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Timaria nodded lightly. Li was right. In the case of the rolling stone just now, if they wanted to run away directly, they would definitely be able to escape. In other words, as long as their strength reaches level 15 or above, it's not like that. A pure magician who only exercises magic power and spiritual power can escape from under that rolling stone quite easily.

It would be even easier if you were a magician who was good at speed.

Now it can also be understood that these things are not set up for people like me, or to put it more broadly, this trap can only be designed for ordinary people and... people who cannot avoid this kind of trap.

Ordinary people can't come here, so what kind of people can't avoid this trap? Excluding ordinary people, they are people with limited mobility. What kind of people have limited mobility? Huge in size...or rather someone who is powerful but has nothing but magic...

This can actually be indirectly understood. There will be a large number of poisonous stone thorns on both sides of the exit just now. In fact, even if Timaria dodges to both sides, she can easily find a balance point among them, and Can't be hurt by those spikes.

But having said that, if the object is a huge one, then it is understandable. If that thing is huge, it will not be able to avoid the attack of the rolling stone, and then it will be injured by the poisonous stone sting in order to avoid the subsequent attack of the rolling stone...

It would be best if the subject is stabbed by a poisonous stone. If not... when the subject escapes to the bridge, the stone will destroy the bridge...

When she thought of this, Timaria turned pale and looked at Li, "You mean..."

Li nodded, "If this trap has never been effective, then the target of the trap must still be here, that is, on this side of the bridge..."

Timaria swallowed, then looked at the bridge.

At this time, it looked like the bridge was completely finished. No one could cross this two-hundred-meter-wide abyss without using magic. Unexpectedly, this trap for a certain creature here would actually become a death talisman for the three of them. For a moment, Timaria actually had some soft thoughts.

"Okay, now we have no way to go back." Li sighed: "Don't forget that even if we don't come here, the door just now has been closed. Don't worry, as long as I'm still alive, even if Even if you dig a passage, you can get out."

After saying that, he walked straight ahead. After crossing the bridge, there was a cave entrance not far ahead, but this time there was no door here. Relatively speaking, the passage in front of everyone was wider than the previous passage. There are many upwards, but overall, it is still moving downwards.

Li frowned, "Where does this place lead to? Is it an abyss? Could it be that Behemoth actually imprisoned a big demon here?"

Timaria rolled her eyes, "Please, although I don't study traditional magic, I probably know that our plane is actually quite fragile for the big devil, let alone him fighting here. Even if it comes, it will cause irreversible damage to this plane."

Li shrugged his shoulders, and suddenly his eyes caught a glimpse of a light. He frowned and walked over directly. It was a piece of dirt on the wall, but when Li just glanced over, he saw a little flash of light inexplicably. There and The structure of the wall was different. Li stretched out his hand and wiped it gently, but it turned out to be a metal plate embedded in the wall.

"Azshara, what is written on it?" Li asked with a frown. Although he didn't know what the words on it were, Li knew that the words on it were all written in bright red, which probably meant a warning.

After Azshara took a closer look, her face turned pale instantly, "Living body... living body... area, no one is allowed to enter... that's probably what it means."

Li took a deep breath, "Well, if you put it this way, it means that the Lord is here."

When Timaria heard what Li said, all the nerves in her body tensed up. She looked around nervously, as if some monster would suddenly jump out of the darkness.

Li said hello and continued walking forward, while Timaria looked cautious. Soon the passage came to the end, but what made Li even more depressed was that there were twelve doors in front of him. These ten There is a symbol written on each of the two doors, and these symbols are the symbols of the twelve gods.

But when Li looked around, he saw that the twelve doors were all blocked by the previous fine gold iron door, with no intention of letting anyone in. He tapped his chin lightly, then walked forward directly and began to observe. These twelve doors, like before, each have a button next to them, but they are basically sealed.

It wasn't until he reached the twelfth door that he was pleasantly surprised to find that the switch of this door was not broken. He gently pressed his hand on it, only to hear a crisp click, and then the door slowly opened. Slowly pull away to the side.

Soon a black portal appeared in front of everyone.

Timaria swallowed. At this time, the only entrance seemed a bit like an abyss in her eyes.

However, the three of them have no other way out at this time. After all, the entrance just now has been sealed. Unless the three of them can really fly, otherwise, if they want to find a way out, they can only go from here.

Li moved his wrist and relied on his physical strength to even think that the opponent was a level 17 or 18 monster.

Don't expect to get any favors in his hands. Although he is still not as easy as Pangu to create the world, it is easy to kill someone or a monster.

This time the corridor was very short, even so short that everyone was a little surprised, because they soon saw the light, but this time the light looked particularly dazzling. ..

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