Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 125 Enemy Attack

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Li Li was stunned when he heard what Jeff said. According to what Jeff said, his son is really a genius, and he is a genius among geniuses...

But how could there be such a genius in this world?

In this way, there is only one possibility, that is, someone poured this holy pattern into it. In Bradman's memory, this is no longer close to the level that can be achieved. It won't.

Seeing that Li couldn't say anything, Jeref sighed, and slowly lifted Bradman up, and then with just a wave of his hand, a big black hole opened up in the air, Jeref The husband threw Bradman into it without any pity, and then he said to Li, "You can think about Mebis's body."

Then Jeff disappeared directly into the black cave.

At this time, Li sneered, if it was really that easy, why didn't he go by himself?

Li slightly sighed, then walked into that hotel...

Li was woken up by Inber the next day. At this time, most of the hotel was still lying on the ground. Only a few A-level mercenaries woke up. Listening to Inber, I don’t know why everyone suddenly fell asleep yesterday. It was caught, as if it had been enchanted by some kind of magic.

Li sneered in his stomach at this time, the sleep magic exerted by Lao Tzu is something that these people here can resist!

After most people woke up, the white turtledove and Uther immediately organized everyone to see if they were missing anything. In fact, the faces of these two old fritters were a little ugly.

Yesterday, Li cast sleep and memory modification magic on everyone. Originally, these two spells should have no effect on A-level mercenaries.

But Li's strength was much higher than theirs, and everyone was recruited almost instantly.

Then Li went out to face Bradman.

But even if those two spells were successfully applied, those weak people would not be able to perceive the feeling of memory being altered, but these A-level old fritters could feel it.

But even if they know that their memory has been modified, they can't say it in public like this, not only will it make the people here panic, but also they will lose face.

In this way, the whole incident was probably characterized as last night, a group of people cast sleep magic on this place, but for some reason, those people did not kill or steal anything, but left directly.

Everyone can't say anything, after all, they have no other explanation.

Then everyone left directly, but there were still some incongruities in the team...

That means there is a silent little girl in the team.

But no one asked who she was, and the last person who asked who this little girl was was severely injured by her.

In fact Celia is no weaker than Bradman.

It's just that the two people are different in the direction of strength. When dealing with certain enemies, Celia may be much stronger than Bradman.

Li looked at Celia and felt a little depressed. Yesterday, he directly restored everyone's memories to the time when everyone had just introduced themselves...

That was before the blond man entered the hotel, but Celia's memory of Li hadn't disappeared, instead she had been by Li's side.

This kind of situation is also depressing for Li, he doesn't know what Celia is thinking at all, after all, to be honest, Li is using the body of Orgast now, so he is not Celia's opponent at all. Moreover, Olgast's body has already been used twice, and when he leaves this body for the third time, the corpse will be considered scrapped and can no longer be used. Thinking of this, Li felt extremely depressed.

Everyone's team didn't move so fast. Although everyone said something nice yesterday, in fact, the trust relationship between each other in this team is actually very weak.

Those bonuses are huge, but it doesn't mean that everyone gets enough points.

Even if one more person dies here, at the end of the day, the bonus points will be enough to make anyone here drool.

But this relationship of trust soon broke down...

That is, when everyone had advanced less than five kilometers, a loud roar rang out, and Li frowned. He had heard this voice before, and it was Li Fan, the idiot who had a big conflict with him that day. What's wrong with this one?

When Li looked over, he suddenly found a white mist coming in the direction of the voice. Almost instantly, the surrounding area was covered with white mist. Li opened his mouth. The characteristics of this white mist made him a little dazed. In fact, he once saw this kind of white mist in Verita's laboratory...

This white mist is actually produced by the coercion of the dragon. Verita's canister of mirage is sealed by special magic, and she is reluctant to use it normally. Why are there so many mirages here? Even fog has formed!

Then, Li already guessed... the source of the mirage must be a dragon... here? One train? Li frowned. In fact, in Fairy Tail, the strength gap between dragons and humans was very large, even to the point of being crushed.

The so-called dragon slayer magic and dragon slayer magister are simply laughing stock. The only special existence is Axekulia, the terrifying black dragon transformed by dragon slayer magister.

The one that makes dragons and people alike

trembling presence.

But speaking of dragons, they became extinct hundreds of years ago, how could there be another one here?

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded again, "Attention everyone! There is an enemy attack!"

This is Uther's disciple Alsace shouting, hearing this roar, everyone's face changed. In this fog, what kind of enemy is it?

Li sighed slowly, hoping he didn't have to give up this body...

After all, Ougaste's body would be completely destroyed if he left it again. ..

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