Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 336 Coffin

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With a neither yin nor yang sound, the black coffin was opened.

The coffin shook for a while, and then he remembered the sound of people getting dressed. In Li's mind, he couldn't help but think of those zombie movies in his memory, where the zombies could only jump around and bite people. Can't help but feel a little ridiculous.

After everyone waited for a quarter of an hour, the lid of the black coffin finally made a sound. First there was a gentle rubbing sound. After a few seconds, the lid was suddenly lifted. Then a figure wearing a black judge-like robe slowly emerged from there. He walked out of the black coffin.

This zombie looks a little different from ordinary zombies. The skin on his body looks more like a living thing, rather than tightly attached to his bones. He is rolling his eyes at this time, as if he is looking at what is in front of him. These guys.

"Quack, quack, are you from next door?" He turned his head as if moving his muscles. "Do you really want this coffin? You have to know that I spent a lot of time trying to seize this coffin. A lot of effort."

Along with his voice, the entire hall seemed to be trembling. Li frowned, and he probably got the general impression that this guy had level 16 strength. The strength is not very strong, but after all, it cannot be judged by human standards. After all, the opponent is not a human, so he will definitely have some abilities that humans cannot use.

"Leila, what on earth is that coffin?" Li asked with a frown.

Leila responded, "Turn death into life."

"Huh?" Li was stunned at this time. If it is according to Leila's intention, this coffin can turn the dead into living creatures, and it is understandable that the dead can be brought back to life, but this is a bit funny, right?

In this world of the dead, if one is truly dead, then his soul has dissipated! How to resurrect? Is it possible to reunite the souls together?

The zombie's eyes glowed green, and he looked at everyone present, "But do you think your combat power can suppress me and kill me here?"

Layla shook her head gently at this time and rushed towards the zombie. But the zombie also sneered, stretched out his fist and hit Layla hard. After the two of them fought, they both immediately took a step back. , at this time Leila glanced at Li and said, "It seems that I was right to ask you to come."

Li nodded gently. At this time, he probably also saw this guy's strength, strong physical defense, and rebound ability.

That's right, this zombie is the nemesis of those with physical abilities. The opponent's power was far inferior to that of Layla when Layla attacked her just now. However, Layla was repelled by the opponent instead. Moreover, after the attack just now, Layla's body There were faint scars, but the other party was completely fine.

The powerful physical defense ability is already a problem that is difficult to fight against at least for most undead.

And Li is very good at magic damage, at least in this world, it can be understood this way. At this time, Li glanced at the zombie, and then a large amount of elemental power began to surge in his body. Although in the world of the undead, he could not It condenses too much power from other elements, but at least the magic of darkness and undead is not hindered and adds a lot of bonuses.

Li gently raised his finger and pointed at the zombie, "Explode!"

Following Li's loud roar, there was a loud explosion sound around the zombie. At this time, there seemed to be countless bombs hidden in the air around him. Just a loud shout from Li destroyed all the bombs. The fuse was lit.

A look of surprise flashed across the zombie's eyes before it was immediately shrouded in countless firelights. The firelights came and went as quickly as they came. Then everyone saw that the zombies slowly walked out of it. There were no scars on his body, and it looked like this guy wasn't hurt at all.

However, Li had no intention of stopping. Even if magic damage was a weakness, a creature generally had different damage tendencies. Maybe this zombie was just very resistant to fire-type attacks.

"It really hurts. How long has this feeling lasted? A thousand years? Or two thousand years?" The zombie muttered at this time, and suddenly several huge white bone claws stretched out from his feet. Suddenly he grabbed his ankle hard.

He was slightly dazed at this time, raised his head and glanced at Li, "You are not from this world, are you?"

Li was stunned for a moment, "That's right."

"Hehehe, as expected... Only humans can use this type of undead magic, because only their own kind are afraid of such things..." At this time, he murmured like this, as if he was walking under his feet. Those were not skeleton hands, but two lumps of mud.

With a sudden movement, he broke away all the huge white bone claws. He walked gently towards the front, "Okay, none of you should leave today. Come sleep with me and sleep forever." Be here."

Following his voice, the originally open door was suddenly closed. Li felt no magic fluctuations from above, and then raised his head to glance at the other party. At this time, Li sneered and suddenly rushed towards the zombie. The two were still separated at the touch of a button. Although Li's strength at this time was much worse than when he was at his peak, he still took a step away from the zombie with all his strength and turned to look at Lei. La, "No, the defense on this guy is not against magic and physics. This guy is clearly connected to this pyramid. As long as he is in it, he will have extremely powerful attribute bonuses."

Li's face at this time

He was very cold. At first, he mistook the opponent for a powerful physical bonus, but when he took action just now, he realized that the opponent was just a zombie. But when he attacked, it was as if he was fighting against a huge creature.

It was as if he was not the one he was attacking just now...

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