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"Mito, your luck has run out. Why do you come here instead of hiding away and enjoying your last moments? Do you think you can conquer me with your broken body? Stop kidding, get out of here!" The

Nine-Tails was in high spirits.

Seeing the person who had imprisoned him for so many years, the Nine-Tails laughed out loud.

Although his tone was hateful, he did not have much murderous intent.

After all, they had lived together for decades, and Uzumaki Mito would go to enlighten him every once in a while.

Even if the Nine-Tails couldn't stand it, he knew that Uzumaki Mito was not as bad as other humans, and he was not an ungrateful person.

Although he would not ask Uzumaki Minato to seal him again and save Uzumaki Mito, he would not kill Uzumaki Mito.

"Nine-tailed Fox, you still haven't told me your name in all these years, so I can only call you Nine-tailed Fox now. Are you really happy like this now?" Uzumaki Mito shook his head slightly and said lightly.

"Uzumaki Mito, in the eyes of you humans, we tailed beasts are just beasts. Although I admit that you are different from others, so what? You are about to die now. Once the Jinchūriki is stripped of the tailed beast, your life will also come to an end. You have ended up like this, which can only be said to be God's will. Isn't it too late to say this now?"The Nine-Tails shook its tail and said angrily

"After all, we are all creatures in the same world.

There is no need to distinguish the difference between beasts and humans.

If you really want to distinguish, the only difference is the heart.

If the heart is that of a beast, then it is a beast.

If the heart is that of a human, then it is a human.

It depends on how you look at this issue.

However, this answer cannot be solved for both you and me.

Whether it is a human or a beast, they all have their own persistence and philosophy of survival.

I will not deny your existence.

As for whether you are denying me or denying the whole world, you have to ask your own heart!

" Having said that, Uzumaki Mito coughed slightly twice, and scarlet blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

After wiping the blood, Uzumaki Mito shook his head slightly and said again,"It seems that I don’t have much time.

Next, I will seal you again.

As for the answer, one day, you will find it.

I wish you luck, my companion for many years!

" A violent white light burst out from Uzumaki Mito's body, illuminating the entire night.

""Hokage, I didn't see Kushina Uzumaki, not even Uchiha Li!"

The ninja who was looking for Kushina came back. Upon hearing the news, the Third Hokage's eyes went dark and he almost fainted. He was not a fool. This matter was definitely not that simple. Why did she disappear at this time? Now that the Jinchūriki was gone, even if Uzumaki Mito sacrificed himself to seal the tailed beast, what could he do? Without the Jinchūriki, he could only be trapped for a while.

""Minato, are you okay? Don't die!" A red-haired girl cried bitterly while hugging Minato Namikaze who was unconscious after being killed by the Nine-Tails. This girl was the orphan brought back by the Uzumaki clan after they were exterminated.

Seeing this girl, the Third Hokage's eyes lit up, and he walked over quickly. He first looked at Minato Namikaze and found that there was nothing wrong.

""Child, what's your name?" The third generation of fire body said gently

"My name is Uzumaki Shirin!"The red-haired boy, no, Uzumaki Shirin recognized this one, he was the village's Hokage, and when he heard the question, he didn't dare to neglect it and reported his name.

"Uzumaki Shiling?" The Third Hokage nodded when he heard this, and then pretended to be silent for a moment, and then said again,"Shiling, are you willing to help Konoha?"

"Lord Hokage, is there anything I can do for you?" Uzumaki Shirin wiped the tears from her face and asked with a sob.

"Well, you have seen that now the Nine-Tails suddenly appeared in the village for some unknown reason.

Countless ninjas lost their lives because of it, and even Minato was seriously injured and dying.

If this continues, I am afraid that the entire Konoha will be destroyed by the Nine-Tails.

……"The Third Hokage sighed helplessly and said nothing more, but his eyes would occasionally glance at Minato Namikaze and Uzumaki Shiryu.

He could see that Uzumaki Shiryu had a great liking for Minato Namikaze and might even be willing to become a Jinchūriki for Minato Namikaze.

"Hokage, please teach me what I dare to do, how can I protect Minato!" Uzumaki Shiryu looked at the Third Hokage with a firm face and asked. The

Third Hokage heard this, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then he frowned and said with embarrassment,"If you want to save the village and Minato, you must first seal the Nine-Tails. However, the life of the former Jinchūriki, Uzumaki Mito-sama, is about to come to an end. Now there is no other Jinchūriki in the village, so the Nine-Tails cannot be sealed!"

"Lord Hokage, please let me be your Jinchūriki. Lord Mito is from my Uzumaki clan. Although I am not as good as Lord Mito, I am willing to give it a try!" Upon hearing this, Uzumaki Shiling said without hesitation

"But this way, you will have less freedom in the future, don't you regret it?" The Third Hokage was relieved, but he still looked embarrassed and asked

"As long as I can save Minato, I don't mind!"


No matter how loud the battle between Kyuubi and Konoha was, it had nothing to do with the two hundred Uchiha clan members at the entrance of Konoha Village. Everyone opened their Sharingan and turned to look at the girl behind them. The person was Uchiha Mikoto, the granddaughter of the third elder of the moderate faction. However, no one dared to embarrass her. They all knew that this girl had a good relationship with the head of their family.

""Brother Li, why, why do you want to leave Konoha, why do you want to leave Uchiha!" Uchiha Mikoto seemed to have been running for a long time and couldn't catch her breath. She supported her knees slightly with her hands and breathed heavily.

Seeing this, Li looked at the first elder and the second elder, and said lightly,"You take the clansmen out first and wait for me in the Valley of the End!"

The Valley of the End is where the first Hokage and Uchiha fought a duel. There was no so-called valley there originally, but because the energy of the battle between the two was too huge, the terrain was forcibly changed, and the later Valley of the End was formed. The two statues were carved by Konoha to commemorate the strongest man in the ninja world at that time.

"Yes, clan leader!"

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