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""Brother Li!" Before Li could speak, Uchiha Mikoto had already thrown herself into Li's arms, sobbing and continuing,"Brother Li, are you going to betray Konoha and the family?""

Betray the family, betray Konoha?

Li was speechless, because what he was doing now was indeed like this, at least in the eyes of outsiders, this was a betrayal.

""Brother Li, are you unhappy in Konoha? Did the clan leader make things difficult for you? If so, I will go back and explain it to the clan leader, and he will definitely treat you better!

" Uchiha Mikoto was like a helpless child, hugging Li tightly, fearing that if he let go, the person in front of him would suddenly disappear.

At this time, Li didn't know how to comfort Mikoto, so he could only hold her and pat her back gently.

In Li's heart, only Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto were the most important people in the world.

From childhood to adulthood, Uchiha Mikoto has always been with him, and has been concerned about his daily life like a biological sister.

Li remembered all of this in his heart, but some things must be done, whether it is Uchiha or Kushina, the great elder entrusted the important task of Uchiha's revival to himself.

For such an old man, Li must shoulder it.

Kushina, this is the person he loves.

For her, he can't retreat even if he has to fight against the world.

If you want to protect, you must have strength and command.

The power that people fear, although they are not from this world, they know the trajectory of this world like gods.

This is not allowed.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, they will always be trapped in the vortex of this world.

Whether it is Uchiha or Kushina, their fate has been connected with this world since they were born into this world.

To stand out, to control their own destiny, and to protect the people they cherish, all of these premises are based on strength.

Their own strength and external strength are indispensable.

When their own and external strengths have reached the top of the world, who would dare to question their own existence? Who would dare to hurt the people they cherish?

After a while, Uchiha Mikoto stopped crying, broke free from Li's arms, looked up at Li, with two tears hanging on her big eyelashes, looking pitiful.

"Mikoto, everyone has their own way of survival. For me, fighting and becoming stronger are the value of my existence in the world. In Konoha, I will always be inferior to others. This is not the life I want, nor is it the life I allow myself to have!"Li wiped away Uchiha Mikoto's tears and said softly

"Why? With Brother Li's current strength, even if it is the entire Konoha, only one palm can defeat you. Isn't this enough?"Uchiha Mikoto sniffed and asked in a crying voice

"It’s not enough, totally not enough.

It’s not that I’m too strong now, but Konoha is too weak now.

I can’t stop here, I have to step onto a higher level!

" He shook his head, a firmness flashed in his eyes.

All the unfairness was caused by his own lack of ability.

Li would never forget this sentence.

Power is endless.

If you sit in a well and look at the sky, and are satisfied with a small world, sooner or later you will be swallowed up by masters outside this world.

Then not only yourself, but also your family, lover, brothers, friends, and clansmen, everything will be wiped out because of your own lack of ability.

Hearing this, Uchiha Mikoto lowered her head with a sad face. She could hear the firmness in Li’s tone, the kind of irreversible firmness. After a long silence, she looked up again and asked,"Brother Li, can you tell me why you are so obsessed with power and why you put so many burdens on yourself?"

"Because I don't want to make mistakes!"

These seven simple words made Uchiha Mikoto stunned. These seven words were too familiar to her. From childhood to adulthood, these seven words appeared most frequently in Li's mouth. She didn't understand them when she was young, but now, she understands the meaning of these seven words.

"Even if you don't want to make mistakes, as long as you stay within your means and don't hurt others, who will come to deal with you? There is no hatred without reason in this world, and there will be no hatred without reason. As long as we live well in the village and don't cause trouble,……."

"Mikoto, you are wrong.

This world is a big whirlpool, where you can see people wherever you look, you can hit people with your hand, and you will encounter people every time you take a step.

In this crowded world, even if you are careful, you will be pulled into the whirlpool.

People are social animals, no one can stand loneliness, and everyone wants to have bonds.

People's emotions are the most complicated, and sometimes bonds between people will be established unknowingly.

Once you have bonds, you will not be able to escape from the whirlpool.

If you don't struggle hard, sooner or later you will be swallowed up by the whirlpool!


Before Uchiha Mikoto could finish, Li interrupted her.

Uchiha Mikoto had never experienced war and didn't know its cruelty.

As the only granddaughter of the third elder, she was pursued by Uchiha Fugaku, the son of the clan leader, and protected by Li, the first genius of Konoha.

No one in Konoha, the entire Uchiha, dared to show her displeasure.

Such an environment made Uchiha Mikoto develop a naive character, thinking that the world would be peaceful if she just kept to herself.

Uchiha Mikoto was speechless.

Although she was naive, she was not stupid.

Li said this to this point, and she understood that bonds were the most precious thing for human beings, but they were also the source of disasters.

Li's bonds were between Kushina and herself, but her own bonds were more, Li, Grandpa, clan members, and Kushina.

If anyone hurt Kushina, Li would definitely repay them a hundredfold.

If someone hurt Li, she would not let the person who hurt Li go either.

"Brother Li, can you take me with you?"

After a long silence, Uchiha Mikoto looked at Li firmly. There was no hesitation in her eyes when she said this. Looking at Li, Uchiha Mikoto knew very well the feeling in her heart. Perhaps from the time she became sensible, from the time she followed Li with a runny nose and kept calling"Brother Li", she could never leave this boy again in her life.

"Mikoto, have you really decided? What about your grandfather?"Li was stunned for a moment. Uchiha Mikoto's words were indeed unexpected.

"Brother Li, although grandpa is old, there are so many people in the clan taking care of him, so I think there won't be many problems.

But brother Li, it's different.

The people around you are all fighting people.

They only like to fight and don't know how to take care of others.

And you know Kushina's personality.

It's okay for others to take care of her.

If I'm not by your side, who will take care of you in the future!

So, brother Li, please don't abandon me, I……..

"As she spoke, Uchiha Mikoto's eyes turned red again, tears flowed down uncontrollably, and her voice became sobbing at the end, which made people feel distressed.

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