Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 328 The King of Troubled Times

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It was at that time that Akunolokia officially stepped onto the stage of history. He relied on his initial team of two thousand people, and then continued to expand. He relied on his personality charm, Gathering a group of cronies, these cronies were even loyal to Acnologia to the point of death. At that time, Acnologia was self-made, so he could not afford to pay for military training, but he No one wanted to leave him in this situation.

Until later, Acnologia unified the human countries on the entire continent, and then began foreign wars. It was at this time that the ruler of Ishgard continent, Infinite City, had problems, because the proliferation of white magic caused the entire With the collapse of civilization, Acnologia made a decisive cross-oceanic expedition to restore the continent of Ishgard. Then, relying on his powerful skills, he made friends with far and near, and soon, a large number of races were driven out by him. He discovered the Western Continent and the Northern Continent, which is the Ishgard Continent. Later, by coincidence, he discovered the Eastern Continent.

At that time, the Eastern Continent was completely closed off. Acnologia began to invade the Eastern Continent with the power of himself and his dragon friends.

And it was at that time that a voice appeared within the Dragon Clan...

"Humans are too strong, let's eliminate them."

In fact, at the beginning, the Dragon Clan just had a wait-and-see attitude towards the war between the Human Race and other races, or to put it simply, it felt like——

It feels like watching two or several insects of different species fighting.

They did not intervene, or just helped one of them a little according to their own preferences, but now the power of the human race makes the dragon race feel afraid.

Therefore, some of the dragons in the dragon tribe are preparing to eliminate humans. After all, insects cannot be too conspicuous, while another group of dragons in the dragon tribe believe that they should live in peace with the human race. After all, the dragon tribe is too lonely.

Soon, what was supposed to be a war of annihilation between the dragons and humans turned into a war between one part of the dragons and another part of the dragons and humans. It was under this circumstance... the Dragon Poetry War began.

Akunolokia and his country were also destroyed in this war, but the dragon clan also disappeared in the long river of history after that. However, there is another way of saying that Akunolokia He fell during that war and turned into a black dragon to destroy the entire world.

Of course, this statement is regarded as a legend by most people, and turning into a black dragon or something is really ridiculous.

"Yes, that's him. Acnologia, even now no one can surpass him."

"Now that the first person's name has appeared, many people don't know the remaining eleven names, but they are actually not difficult to guess." Li glanced at the sky, "The Yuling Clan used to be the same as the The armies under Acnologia's command have fought. I think you should have heard from our ancestors, right? Acnologia's command once had twelve knights that were feared by countless people, and among these twelve armies The heads of the eleven armies formed the twelfth Knights. Yes, you can understand that there are actually only eleven of the twelve knights. Only when necessary, their heads will gather to form an elite. The Knights, that is, Acnologia's team of strong men. It has been recorded in some documents that every member of the twelfth Knights is an extremely strong man, and they are known throughout the world. They are the top strength, but they are all unconditionally loyal to Acnologia himself, and they are also his most direct personal force!"

"These twelve people are extremely powerful, but they are unknown, and there are no documents even leaving their names. Up to now, it is only certain that there was such an invincible knights under Acunologia's command. But we don’t know where it came from or who its specific members are.”

"It wasn't until I saw the twelve badges that I understood why those twelve people didn't leave their names in history at all, because they were the enemies of Akunoloki. They were Akunoloki. When Asia unified humanity, the generals and even monarchs of various countries were, at least at first, strong enemies of Acnologia, but later they succumbed to Acnologia's charm. Although they were aliens, , but he joined Acunologia's command, and was even willing to become his subordinate to conquer various races for him. Moreover, these guys are all above level 18! Think about it, eleven worlds In general, they are all top-notch experts, and they are also die-hard existences..."

At this time, the village chief took a deep breath. He understood that what Li said at this time was actually no different from nonsense, but he probably also understood what Li wanted to say, "You mean..."

"Yes." Li nodded gently at this time.

"Akunologia, the executioner's soul was suppressed..."

"Yes." Li didn't have any expression at this time.

"Together with the heroes who unified the continent..."

The village chief was silent. Yes, this is indeed the most terrifying thing. Twelve strong men above level 18. They were all heroes of the Anxelam Cult in the past, but they accepted eternal punishment in the temple. curse!

"I now understand why the Anxelam Cult is hunting you down." The village chief couldn't help but smile bitterly at this time.

The secret from the place of discovery is so amazing! Even for ordinary people, no one would believe it, but once it was said, it was already unacceptable to the Holy See.

In the entire Western Continent, who doesn’t respect me?

Kunologia? At least some people who know Acnologia hate him, and some admire him, but no one will underestimate such a figure. At least there are at least three countries in the north who claim to be the orthodox successor of Balilon. ..

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