchiha Madara. Putting aside his appearance, his talent is simply shocking, and his strength is unfathomable.

""Brother Li?"

The only one who would call him that was Uchiha Mikoto. At the age of twelve, Uchiha Mikoto had grown up to be very beautiful. She was 1.6 meters tall, only a few centimeters shorter than Li. She was also a Chunin now, and a member of the Uchiha clan. Naturally, she was summoned to attend this meeting. Seeing that Li had already arrived, she immediately ran over to greet him happily. Uchiha Fugaku, who was following behind him, had a gloomy face and said nothing.

"Mikoto, don't be so close to Li, there are so many people watching here!" Kushina saw Uchiha Mikoto grab Li's hand whenever she had the chance, and she immediately became dissatisfied and said angrily with her eyes wide open.

"Humph, this is my Li Gege, why can't I get close to her, but you, why are you so intimate with my Li Gege?" Uchiha Mikoto was not to be outdone. The two of them had quarreled a lot over Li's affairs over the past three years, but every time Uchiha Mikoto failed. Well, Kushina's temper is like that. Uchiha Mikoto is not as open as Kushina in some aspects.

"Okay, the Third Hokage is about to start talking, you two should be quiet!" Li shook his head slightly. Although he was used to this situation, he still felt a headache.

At this time, the Third Hokage coughed twice, glanced at the ninjas below with a serious face, and said,"We received a report from the intelligence department last night that the Kusagakure, Longguku, and Yuguku surrounded the Whirlpool Country in three directions. Their intentions are worthy of death. As an ally of our Fire Country, the Whirlpool Country must not sit idly by and watch this happen!"_

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