Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 376 Transformation

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Li sighed softly. Although he didn't know what Layla was going to do with the souls of those two guys, he thought it wouldn't affect his next plan, so he ignored it.

At this time, Timaria, who felt the abnormal fluctuations coming from here, had already strode back. She looked at the two corpses and couldn't help but frowned, "What happened to them? You ask what you want to ask. Something? Why do you look so sad? It seems like..."

Li slowly raised his head, "I remember Leila once mentioned that her name was Brandish..."

"Huh?" Timaria didn't react for a moment, "What did you say?"

Li shook his head vigorously, "Although I can't remember when it happened, I always feel that Layla said that her name was Brandish... How could this be? Why would I have such an idea."

Li patted his head hard. In fact, he had never encountered this situation before. He had reached this level. The so-called amnesia would never happen to him. But now Li did vaguely remember that Layla in black once said that her name was Brandish, or maybe she didn't say it herself, but Li definitely learned this information from someone, but when did it happen? Li didn't remember it at all.

At this time, Li pressed his temples hard, trying to think of some clues, but found nothing. In the end, Li couldn't help but sigh. There was no way to solve this kind of thing quickly, so he could only let it go temporarily.

Then Li cheered up and told Timaria all the information he asked about the Desert Clan.

Although Timaria is very powerful, he really knows nothing about this aspect of the matter. Looking at Li is a bit baffling. In Timaria's eyes, asking for this kind of information is of no use. What else can he do?

Timaria asked curiously, "What should we do next?"

"What should I do? Humph, they have translated everything above to me. The general idea is that the king will definitely go to that inn, so of course we will find the target point first, and then find a way to kill the king, and finally We will be the kings ourselves!”

A trace of surprise flashed in Timaria's eyes, "But are there any benefits to doing this?"

"Benefits? Please, don't you want to save Angel? Your father and brother aside, the number of men under Archduke Arubares alone is no less than 100,000. How can we save Angel if we don't have some power of our own? "

Timaria couldn't help being stunned. What's so rare about a hundred thousand troops and horses? Just rush in. Can thousands of troops and horses be able to charge against Li and himself?

However, Timaria had already agreed, and the rest would naturally depend on Li. Then the two of them followed the directions on the map and walked directly to the depths of the mountains.

This mountain range is almost at the center of the continent. The entire continent itself is surrounded by four seas. A mountain range directly blocks the communication between the north and the south. Although there are some places where large numbers of people can travel together, both sides Such places have been strictly defended, so after all, many countries in the north and south have not had any large-scale wars just because of "inconvenience".

But there is a special place on the corner of this mountain range, the Golden Desert, also known as the Golden Desert of Death.

This golden desert is a very large desert formed by the monsoon climate, occupying almost a quarter of the entire continent. It is precisely because the central mountain range is very tall that this desert has not spread to the south.

Their current destination is on the edge of the Golden Desert. According to the parchment, there are the survivors of the Desert Clan there. The people there will help the king to go to the lost Golden Desert, and there, the king will Accept the final test and become the true king.

Li naturally sneered at this. How difficult could the so-called test be? Could it be that the other party was also a one-stopper?

After three days, Li and Timaria climbed over the last mountain peak and came to a valley. There are green grass in this valley, and a giant tree hundreds of meters high is growing wantonly.

Li flipped over the parchment, "The great king will come here with his entourage, and then blow the horn under the King's Tree. The moment he blows the horn, the fate of the desert will be rewritten. Look. This is where you come, the King's Tree?" Li looked at the giant tree in front of him, which was nothing special except that it was taller, and couldn't help but shrugged his shoulders.

But it was definitely not simple here. Li slowly closed his eyes, and then his whole body was immersed in the spiritual world. Then all the surrounding scenery fell into darkness and purple, and then, a ray of light suddenly shot into Li's spiritual world. Then another ray of light lit up, turning into a huge glowing magic symbol. Then another magic symbol lit up, and finally, an extremely huge magic circle with a radius of one hundred kilometers slowly appeared in Li's spiritual world!

Li was also stunned at this time. In fact, a huge magic circle of nearly a hundred kilometers was no longer simply something that could be achieved with human power.

I don’t know how much manpower and material resources it took to complete this magic array. Not to mention other things, I am afraid that no country in the entire continent has the financial resources to build such a huge magic array!

As if he felt Li, the magic circle began to rotate slowly. At this time, Li felt a panic in the huge magic circle.

Why panic? Is it panic about this magic circle or panic about the unknown?

Even though Li's mental power was as endless as the ocean, at this moment in this huge magic circle, he felt as if he was a drop of water being poured into the ocean. ..

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