Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 422 Entering the Desert

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Gurman took a deep look at Li and nodded slowly, "If you are willing to teach me the magic you master, then I can agree to all your conditions, as long as they do not violate my principle of reviving our clan. There will be no problem!”

Li snorted. This time, what Gurman said was somewhat meaningful. You must know that what Gurman said at the beginning, such as wanting to become his subordinate, was completely useless nonsense.

I become your subordinate, but I don’t listen to you. I don’t know when I will bite you back.

Li looked at Gurman up and down, then nodded gently, "If that's the case, then... you must promise me one thing first."

Gurman was stunned for a moment, "What happened?"

"According to your current state, if you go to the world above, will it cause plane fluctuations?" Li Ke remembered that this guy is the only Gaia snake now, so he will naturally become Leviathan, and Leviathan But it is an existence that will cause fluctuations in the entire world! In addition, this guy has evolved to the extreme of the Gaia Serpent. As long as it wants to, it can swallow the origin of the plane at any time and then transcend out.

Gurman smiled bitterly, "Actually, I don't need to say it, right? Although I have evolved to the extreme of the Gaia Serpent, what's the use? My body has the blood of other creatures, don't say goodbye Yes, I don’t even have the ability to maintain the posture of the Gaia Serpent for a long time. Let alone swallowing this plane, I can’t activate most of the abilities of the Gaia Serpent. Besides, I was inexplicable before. I have a spiritual connection with you. Once I turn into a snake body, my life force will be easily taken away by you. After all, what do you have to worry about?"

Li nodded lightly, "But if you transform into the form of a giant snake, then I'm afraid everyone in the entire plane will be your enemy, so I'm going to cast a spell on you now."

"Magic?" Gurman was also stunned for a moment, having no idea what kind of medicine Li was selling at this time.

"Permanent Solidification Technique!" Li said like this.

Gurman's eyes widened, "Permanent Solidification Technique!?" No wonder Gurman was so surprised. The conditions for using the Permanent Solidification Technique are very harsh. It is impossible to use it without magic power above level 19. , but the price is also very high, that is, the person who uses this magic will have his magic power reduced by one level, or all the magic power will disappear, and the effect is that the continuous buff on the opponent's body can be retained permanently.

Gurman swallowed, "Then what should I do now."

Li sighed softly, "Wait..."

"Wait?" Gurman was completely confused. "What do you mean? What are you waiting for?"

"Of course, I will use it after you become a human! When you become a human, I will use the permanent solidification technique on you, and then you will be able to walk on this plane in a human posture." Li said so , and the ceiling finally completely collapsed at this time.

Li walked forward slowly. At this time, on the other side of the destroyed door, Timaria was standing there with a confused face, "Um... can any of you tell me what happened just now?" Yet?"

At this time, on the other side, a group of people came under the ancient tree they entered. At this time, it seems that the lineup of this team is extremely prosperous, and the momentum is extremely amazing. The strength of each person in this team is not below level 15, and they actually have more than a thousand people. You must understand that in this forest When marching, the more people, the better. It is quite difficult to maintain supplies with such a number of people, not to mention that these people are obviously not soldiers, but good players.

The leader of these people is a charming woman wearing a dark blue cloak, but underneath is an extremely ferocious white tiger. This white tiger is about four meters long, and its height is much higher than that of an ordinary horse. Beside her is a handsome man who is no worse than her. This handsome man looks quite handsome. If he is disguised as a woman, Men's clothing is probably believed by many people as well.

When they reached the vicinity, the woman waved slowly, and then the entire team stopped. This beautiful woman has long black hair. She wears a leather short shirt on her upper body, which reveals most of her full but fat-free belly. Her lower body is in a pair of close-fitting trousers that cover her hips and long legs. Outlined, at a glance, it's like a second skin.

The woman turned to the handsome man beside her and said, "Prince Kabane, you are the heir of the noble Behemoth. Is the ancient tree in front of you the tree of victory and covenant?"

The man named Kabane slowly raised his head. He did not look at the tree. Instead, he looked at the woman beside him seriously, "My dear Mr. Suzukitian Keith, I have told you a long time ago. After that, although Behemoth designated me as his heir in the prophecy, I hope you can treat me as an ordinary person, otherwise I will be sad..."

Keith's face was still full of smile, but there was a bit of disgust in his eyes.

"Prince Kabane, I think we should get down to business. According to Lord Zeref's wishes, the vanguard troops he sent should have arrived. Why can't you see anyone yet?"

Seeing that Keith was completely changing the topic at this time, Cabane stared at him slowly with his eyes, and then sighed, "Oh, falling flowers are intentional, but flowing water is ruthless."

"Lord Keith, there seems to have been a very fierce battle up front. From observation, my subordinates estimate... it is estimated that most of the vanguard troops died here.


Keith and Kabane looked at each other. Keith's heart trembled at this moment, while Kabane was ecstatic. Keith was depressed because the vanguard carried all the important items. If the whistle was lost, then this I don’t know how long it will take to complete the matter. He was really annoyed by this Kabane. ..

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