Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 129 The Real Guard

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After the first body appeared, the second body emerged from the ground at a faster speed...

And then another...

In the blink of an eye, dozens of corpses rushed out of the ground crazily, but they just turned into fly ash when they came into contact with the holy light. This is the real guardian in this cave.

They hide in the ground, just waiting for others to deal with the giant tiger and the resurrected soldiers above. When the mind is relaxed, they will appear... and give the adventurers a fatal blow.

Now everyone is lucky, only one person died. If everyone had walked to the center just now, it is unknown how many people would die.

However, after taking a look at Li Fan, who looked like his dead father, he knew that he was definitely not feeling sorry for the death of his subordinate. This guy was probably still sad that he would be blamed by the regiment leader when he went back.

After all, with so many subordinates, one-third of them have died before facing the master. When they arrive at the master, it is estimated that more than two-thirds of the casualties are more than two-thirds. The boss will not give him any good looks.

After a long while, under the radiance of the holy light, no corpse jumped out from the ground, Uther and Alsace stopped casting magic, and the two looked at each other with some fear in their eyes. It's unknown where so many corpses came from, and at this time the ground that was originally extremely flat has become like a field that has just been turned over.

But now that the first level has passed, it is of course unreasonable to turn around now.

Everyone can only continue to move forward, but no one can tell what lies ahead.

After passing through this huge space, it was the same kind of cave at the beginning. After walking forward for a while, Li felt something was wrong. In fact, after coming here, Li felt the power of the undead in his body. Just about to move, as if feeling something of the same kind.

Could it be that the dragon clan here is the undead dragon?

What a joke, I haven't seen a dragon in the direction of the undead in the Fairy Tail comics. The nearest dragon to the direction of the dark attribute is the shadow dragon, and the other is the black dragon Akunologia.

If it is a bone dragon, a high-level bone dragon can indeed release some undead magic, but the bone dragon has no life characteristics, how can it produce a mirage?

It seems that it is really getting more and more interesting.

Uther naturally didn't know Li's thoughts at this time, and even said that most of these people's understanding of dragons was limited to legends, and he signaled everyone to follow closely, and then moved forward for a certain distance After that, a downward road appeared. Although the slope was not very steep, it was already very obvious that it was heading downward.

After walking down the stairs, the scenery in front of them suddenly changed. If the place where everyone walked was the cave of beasts, now it looks like a man-made underground building.

No, it should be said that this place is definitely a building built by humans or other humanoid creatures...

Starting from here, the surrounding walls are all built with bricks and stones. No matter how you look at it, it is not something that the Dragon Clan can make. The regularity of the walls surprised everyone. When will there be such a building here? up?

And at this place at this time, there must be a blue magic lamp five meters apart on the wall. This thing is not something that the Dragon Clan will use, not to mention that the Dragon Clan does not need this kind of thing at all.

Even if they made these things, they wouldn't be of this size.

It is obvious that this is a dungeon built by a civilized race. A thought flashed in my mind, could it be that some dragon made a hole all the way here and found a dungeon ruin by mistake?

But if we talk about it according to human standards. It is indeed to be described as brilliant. The width of the road is about 50 meters, and the height is more than 20 meters. There are a lot of oil paintings painted at a height of one person from the ground, but it has obviously gone through quite a lot of years. So those oil paints have long been distorted, and it is simply impossible to identify them now.

However, they are not archaeologists, they are just walking forward, and when they get here, they are already ready to fight.

Going along the road, although there are many forks here, everyone still chooses to go straight. This place is not like a scary maze, but like a dungeon that was once inhabited.

After walking through the corridor at the beginning, houses began to appear around, but no one would be interested in going there to see what was going on.

Even being attacked in the streets is much better than dispersing combat power.

Li moved his mind, did anyone ever live here? Thinking that everyone came here because of Jeref, I couldn't help but wonder if this was once the residence of an ancient kingdom, or if it was a refuge, maybe this dungeon also had an inexplicable relationship with Jeref.

However, Li's thoughts were quickly interrupted, because a strange wave of magic suddenly came in front of him. At this moment, he frowned, and looked towards that side from Uther's side, but everyone had already passed through. After passing the streets of this dungeon, we came to a place similar to a square.

That is to say, after Li felt that strange magic movement, music suddenly sounded mysteriously in all directions, and the sound was very loud. Li glanced at Inber, who also nodded slightly at this time, and the two of them naturally flattered the principle of saving their lives first.

Although everyone has arrived in front of the square, there is no light on the square, as if immersed in eternal darkness, Li gently closed his eyes, almost instantly, he felt those strange things Although the music sounds coming from all directions, its roots lie in the square in front of it.

But now no one dares to enter that square first... ..

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