Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 377 The King

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"Li, what's wrong with you? Is this the place we are looking for this time?" Timaria's voice came to mind at this time, and she directly pulled Li out of the huge magic circle environment.

Li opened his eyes and nodded slowly. If Timaria had spoken a little later, he might have been drained of his mental energy by the magic circle. He shook his head vigorously, "No. Thinking that this so-called Behemoth Dynasty really has some skills, the magic circle around here alone may consume the financial income of the entire South York Alliance for about ten years."

Timaria was also stunned when she heard what Li said. Of course she didn't feel the huge magic circle, but listening to Li's description, she could also imagine what the financial income of the so-called Southern York Alliance would be like in about ten years.

Li sighed slowly, and he did not dare to delay at this time, so he directly began to inspect the surrounding terrain.

No one knows when the real king will come, but Li knows that he must arrange everything here before the king. Although judging from the information asked by the two apostles, it will take at least ten days for the king to arrive here, but who knows what will happen in the middle. If they arrive early, there may be some conflict. .

The two of them spent three days investigating here. During these three days, Li Jiang saw entities whose symbols were found at corresponding locations in the spiritual world that day. However, these entities were actually the forest itself. This magic circle relied on many old trees, shrubs, piles of rocks, weeds. Finally, a huge magic circle was formed.

It stands to reason that this Behemore Dynasty was already hundreds of years ago. If they had set up this magnificent and huge magic circle at that time, then I am afraid that things would have changed by now, let alone the magic circle. It can be activated. After all, an earthquake can displace most of the things here.

What corresponds to such a huge magic array is its extreme precision. If there is a slight displacement, then the magic array will lose its original effect.

But now... in fact, this magic circle is still able to operate, and even plays a role that is not clear now.

Li glanced at the sky. If he looked at it according to another idea, maybe this magic circle could not operate at the beginning. It was because someone had calculated all the things that would happen here in the past hundreds of years in advance, and then followed another method. Arrange it in a different way.

After hundreds of years of changes, giant trees have grown here, stones have been moved to their proper positions due to earthquakes, and weeds that should have grown have grown out. This is how this magic circle was formed, which is what happened recently. The magic circle has just officially begun to operate.

It wasn't until the early morning of the third day that Li arranged everything. After the arrangement was completed, he finally took out the elf horn, held it with both hands, and slowly used his mental power. The elf horn made of white jade began to emit soft white light. He turned his head and motioned to Timaria.

Li slowly took out the whistle made of unknown metal, took a deep breath, and then blew it. Along with an inexplicable harsh sound, the entire forest seemed to tremble. This whistle Originally, Li could never be blown. There were special lines in the whistle, which could also be understood to mean that the whistle could only be blown with special magic.

It stands to reason that only the so-called king in this world can blow this whistle.

However, Li is an exception. Li's mental power is very powerful. If you want to find a person in this world whose mental power can reach the level of Li, there are probably very few people.

Moreover, Li's application of mental power has reached the pinnacle. He instilled his own mental power into this whistle, and soon figured out what kind of magic was needed to blow the whistle, and then he introduced it into himself The magic power of Li was blown according to the method that the mental power had discovered in advance. As expected, the whistle sounded as Li's magic power was poured into it.

At this time, the entire valley seemed like a giant dragon that had been sleeping for a long time, slowly waking up in a daze. ,

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be trembling, and these waves of fluctuations quickly spread throughout the entire mountain range.

In Badria City, Zeref was sitting at the table meditating. He suddenly felt the vibration. He raised his eyelids but said nothing.

"Lord Shaka is here!" a knight shouted. Following the knight's voice, Shaka strode in.

Shaka looked at Zeref in front of him, and suddenly felt helpless. In fact, each of the twelve shields was an apostle. They actually looked down upon Zeref, but in this world He is just a spokesperson. How could he be nobler than apostles like himself?

But later he discovered that he was wrong, especially during the battle between Zeref and Li, Shaka suddenly discovered that the person he originally looked down upon was actually a giant standing in the clouds.

Until now, Shaka has not thought about how he should fight against Zeref's power, and he feels even more terrified by Li's power. Can he reach that level with his strong physical strength? Stop joking, okay?

In his eyes, Zeref's power has reached a boundless level.

Looking at Zeref's face that could be said to be immature and even immature, Shaka couldn't help but smile bitterly. His own strength had already reached the pinnacle of the world, but he was defeated by Bradman. But Zeref, who he thought at first was just a lucky star.

The existence of the mascot easily killed Bradman.

"Your Majesty Zeref, what's the matter with you calling me here like this?" Shaka said slowly. As the leader of the Twelve Shields, his and Zeref's statuses are basically the same. ..

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