Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 127 Holy Light

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Uther yelled loudly, "This is the power of the Holy Light, which can ward off the attacks of hallucinations."

For these people, the range of the firelight can definitely be said to be quite large.

And those more and more mist elves and white bats have been flying and jumping outside the flames. They also seem to have a certain degree of wisdom, knowing that they must never enter the flames, but at this time they are also in the flames. More and more gathered outside, and in the blink of an eye, the people in the flames were completely surrounded once again.

Uther said, "Don't worry everyone, the range of the Holy Light Flame can move according to my movement, everyone can follow me at any time, that Lifan! Can you stop crying!"

Hearing what Uther said, he also looked towards Li Fan, who was crying at this time. This guy has been crying since just now. It seems that his wife was killed by something in the first moment of the accident. .

Looking at Li again, those of his subordinates were indeed missing a man and a woman.

However, the relationship between this guy and Li is not very good, and Li has no need to care about him, so he just said, "Senior Uther, let me show you the way."

Hearing what Li said, Uther was taken aback, "Is there any way you can find it?"

Li nodded gently, "You may have heard of my teacher, her name is Verita." Li didn't want to tell other people that he was a student of Anxelham, and didn't say anything else , even if he said it himself, I am afraid that these people will not know who Anxelam is.

But if it is different for Verita, Verita's reputation in the secular world, that is, under the highest-ranking nobles, is definitely greater than that of Anxelam.

Sure enough, upon hearing what Li said, both White Turtledove and Uther's expressions changed drastically.

"Master Verita?"

"So you are that old guy's apprentice!"

At this time, the white turtledove and Uther looked at each other, obviously thinking about something, and then Uther patted Li on the shoulder, "Then be careful, I don't want to be missed by that guy Verita. "

Li nodded, then made a reassuring gesture to Inber, and then snapped his fingers, and a flame ignited in his hand. Seeing this flame, Uther's face also changed One change, in fact, the flame in Li's hand is not an ordinary flame, but has other unique properties. If it must be said, it is similar to the holy light flame that Uther displayed at this time. Effect.

This is indeed the product of a certain degree of copying after seeing Uther's holy light flame. From the point of view of Li, who has already mastered the magic circle, it is just a piece of cake, but in the eyes of the white turtledove and In Uther's heart, Olgast, the fat man, has become somewhat unfathomable.

At this time, Li walked out of the range of the holy light flame alone, but because of the flame in his hand, a range naturally appeared beside him. In this range, the surrounding fog naturally disappeared when Li walked. The scattered.

Li Weiwei sighed, originally he didn't intend to intervene, but looking at it like this, if he didn't intervene, these people would probably die if they bumped into this forest.

If all these people are dead, Li doesn't think that he can rely on Ougaste's body to leave here...

Of course, Li still has another idea, what exactly is the goal of this SSS mission, Li still wants to figure it out.

After all, he really didn't believe it, it was just a cover made by Jeff.

Could it be that the monster inside is just a test product of Jeff?

Li's intuition didn't attenuate in Olgast's body, and soon he found the exit of the mirage, and the first thing Li saw was a huge cave, this huge cave didn't have any decorations, but It is big enough, with a height of 20 meters and a width of more than ten meters. It does seem that something often comes in and out from here.

Li immediately returned and took Uther and others to the range of the cave entrance. After a little identification, the white turtledove and Uther had confirmed that this was indeed the cave of the dragon. Naturally, everyone cheered and jumped. Even Li Fan, who had just died of his wife and brother, looked excited.

After entering the cave, there was no mirage. Uther whispered twice, and the surrounding golden flames completely disappeared, and then several lighting beams lit up in the team. Basically, everyone knows how to do it, even those magicians who only practice their own specialized magic, or those fighters who purely follow the path of power. In the Magicians Association, a few gold coins can buy a bunch of magicians that can release lighting beams. magic props.

The cave and the entrance of the cave look very similar, at least one dragon can enter it, and after taking a look at the surrounding environment, it seems that this place should be right, and then Uther took the lead and walked down in front. , both Uther and Alsace are very suitable to stand in front of the team, because these two guys practice holy light magic, and at the moment of the contact battle, these two people undoubtedly have a very big advantage .

Although holy light magic has very strong power, its biggest advantage lies in its ability to restore and protect. The powerful destructive power can only be displayed in the hands of those who have cultivated it to the peak.

Now Uther is in the front, Alsace and the white turtledove are in the rear.

Under these conditions, everyone felt at ease, but Li's face showed a cold look.

Lol, when this team is facing the final battle, only A-level mercenaries can protect themselves in the battle. Now Uther and the others are protecting these mercenaries for nothing more than one thing—— We can't let the last cannon fodder die too early.

But even if he knew it in his heart, he wouldn't say it. At this time, he just followed them quietly and walked forward along the cave. ..

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