Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 126: Illusion in the Fog

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When he was feeling weak in the centrifuge, the white mist actually formed a solid body. That's right, if the white mist could really be understood as mist just now, then the current mist has begun to condense.

Countless flying creatures that looked like elves rushed towards this group of adventurers.

The first to bear the brunt were the white turtledove and others, and at this time the white turtledove didn't hesitate at all, and directly led his partner to block it. There is no doubt that the strength of the white turtledove belongs to the top among these people. Under the leadership, the first few elves formed by the mist were directly smashed to pieces.

But after the fog elves in front were smashed, the elves behind continued to rush up without hesitation. At this time, Li frowned, because after the chopped fog elves were smashed, they moved at a speed visible to the naked eye. Quickly recovered.

Hallucination? Li felt even more depressed about his current body. The current Ougaste's body couldn't use the eyes of reincarnation at all. If he could use the eyes of reincarnation even if it was writing sharing eyes, then he wouldn't be afraid of the so-called hallucinations.

But even if these mist elves can repair themselves, the strength of this group of adventurers is good no matter what. Those mist elves couldn't get close at all, so they were all chopped to pieces.

But soon, the surrounding white mist became more and more thick, and the mist spirits that originally appeared in far away places began to appear directly around the crowd, and even in some places where the distance between the crowd was relatively large, these white mist Spirits will suddenly form.

At this time, a sharp cry sounded, Li looked up, even if he couldn't use Sharingan now, his eyesight alone was outstanding among these people.

I saw that in the white mist above, I don’t know when the sky has been filled with white. Tens of thousands of small white bats and some unknown birds are roaring in the air. The spirit's attack directly started a seemingly endless attack on the mercenary in front of him.

Soon, some people who were attacked exclaimed, "Wait a minute, these things have no real attack at all!"

Hearing what he said, everyone's expressions immediately became much uglier.

"Mirage?!" Antonio said with a little hesitation but more affirmation.

"Mirage?" Uther exclaimed, "Really? Old man, how long has it been since dragons have appeared?"

Dragon is undoubtedly a terrifying term. Not to mention that dragons have not appeared in this world for nearly 500 years, even if there are only creatures that have not appeared in 100 years, it is estimated that they will be regarded as legends in most people's cognition.

Regardless of whether the dragon has the willingness to actively harm people, one thing is certain, the dragon clan will generally not give up active attacks on people or other creatures who actively break into the dragon's territory.

The mirage is a large-scale illusion that is exclusive to the dragon clan. This illusion can only be activated when the dragon clan is asleep, and the source of the magic that is activated is from the mouth and nose of the dragon clan when it is sleeping. The ejected gas is very viscous and has a very high magic factor.

People who enter the mirage will mistakenly think that it is just ordinary mist, but the mirage will also project the scene of this dragon sleeping in its dream, that is to say, people who enter the mist will see the dragon dream...

If you can't leave the range of this mirage quickly, then the scenes in these dreams will become more and more real, and finally turn into an existence with real attack power, then no matter what kind of team it is, it will be very difficult for any team in the mirage. survived.

"Everyone is not that fragile, right? If there is no creature of the level of dragon, how can it be an SSS task? Or we should be lucky, fortunately, it is a dragon, not some other creature. If it is a hell abyss lord, it may be more troublesome. Maybe!" The white turtledove immediately yelled, in fact, after he yelled, everyone calmed down, not as flustered as before, in fact, they were only frightened by the name of the dragon clan.

After all, dragons are creatures of this world. Since this is the case, then everyone is not weak and just go directly to solve it.

But at this time, when I saw the look of everyone giving a sigh of relief, there was some disdain on my face, please, it's a dragon, if these people here can really solve it easily, then just call the giant lizard Mr. up.

But to be honest, Li looked at the white turtledove, and that Uther, both of them are very strong, plus that A-level Alsace and Antonio, these people probably have the strength of the Holy Ten Level, if these people go together, maybe they can really solve that dragon.

Moreover, as long as there is a mirage, it proves that the dragon is not awake, but in a sleeping state, at least half asleep, and the team's chances of success will be even greater.

"The Turtle Dove is right. No matter how powerful the Dragon Clan is, it is definitely not our team's opponent. Besides, the Dragon Clan is probably still asleep. What are you afraid of!" Uther roared at this time, At this time, he and the white turtledove are the leaders of the team, no matter how flustered others are, the two of them must not be confused.

Uther took out a black badge from his bosom, on top of that badge was engraved the image of a goddess holding a torch high, Uther wore the badge on his chest at this time, and didn't know how to use What kind of spell, and within a hundred meters of it as the center, a golden flame ignited.

Li felt the attributes of this flame, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

This flame does not have any harmful effect, it just dispels illusions. Sure enough, after the flame ignites, as long as there is a flame, countless mist elves disappear immediately, and once those bats and birds jump into the range of the flame Among them, it disappeared immediately.

"Everyone come here now, don't hesitate, or it will be more troublesome later." ..

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