Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 334: Crusade

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The undead aura on their bodies is extremely strong. In addition, their appearance does not break away from the appearance of normal undead creatures. For example, one of them is a full-armored warrior whose whole body is filled with green flames. Li Li can almost spot it at a glance. There is actually nothing in this completely enclosed armor.

In other words, except for the soul fire that drives this armor to move, there is nothing in this armor, including the skeleton that almost everyone has in the undead creature. The existence inside him is similar to that of a banshee, but The strength of his soul is obviously much stronger than those of so-called banshees.

It has even reached the level of fourteen. Although it is not as good as Leila's aura fluctuations at this time, it can at least be walked sideways in this area.

The other one is a huge humanoid monster. Although his body still looks like a human skeleton, it has some changes. His body bones are nearly twice as large as those of a normal human, and his body is built on the original basis. There are a lot of bone spurs, which looks very fierce, but after all, it is still a human skeleton, but his head has a beast-like appearance. It is a skull between a wolf and a tiger, with eyes The intensity of the soul light emerging from it can easily be judged that this guy is also at level fourteen.

However, although these three guys had different attitudes, they all showed an inexplicable desire to please Leila when they looked at her. Could it be that Leila had accepted two more younger brothers?

Layla glanced at Li at this time, and a voice rang in Li's heart, "Your strength has dropped a lot."

Leila seemed to know everything about Li. After he said this, he didn't say anything else. Instead, the three undead creatures behind him began to look at Li with some evil intentions. To be fair, Li is also depressed now. These three undead creatures may be able to walk almost sideways in this area, but if they confront Li, they will be beaten into little cakes. Even if Li's strength has declined now Many, Li is not afraid of these three guys.

Layla snorted at the three undead creatures. The attitudes of these three guys immediately changed. All three guys squatted on the ground and did not dare to speak. It seemed that Layla was also a very powerful person in their minds. 's existence.

Li frowned and asked, "Leila, why did you call me here this time?"

Nowadays, when two people communicate, they use mental communication to communicate. After all, in this world, it is not certain whether there is air or not. Since there is no air, there is no coal quality to transmit sound. Besides, , now Li is a ball of soul light, and Leila is a skeleton, it is impossible for the two of them to have a normal conversation, eh.

Leila nodded at this time, and a voice sounded in Li's heart, "We have to deal with an enemy."

"Is it very strong?" Li looked at Leila up and down. At this time, with Leila's strength, it was hard for Li to imagine that he would have any troubles that he couldn't solve in this world.

"Don't underestimate this world." Leila shook her head gently, "We may be able to barely solve that guy together. Of course, if your strength has not declined, it will be much easier."

Hearing what Layla said, Li was also shocked. After saying this, that thing does seem to be in some trouble. After all, Layla has never said that she wants her help or anything, and now she has to do it by herself. If you want to help, it looks like you are really in big trouble.

Li nodded lightly at this time, "Okay, let's talk about that guy's strength."

"Extremely powerful defense." Leila said slowly at this time, "That guy is an extremely powerful zombie. Originally, the lord here was a mummy. Later, the zombie devoured the mummy, and then his He also has a certain power of that mummy lord, and we will understand after we fight him."

This sentence made Li stunned.

Then he smiled bitterly. Sure enough, undead creatures are still undead creatures. They just like fighting so much.

He followed Layla and floated forward. Of course, during the process, he began to look for various materials on the ground to build a body for himself. Within a moment, Li built a temporary body for himself again, but this time after all, It has to fight, so the body structure is quite complete, at least it will not collapse directly in a normal battle.

At this time, Li followed Leila and walked all the way. After Li passed by Mengnan, Mengnan dared to stand up and continue walking with Li. At this time, he passed by the flame ghost knight and the huge bone When he was next to the demon, Li had an inexplicable feeling that this guy had an arrogant attitude.

This actually made Li a little bit dumbfounded.

It seems that this bone dragon is a little excited. After all, this guy is Leila's first smarter subordinate. Although his strength is lower than those two guys at this time, he seems to be more trusted by Leila. ah.

Soon Li and Leila arrived at the so-called destination.

It was a huge pyramid. I heard Leila say that the owner here was originally a mummy. Now I understand that the leader here must be an extremely strong man. Otherwise, it would be impossible to be in this kind of situation. A huge pyramid with a height of 100 meters was built in the place.

Moreover, that creature has its own original memory, so it is possible that it may reach the pinnacle of this world in the future growth.

Li glanced at Leila, indicating what to do next.

Leila nodded softly, "Roar!" With her voice, Li inexplicably felt that the whole earth began to tremble, and with Leila's inexplicable roar, the entire pyramid was shaken. Trembling, Li shook his head inexplicably, would the other party jump out because of Leila's roar? ..

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