Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 124: Jeff's Thoughts

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Jeff didn't care whether Li was listening or not, he just said softly, "At that time, I didn't care about her anymore, but came to this land to infiltrate some secular forces... until The day I remembered her, I went to find her. It's ridiculous, that little girl, after more than ten years, is still like that, hiding in a place where no one is around, listening to her, because she is afraid of hurting people, She hasn't eaten for several years, it's ridiculous... don't you think..."

A burst of anger suddenly broke out from Li. I don't know why he has become very disgusted with Zeref. It's not so much hated as it is, now Li wants to kill Zeref very much...

Never wanted to kill him so much!

Seeing the anger on Li's face, Jeff sneered and said, "Of course, I can't get what I want just like this, so I lied to her that I love her... and then I just attracted her like this." The life plunder on her body, the curse on her body wanted to devour me in an instant, but unfortunately, the curse on me was far stronger than the curse on her body, and at that moment, all her life force was absorbed by me , although this idiot has not absorbed the vitality of human beings for many years, the vitality of various plants and animals is also a huge number... It is really good..."

"You bastard, I've never seen such a shameless person like you!" Li roared, and the speed seemed to be a little faster, but there was no trace of shame on Jeff's face.

Instead, Jeff laughed loudly at this time, "And I got a strange thing after I fused with her curse." As he spoke, Jeff stepped on Bradman's body lying on the ground. In the face, then a raging fire slammed around his and Bradman's bodies.

When Li saw the flame, his expression changed, and he flew away suddenly.

This flame is not an ordinary flame. You can feel the power contained in it just by getting close to it. It is no longer the so-called high temperature. It is clearly a flame contained in karma...

Even if the sage gets a little bit of this karma, he will immediately fall, but Li didn't expect that the guy in front of him could use such terrifying power.

And Jeff's voice continued to sound, "Hey, didn't you think of it? This power is something I extracted from other people's power by plundering life, but it doesn't matter, as long as you can hear my next words... …When I fused the curse on Mavis, I actually produced a baby out of thin air, and this baby is my son."

Li's eyes widened, needless to say what happened next, it turned out that this Bradman was actually the son of Mavis and Jeff!

However, if it was the son born after the two had sex, Li would not be very surprised, but this was born out of thin air!

How could Li not be surprised by this.

Li suddenly withdrew his hand and stopped attacking Jeff, "Okay, Jeff, just tell me what you want to do next!"

Jeff glanced at Li and said, "It's very simple, I want Mebis' body."

Li was stunned for a moment, and said pretending not to know, "Where is Mebis' body? With your strength, it's no problem to get her body, right?"

"Liu Guang Xing Hui." Jeref sighed slightly, "I took Bradman away, but I didn't expect that there was a child in Mebis' body, so I took Mebis' body It was directly handed over to her companion, and I only found out recently that Mebis was made into a weapon by him, a streamer and a star."

"Strong? You are immortal!" Li said with a sneer, "Do you think your immortal body will be destroyed?"

Unexpectedly, Jeff nodded slightly, "To be honest, that streamer star is my nemesis. Its principle is to use Mebis's body to instinctively want to keep the child in the body alive, and then not Stop absorbing the life force of the people around me, and if I face it, I will be directly sucked out of the life force in my body, and then the curse on me will also start to absorb the life force of the streamer star in order to protect me, and finally enter an endless loop .”

Li opened his mouth, "Then I can do it?"

Jeff nodded heavily at this time, "You are absolutely fine."

Seeing that Jeff said so affirmatively, Li became even more depressed, "My strength is here, you won't be..."

Jeff smiled softly, "Of course it's no problem. You must know that there are no people of your level on that continent. No one can tell who is stronger between you and me, right? But you have an advantage, that is I am a public enemy on that continent, but no one knows you..."

Seeing Zeref like this, Li did not continue to make an attacking gesture, but asked, "Then you can tell me, what is this SSS mercenary mission for? And your sandbag son Is it for me to practice?"

Jeff glanced at Bradman, "I asked him to come here to encircle the mercenaries here. Of course, it was just to let you show up. The SSS-level mission actually exists, but I plan to let my guards deal with it later, which will increase the prestige of my house-like sect."

"Then you can support a certain country, and finally unify the mainland." Li muttered, but Jeref didn't care, and continued, "The reason why I asked him to come is very simple, because you are learning the holy pattern So I want you to see the origin of these holy patterns he used."

Li said directly, "

Those holy patterns are used to gather strength. "

"Of course I know," Jeff said softly, "but the problem is that these holy patterns are not difficult, but... no one has taught him, and no one has told him about the holy pattern The problem, even he has no contact with traditional magic. But he can write these holy patterns accurately." ..

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