Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 421 Ancient Magic

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After hearing what he said, Li frowned, "Then do you know who the person who escaped in the specimen room was?"

Li was also very curious at this time. The person or specimen in the broken transparent cover in the specimen room was missing, and now the only intelligent living creature they found here was Gurman. If you want to ask I can only ask him. Originally, Behemoth sealed a group of strong men in that specimen room that could level the entire continent, but now these strong men have all died in the seal.

How could this make Li not annoyed?

If he can gain control of these powerful men, then the unification of the continent will be just around the corner.

Gurman shook his head gently, "I have never left here. After all, although I know that there is no defense force here, I cannot control the time of the posture I have. If I leave here, what will happen if I leave here?" If other postures are in danger, there will really be no place to cry."

Li nodded gently. Suddenly, he felt the earth tremble. At this time, Gurman's expression also changed. Could it be an earthquake? Impossible! If there was a trend of earthquakes in the surrounding area, experts of their level would have had a premonition immediately. However, the earthquake only occurred in an instant, as if it was not an earthquake, but someone using some magic.

Li closed his eyes gently, and then shook his head gently, "No, it's not magic. There are no traces of anyone using large-scale magic around here. This..."

Suddenly a thought flashed through Li's mind, could it be self-destruction? I don’t know how many science fiction films have this scene. A group of explorers found a secret treasure, but before they could take away the treasure, the secret treasure’s self-destruct system was activated...

Li gritted his teeth, "Damn it, Timaria is still locked outside that door!"

Azshara's face turned pale at this time. She just wanted to kill Li before, so she pulled Timaria through the door. But now thinking about such a big earthquake, if that place The tunnel collapsed, so he really killed Timaria!

"Gulman, do you know if there is any self-destruction system in this place?" Li asked coldly.

Gurman was stunned for a moment when he heard what Li said. In fact, for people in this world, they don’t even know what a self-destruct system means. Li looked at Gurman’s confused expression and was also furious. Gritting his teeth, realizing that his question was in vain, he took a deep breath, and then strode towards the place where they had just come.

After just two steps, his eyes suddenly lit up. At this time, he felt that his surroundings were suddenly filled with a large amount of magic elements. It seemed that with the collapse of this place, even the original magic elimination system was beginning to recover.

Li shook his hands. As soon as the magic shield disappeared, it would be a fool's errand to block him in this place. But in this case, he felt a lot more at ease. After all, Timaria was not a vegetarian. Although she said She is not a peerless master, but she is still a very powerful magician after all. As long as she wants to, ordinary attacks are not a big problem for her.

Soon Li returned to the position of the fallen ceiling. At this time, he took a deep breath and began to quickly write a large number of magic runes on the side of the fallen ceiling. These magic runes did not What kind of magic paint is used? Instead, it is directly printed on it with magic.

It can be said that this kind of magic rune, although not very durable, is quite convenient, so in just a moment, Li finished writing the runes on it. At this time, Gurman and Azshara also followed. , they were stunned for a moment when they saw what Li did.

Gurman frowned and asked, "What are you going to do? This is made of fine gold and will not be easily destroyed. If you want to get past, you can only go around..."

Before Gurman finished speaking, in his eyes, the mechanism that was supposed to be unbreakable actually began to slowly disintegrate. His eyes widened as if he saw some monster.

Li sighed, "Yes, you are very powerful, but your magic system was learned in this world, right? It may have the memory inheritance of your tribe itself, but how long have you been sealed here? One One hundred years? Two hundred years? A full four to five hundred years! Now the magic world outside has advanced to an extent that you can't imagine. If you really think that the so-called magic is to use destructive magic to fight against enemies. , then you should be glad that you didn’t leave here.”

Gurman took a deep breath and said, "This...can you teach me?"

Li was stunned for a moment, "Oh? What do you mean?"

Gurman closed his eyes gently, "If you are willing to teach me, I am willing to become your subordinate, and at least I will not betray you in a short period of time. How about this? Are you satisfied with this result?"

Li laughed and said, "What kind of magic do you want to learn? To be honest, I know more types of magic on this continent than you can master..."

"Gudong." Gurman swallowed hard. In fact, he was really attracted by it at this time. He really believed it when Li said it casually.

Of course, Li is not just bragging. As for the types of magic, he does know a lot in the Anxelam Temple, but he is not omnipotent in using it.

The rune it just wrote is called the Seal of Collapse. It is very similar to the Banshee's Howl and the Finger of Death, but it is just an imagination. The biggest difference is that this magic can be used on all things.

Whether it is a living thing or a non-living thing, or the other party is a collection of magic, as long as you write the Mark of Honkai onto the other party, then the other party will begin to gradually collapse, but this Mark of Honkai cannot destroy the opponent quickly. , or slowly break down the opponent.

This makes it somewhat inferior to Banshee's Howl and Finger of Death. ..

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