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As if feeling the thoughts of the crowd, suddenly one after another bright lights lit up above everyone's heads - from the intersection to the square, a bright light flashed at each intersection, and then the whole dungeon seemed to have entered the daylight. Average.

Even the square, which was still deep in darkness just now, has become like daylight.

At this time, the square is completely different from other places. If you look at other places in this dungeon, it is clear that this place used to be a place where humans lived, but this square has changed beyond recognition. The square was obviously remodeled by later generations. However, at this time there is a huge altar in the middle, and in the center of the altar is a huge fire.

Reflecting the lights on the sky, the moment the lights came on, flames suddenly ignited on the fire.

At this time, on the altar, outside the fire, there were rows of people kneeling. They were dressed in uniform black clothes, and they looked very strange.

"Human?" The white turtledove's eyes revealed a questioning look. If there are humans here, it will be a lot of fun. After completing the SSS-level mission, they discovered a wave of necromancers' lairs?

But if this is the case, it can probably be understood why those undead creatures were found on the upper layer...

Although at that time, two of Li Fan's subordinates died due to undead creatures, but who here would take his feelings into consideration? Now that he has accepted this task, dying because of this task is an inevitable awakening.

The white turtledove and Uther glanced at each other, and almost instantly they decided to let Li Fan's two subordinates die in vain. The white turtledove walked up the steps to the altar, with a friendly voice There was a sound from the altar, "Hello, everyone, we are mercenaries who came from a long way, and I want to ask you something..."

Seeing the white turtledove doing this, Li Fan showed a bit of anger on his face. In fact, the white turtledove is showing a certain degree of favor to the other party. If this is the case, it is impossible for Li Fan to repay his subordinates. Hatred!

If Li Fan really wanted to do something, then not to mention the white turtledove, even Uther could beat him to the ground.

But before the white turtledove finished speaking, all the men in black kneeling on the altar stood up.

The person standing at the highest place is quite short, but looks like a dwarf. I didn't expect the leader of these people to be a dwarf...

"You can see that their heads are actually dwarfs." Inber suddenly whispered, but Li shook his head lightly, "Those are not human."

Inbell's eyes widened, "You said you're not human, could it be..."

Li nodded again, because Bell knew that Li had actually practiced undead magic, so he hid behind a mercenary and whispered, "What should I do?"

Li frowned, "Responsiveness, it's not clear what strength the opponent is now."

Li is not going to expose his strength now, otherwise he will definitely be a coolie in the future, unless these people encounter a hurdle that they can't get past, Li will take action...

However, Li's abacus was not finished yet, the dwarf standing at the highest place had already turned his head, just took a look, and Li's expression changed. There is also a crown on the top, but just by looking at it, you can see that this guy is actually a goblin!

That's right, the guy's facial features make it almost immediately obvious that the guy is actually a goblin.

Are you kidding me, the leader of this place is actually a goblin?

But Zhuan Yili found that although he was a goblin, the magic power emanating from his body was not what the goblins that can be seen on the mainland can show...

This goblin is at least a great magician, but at this time Li didn't feel a bit of life in him at all. It was obvious that this goblin was either being manipulated or it was actually a lich. That's right, a goblin lich !

And the white turtledove was also taken aback at this time, who would not be surprised to see that the guy who turned his head in front of him was actually a goblin?

And as the goblin turned his head, he suddenly spoke, "A mercenary? It looks the same as the people who came a few days ago, come according to the master's order, let them understand the price of breaking in here !"

It's almost the colleague who gave the order, all the men in black here turned around at the colleague, and at this time these people are no longer goblins, most of them are humans, but there are also some elf-like existences , As for some of them who are very tall, there is no doubt that they are the orc races that have long since disappeared on this continent.

And these people are not like goblins, their eyes are dark, obviously they don't have their own eyes, and a few faces are already rotten, it is obvious that they are all your undead creatures.

And after getting the goblin's order, they immediately took out their bows and arrows from their robes, and launched an attack on the mercenaries below, but everyone was ready to fight from the beginning, and these guys all They are mercenaries who have experienced many crises, so they naturally made preparations quickly, and one by one took out the shields they had prepared long ago, while the mages began to chant protective magic.

So the first wave of bow and arrow people defended the past without any danger. As for the white turtledove, it had already rushed forward. Of course it's the best. If you can't reason, then you can only talk about it.

The white turtledove was standing on the altar at this time, so it was no problem to directly attack and kill those archers, even if there were dozens of archers here, it didn't matter to the white turtledove.

Perhaps these undead creatures were somewhat capable before they were alive, but now that they have become undead creatures, their combat effectiveness is definitely not comparable to that of A-level mercenaries. ..

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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