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Timaria originally wanted to wait until the two rolling stones rolled over before moving forward, but at this moment Li pulled her directly and ran away. At that time, Timaria wanted to yell, after all, she went directly to If you run forward, you will easily be injured by rolling stones.

Li was quite impatient at this time, and stretched out his hand directly to the top of Timaria's head, "Excuse me!"

Although magic can't be used freely here, Li can use his own chakra to use ninjutsu. At this time, Timaria's face changed drastically after Li's hand seal was used to dispel the illusion.

The cave he just saw was extremely large. At least he had no problem dodging left and right. But at this moment, it seemed that there were all kinds of spikes on the left and right sides. These spikes were either black or blood red. They looked absolutely terrible. It's not a bad thing. If he accidentally dodges, he will directly hit him. Even according to his own strength, in this place with no treatment conditions, Timaria doesn't think he can really hold on for long. .

Then Timaria looked forward. Since there was no way to dodge left and right, she could only keep moving forward, and the scene in front of her made her sigh in relief.

The canyon in front of us is at least two hundred meters wide, but fortunately, there is a bridge above this canyon. This is a metal bridge that directly connects both ends of the canyon.

At this time, Timaria was still a little scared. After all, when she entered this room just now, she was confused by the illusion and didn't pay attention to the situation on the left and right. So could the bridge in front of her be fake? However, seeing Li running directly towards the bridge without any hesitation, Timaria also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that there seemed to be no problem.

What she didn't notice at all was that she didn't know why she actually trusted Li surprisingly after only being in contact with him for a while.

However, what made Timaria's expression change a little was that although the metal bridge in front of her could lead directly to the other side of the canyon, this metal bridge looked shaky no matter how you looked at it!

After all, this is a cave, and a large amount of water vapor itself is the nemesis of metal. Coupled with the high temperature of the exposed lava below, it is quite rare that the bridge has not collapsed now!

Timaria was already prepared to rush to the other side as quickly as possible as soon as she got on the bridge, but the moment she stepped on it, her expression changed. In fact, she was completely Overestimating the quality of this bridge. Perhaps this bridge was very strong back then, and with regular maintenance it would be no problem for a hundred or two hundred years. But the current situation is that this bridge must have been in existence for more than three or four hundred years. , and suffered considerable damage in a harsh environment!

When Timaria stepped on it, she felt her feet go soft, as if she had stepped on loose soil. As expected, her foot actually left a sole on the metal bridge!

But Li didn't care so much at this time. After all, if he hesitated now, he would probably be smashed below. Li didn't know if his body would be fine in the magma below, but Timaria and Ai Something will definitely happen to Sarah.

"Don't stop! Hurry!!" Li yelled, "Come over with me!"

Compared to Timaria, Azshara was very decisive at this time, following directly behind the two people without even losing half a point of speed.

Soon a break appeared in front of everyone's eyes. This break occurred so suddenly that Timaria almost jumped out of her heart. In fact, on this bridge with a span of 200 meters, after such a long period of destruction, It is quite normal for a break to occur, but at this moment Li seemed to have discovered the break a long time ago. He suddenly turned back and hugged Timaria horizontally, and jumped directly over the huge nearly ten meters. crack.

At this time, Timaria could only crawl on Li's shoulders with her eyes closed. She didn't even dare to scream anymore, so she let go and threw herself out.

Then after Li landed, he still had no intention of stopping and continued to run forward. Azshara did the same and jumped over directly, following Li's footsteps without leaving at all. Timaria's eyes widened. If Li could directly If you jump ten meters, how did Azshara do it?

Then she thought that Azshara was actually the more normal one. After all, Azshara was a night elf, and her physical abilities were very different from those of humans. It was quite normal for her to be able to jump ten meters, but she was far away. More like a monster, Timaria has indeed seen some magicians who cultivate the body, but this is the first time she has seen someone like Li who has reached this level!

After reaching this level, why do you need magic? If you just go up and punch him, who can't be killed?

And when everyone was halfway through the run, suddenly there was a bang from behind.

I saw that the two rolling stones had rushed out of the passageway and hit the bridge deck crazily. I only heard a stupefying sound of explosions, but the bridge could no longer support this. It exploded on the spot with such force, but at this moment Li really had no intention of looking back, as if everything in front of him was as expected. He didn't slowly breathe a sigh of relief until he stood on the opposite side of the bridge, and then He looked at Timaria.

"Be careful." Li said.

Timaria's eyes widened, not understanding Lai Li's meaning at all. Be careful... what should you be careful about?

Originally, Timaria had already breathed a sigh of relief when she came to the bridge, but when Rang Li said this, she became nervous again.

timaria four left and right

Gu, "Where is the enemy?"

Li sighed, "Do you really think this trap is prepared for us?"

When Di Maria said this, she became even more confused... "Then we have to be careful?"

"The first is the rolling stone. If you run with all your strength, you will definitely be able to escape. Is there no problem with this?" Li gently raised a finger. ..

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