Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 348-350 The Strongest Man on Earth

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The strongest man on earth, this title is much better than the strongest man in the continent.

The village chief licked his lips at this time, "Who is this person you are talking about?"

"This man was once a knight." Li shook his head: "But, he has become my nightmare."

The village chief had been completely intrigued by Li, and he said cautiously, "Who is this person you are talking about..."

"You should know that the emperor who once unified three continents and expelled all alien races to other continents was the greatest human empire in the history of the world. He was also the founder of that great empire, the Babylonian Empire...the only one A person who is qualified to be called the strongest man on earth... Acnologia!" After a pause, Li added: "Not only was he the most powerful magician among humans at that time, but also his hand-to-hand combat ability Also the first! He once joined the Holy See in order to gain support from the already prosperous Anxelam Cult at that time, and he was one of the Twelve Shields of the generation at that time... The badge he left behind It’s my eternal nightmare.”

When Li said this, he was actually just lying to the old man in front of him, but there were some common sense that he still dared not say nonsense. For example, the only people in the Holy See who could store badges were the Twelve Guardian Shields and the head of the Holy See Knights. Knight Commander, after these people die, their badges can be placed in the Holy See for viewing.

But Zhuanli shook his head again. Although this kind of thing was almost common sense to him, it was probably nothing new to this old man.

Li yawned slowly at this time, "I found the badge there at that time. Maybe others think that the badge retained in the Holy See is just a form of commemoration, but that is not the case. That place is indeed not a A simple badge. There is a magic circle hidden in that badge.

Among them was a phantom message from Acnologia himself! "

Li suddenly raised his head and glanced at the village chief, "Do you want to know how Acnologia died?" When he said this, Li laughed nervously, "Yes, I should say how Dead, after all, for many people, Acnologia is dead, but for others, Acnologia is actually still alive, but in an extremely terrifying form."

"The badges of all the knight leaders are placed in the Great Temple of Anxeram... Yes, as long as you reach your position, no matter whether you are a knight who has been loyal to the church all his life or a fallen heretic, they will be defeated. Put the badge into it, do you understand what I say?" A strange smile appeared on Li's face.

At this time, the village chief also understood that what Li said was no longer something he should understand. However, although he was older, he still had great curiosity. "You mean, visiting there is not just about storing things," he said. Will the badges of those who have been loyal to the Holy See all their lives also have the badges of people like you who have betrayed the Holy See? Is that so?"

"Yes." Li nodded gently. "The place where the emblems are placed in the Holy See is called the Hall of Remembrance. It is the most mysterious place in the entire Holy See. There are dozens of Halls of Remembrance. Generally speaking, outsiders are not allowed to enter. Those who are qualified to enter the Hall of Remembrance, There are only His Majesty the Pope and those who have been approved by the Pope, and I am afraid that there are only three or five people in total. I am one of them, but it is only because I am a guardian, but even if I can enter without the Pope I am also unable to enter the secret order, and when my term as the guardian of the Holy See expires, even if I have been able to enter, I will be directly refused."

"At first, I thought that Nian Tang was really a place to pay homage to the souls of the knights who had sacrificed for the temple. But after that day, I realized that I was wrong." Li sneered: "This is a lie. Outsiders know that Nian Normal people cannot enter the hall, and a large number of guards are there to protect the souls of the dead from being disturbed... But this is a lie! The real secret is that the biggest secret of the entire Holy See exists in the hall... because There are countless secrets of traitors to the Holy See like me!"

The village chief looked at Li with a confused look on his face, "Secret? What secret?"

Li sneered, "The reading hall is divided into two halls: the inner and outer halls. The outer hall displays things that can be seen as long as you have some identity. That is, the badges left by the normal knight leaders. The inner hall is the real thing. What the hell! In history, those traitors who once betrayed the temple, or heretics, all the truly valuable things they left behind were stored here by the Holy See. There are thousands of badges placed in the outer hall. Enjoy the blessings of the Holy See... and the so-called inner hall is nothing more than a dark room. There is no light in it, and there are dozens of badges inside, each of which is an existence that was once famous in the mainland, and in the inner hall There is also a place specially sealed by powerful magic, and there are a total of twelve things stored there. In history, a total of thirty-seven powerful knights betrayed the Holy See. Later, the Holy See gave their badges They were taken back and stored in the inner hall of the Nian Tang, and the Vatican used the badge to curse their souls forever!"

"Thirty-seven?" The village chief was also stunned for a moment, "Thirty-seven people? In other words, in the past thousand years, there have only been thirty-seven people who dared to resist and betray the Anxelam Cult. What about the twelve badges that are under special care?"

"I don't know either." Li shook his head gently: "There are definitely many more people who oppose the Anxelam Cult than the number thirty-seven, but they can make the Cult hate them so much that they even attack them. I'm afraid this is the only number that will impose eternal curses, right?"

This is natural, after all, there is no need to be completely hated by an opponent who is like a cat or a dog. ..

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