Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 347 The Sad Knight

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After Li finished speaking, he sat on the chair without speaking for a long time, as if he was immersed in memories: "I still remember that the father-in-law of Knight Commander Balubo was a nobleman, and I was once invited by him to attend the event. His father-in-law's ball... He was very kind to me, and he brought me into the aristocratic circle with the Holy See as the core. I still remember Balubo..."

Having said this, Li suddenly closed his mouth, and there was a hint of pain in his eyes.

The village chief looked at Li Ya and didn't know what to say. He just looked at the sad knight in front of him quietly.

"Brother Balupo...he...has...been...killed by me." Li suddenly said in a low voice. At this time, there was a trace of sadness that could not be clearly described in Li's voice. He At this time, he began to shake his head vigorously: "Yes, Balubo has been killed by me, and Knight Commander Caesar, he also died in my hands at that time."

The village chief still didn't speak at this time, while Li seemed to be talking to himself, "Oh... Lord Balubo. Lord Caesar... and Lingbo, my poor Lingbo, she is as old as me, When I was a child, I was sent to the Holy See by my father. We were trained together in the Holy See. At that time, I always treated her as my sister. At that time, we passed the examination together and entered the Knights. But in the end she wanted to kill me, so I stabbed her heart with my own hands. Who else... who else..."

As the village chief looked at Li, tears began to pour out of his eyes.

"Do you know? They are all my good friends, my good brothers, and my comrades in arms through life and death. We have trained and studied together since we were children, and we have been on several near-death missions... But now they actually They all died under my sword... If I could, I would rather die for them, but I can't!" Li's eyes suddenly became fierce, and he suddenly shouted: "Do you know why? "

Li stood up suddenly, his bloodshot eyes staring at the village chief, "Do you know what all this is for!"

"I don't know." The village chief also frowned at this time. He also realized that there seemed to be something wrong with Li's mental state in front of him. Could it be because talking about the past irritated him?

"Because..." Li suddenly burst out laughing, "Because! Because His Majesty Pope Zeref! It was that Pope Zeref who said, 'Oh, he told you to die!', and then, now we people We are going to die for this inexplicable reason, and we are going to die one after another like this!! This is all God’s will!”

"Hey, old man, do you know why I was hunted down by that damn Anxeram cult? I actually became a traitor to the temple! Damn it, I, Bradman! Since I was ten Since I was 2 years old, the entire Holy See Knights have regarded me as proud! They think that I will become the first leader of the entire Knights Order in a hundred years, because when the Knights were established, there was an unwritten rule , only those who have reached the holy level can become the true leader of the Knights, level 18! At that time, I was the only person who was considered to have the possibility of becoming level 18! They believed that I would definitely become a member of the Holy See Knights in the future. Captain! The Holy See Knights have not had a real leader for more than a hundred years! But they thought that I would definitely become a saint! I would definitely become the leader of the Holy See Knights in the temple in the future! But then my father suddenly remembered And a son like me brought me back to the principality. At that time, the entire knights were disappointed. But when I went back a few years later, the entire knights cheered for me and welcomed my return, but now Well, I am actually being chased like a mouse! Chased! Chased!"

"... If I could do everything over again... I would never enter that damn Holy See! That damn... place!!" Li's face was full of ferocity at this time, as if that place was some kind of terrible place.

"That is, the year before last, I became one of the three Grand Knight Captains of the Knights. The Grand Knight Captain can also be said to be the deputy captain of the entire Knights... and after all the deputy captains take office, according to tradition, They all have to serve as the guardian of the Holy See for one year." Li's voice suddenly became deeper. :

"Guardian of the Holy See. This is something that every Grand Knight of the Holy See Knights has to go through after taking office... I will also do some things that I should do during my tenure, but there are three times every week. Heaven stays in the church, unless something particularly important happens. However, at that time, I never thought that all this was the beginning of my nightmare! If everything could happen again, then I might as well follow My father started the war and plunged the entire continent into war, so why not!"

Li looked at the village chief with confused eyes at this time, "Old man, do you know? Who is the most powerful knight in the history of the Anxelam Cult? Do you know?"

"Could it be... you?" the village chief replied cautiously. At this time, the village chief didn't know what to say. The guy in front of him had seventeenth level of strength. Could he still fight him?

"Me? Are you talking about me? Who am I! If you have to compare me with that person, I'm just a mere ant!" Li's tone suddenly changed, as if he was Talking about his most admired idol.

"Hundreds of years... no, we should say tens of thousands of years! Countless powerful men have appeared on this continent, such as the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgard, the Incarnation of God, the First Apostle, and the Ten Great Magic Guides... Countless, these powerful men appeared and disappeared... But these people did not dare to use a name.

Number! "

The village chief was stunned when Li said this, "What title are you talking about?"

Li took a deep breath at this time, and a different look appeared on his face, "That is the strongest man on earth!"...

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