Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 335 Battle

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The so-called powerful zombie leader did not appear. Instead, with Leila's roar, the ground began to tremble. Li frowned. At this time, under his mental fluctuations, a hundred miles away Waves of fluctuations began to come from the underground, and the fluctuations were like countless earthworms turning the ground.

Soon, undead creatures emerged from the ground one by one, and countless zombies and skeletons climbed up above the ground. At this time, countless confused messages were revealed in the light of their souls, as if they had no idea what was happening. In general, dozens of huge skeleton knights soon formed their own mounts. They immediately mounted their mounts and covered themselves with armor, as if they were going to go to war at any time.

In less than a moment, an undead army of more than two thousand people had been formed.

Don't underestimate the more than two thousand people. In fact, more than two thousand undead have filled the surrounding area of ​​the pyramid. At this time, these undead creatures are whispering. They seem to be talking about who summoned them.

Li had already seen from their mental imprints that these guys were not Leila's men, so that meant they could only be the men of the pyramid owner.

Li moved his fingers, "Do you want to solve it?"

Leila nodded lightly at this time, and then the three undead creatures behind him were about to rush out, and Li suddenly stretched out his hand to stop these three guys. He suddenly thought that since he had refined power, then It was naturally effortless to deal with these guys. He took a deep breath and turned his already exposed spiritual power to spread out in all directions.

At this time, it is naturally impossible for Li's power to directly cover more than two thousand undead without the help of magic array, but there is still no problem in refining some of the undead in an instant.

Just for a moment, some of the undead were stunned for a moment, and then they suddenly waved their weapons and slashed at their companions next to them. These undead were always undead, and now they just thought that Li was their master, and nothing else. The people with Jiang Li as their masters were all enemies of their masters, and they wielded their weapons against the undead who had just been their companions without any psychological barriers.

The undead directly regard the undead that attacks them as enemies. Their concept is also very simple. Since he attacks me, he is an enemy!

So in just an instant, the more than two thousand undead in front of them began to fight wildly.

In fact, these undead seemed a bit pitiful for no reason at this time. Li also shook his head gently at this time. The zombie did not place a mental protective barrier on these undead creatures, let alone Li. , even if a slightly stronger undead comes, there is no problem in controlling all these undead creatures, it is just a matter of the length of time.

Everyone walked directly among the melee undead creatures.

In fact, these undead creatures were very afraid of everyone's aura at this time. At this time, Li fully released his aura. Some undead creatures that approached within ten meters directly let out strange screams. , ran to other places.

It was as if he was some kind of terrifying devil right now.

In fact, in Mengnan's eyes at this time, there is no difference between Li and Devil. After all, no matter how powerful his master Layla is, she has never shown such a strong ability to control the field.

After all, he has the memory of his previous life, so he naturally knows how terrifying Li's ability is in group battles. Think about how it felt when you were fighting and your teammates suddenly swung a butcher knife at you.

At this time, everyone entered the corridor of the pyramid almost without any hindrance. The simplicity of this process made everyone feel a bit unreal. In fact, everyone originally thought that there would be some obstruction.

At the end of the corridor is a huge stone door. The private door does not block it, it is just open, as if to welcome all visitors who are not welcomed by the owner.

No one hesitated, and Li was not worried at all at this time that the owner of the pyramid would sneak attack on him. After all, undead creatures like Leila who would lie on the ground and pretend to be dead were rare.

As soon as everyone stepped into this divine door, the interior suddenly lit up. What appeared in front of everyone was a corridor seven or eight meters long, with a large number of magic crystal lights at both ends of the corridor.

However, he turned away and shook his head. It was not a magic crystal lamp. Or if he was farther away, he would mistakenly think that it was a magic crystal lamp. But if he got closer, he would feel that there was something going on in those lamps. It kept making wailing sounds, which were clearly using the soul light of a large number of souls to emit light.

Every time people stepped on the ground, they would start to wail non-stop and emit light.

Putting it this way, these guys use some kind of induction-like method to light up.

Izaya didn't care about these lights. It seems that this is what the owner here did. He extracted the souls of low-level undead creatures and fixed them here, and then linked their perceptions with the ground. This would have a certain effect. lighting effects.

This is an undead creature with some ideas.

After passing through the corridor, there is a huge hall ten meters high. The whole hall is about 100 meters tall. There is only one huge coffin in the hall. It is a black wood coffin. It is very different from what I have seen before. Those props from zombie movies.

Looking at this from now on

There is an inexplicable feeling in the coffin that a powerful aura seems to be condensing in this place.

"Click." There was a sound of teeth interlacing. Li looked around. At this time, he did not sense any strange smell in this place. It was not until a few seconds later that the black wood coffin in the center of the hall really happened. The shaking voice asked, "Are you here for this coffin too?"...

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