Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 329: Attack and Kill

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To be honest, the violent flying dragon is not a powerful monster. According to the strength of No. 1 and 2, there is absolutely no problem for two people to deal with a violent flying dragon. But the trouble is that this kind of monster lives in groups, and there is no way to deal with it. Wrong is the kind where if you move one, dozens of them will immediately move out.

The Tyrannosaurus is ferocious in nature and moves quickly. It would be better to kill them directly. If they are allowed to survive, they will look for opportunities to retaliate no matter how far they run. The corpse held in the hands of No. 1 at this time is clearly the baby of the Tyrannosaurus. Dragons, violent flying dragons, if a young dragon is injured, they will often launch a family search for the murderer.

The extremely developed sense of smell these guys possess makes them excellent Avengers.

The two people looked at each other and understood that if they could put down a ferocious flying dragon baby here, then the opponent's strength would definitely be higher than the two of them, and his scheming would also make people feel really scary.

No. 2 wanted to curse a few words, but he also understood that this was not the time to indulge in words, so he quickly followed No. 1 and ran away.

The two of them had just run a few steps when a gust of wind sounded from behind them!

No way? So fast! The reaction speed of the two jungle guardians was quite fast. They fell directly to the ground and rolled away to both sides.

At this time, a huge violent flying dragon was rushing past the two people's original place. If the two people didn't avoid it, they would probably be a corpse by now.

Number 2 opened his mouth wide. The other party had actually calculated that the two of them would appear at this time and place, so he put down the body of the violent flying dragon. As expected, the violent flying dragon was attracted at this time.

Isn't the other party's scheming too deep?

Of course, what the two people didn't know was that a small tent was set up just a hundred meters away. This small tent was completely made from local materials, and the top was also camouflaged using various leaves and grass. It seems to have some smell, and at this time, there is a small stove in the center of the tent. Under the stove is a purple magic flame, and there does not seem to be a trace of smoke.

On top of the stove, a pot of purple liquid was boiling, and from time to time, a few brightly colored mushrooms turned up. Of course, there are also a few poison glands peeled off from the cubs of the violent flying dragons. These violent flying dragons should be subspecies produced by dragons and other creatures.

In fact, Li felt a bit of the dragon's breath on them, but the breath was extremely thin.

Judging from the aura on their bodies, it should be the aura of the Wind Poison Dragon, which is very toxic. At least for people below level 18, this poison has reached an absolutely fatal level.

Li yawned and saw that the mushrooms had begun to fade, so he put a dozen short arrows that had already been carved with special patterns on them. The material of these short arrows was very shabby. They are made of wood, but after adding the runes for armor breaking, blood loss, madness, etc., these things become indestructible weapons, at least in terms of one-time use.

Li muttered words in his mouth, and the dozen short arrows quickly sucked up all the juice. At this time, what was on the stove were sixteen sharp weapons that could seal the throat with blood! Not to mention these things entering the body, even if they scratch the skin a little, they can make An Xie's pursuers irrecoverable!

He walked out of the temporary hiding tent directly. After all, he wanted to refine these short arrows. Apart from anything else, he would be quite unhappy if he was disturbed. He raised his head and glanced at the dozen or so people in the forest not far away. The violent flying dragon that only flew up and rushed down couldn't help but sneered. Even if Saga faced these violent flying dragons here, he would probably have a headache for a while, right?

At least the actions of those violent flying dragons stopped quickly, and those violent flying dragons soon began to fly towards the location of the nest.

Li was stunned for a moment. He deliberately made some traces, hoping that the other party would find them all the way. Could it be that these methods he made did not match the opponent's large army?

Originally, Li planned to let these violent flying dragons harass Saga's troops. Although Saga himself could not be helped, his men would probably die countless times. But now it looks like these violent flying dragons can easily get rid of each other?

Li directly put away the magic arrows he had just condensed, and then began to quietly lurk towards the calmed down position.

At this time, No. 2 slumped down on the ground under a big tree with a look of exhaustion on his face. There was a bit of regret on his face, "No. 1, I'm sorry... but I still have a wife... I can't accompany you." You die together."

The scene seemed to appear before his eyes. At that time, the two of them joined forces to kill the violent flying dragon, and then another one came. When No. 1 was wrestling with a violent flying dragon, No. 2 escaped directly. Yes, he escaped. , and survived, now he was breathing heavily.

He recovered some strength for a few weeks, and then he opened his shirt. At this time, a deep wound was on his chest and abdomen. This blow almost killed him, but fortunately it was on the claws of the violent flying dragon. It's not poisonous, otherwise he would probably die like No. 1.

At this time, he began to treat wounds extremely skillfully. In just a moment, he had already perfectly treated his wounds. As long as he did not engage in any large-scale movements or was not attacked by others, Then you can definitely survive, of course, provided you are not attacked by someone.

It was at this time that a sudden numbness began to spread throughout every part of his body.

Number 2 was very calm at this time.

He is also a veteran, and he understands that although the paralysis technique at this time is very effective, it does not take long, at least in the face of his own anti-magic ability, the effect is not very strong.

However, Li's actions at this time made him open his mouth wide. Li raised his hand and saw several negative magics pressing on him, including slowness, curses, magic errors, partial petrification...

Although the effects of these magics are not very strong, there are so many of them that it may take some time to unlock them. ..

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