Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 157 Effect

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Li sneered at this time. He didn't know why there was a light red light on his body. At this time, Li had this light red light on his body, like a flash point, suddenly appeared behind Zeref. Back position, and then slashed Zeref's neck with the short blade in his hand.

Is Zeref's vital point in his neck? Is the neck really critical to such a powerful black mage?

But Li didn't care at all, because Li's attacks had already surpassed the level of mortals, and he could easily destroy the opponent just by thinking about it. The attack is the same everywhere. As long as it can hit the opponent, the chain effect caused by the attack can plunge the opponent into an abyss of eternal destruction.

And attacking the vital point is just a subconscious action of a strong man.

Following Li's attack, Zeref's figure suddenly moved. At this time, he no longer wanted to test whether Li could use the space power conveyed to the weapon in his hand to compete with his own space power, and whether it could cause harm to him. .

Faced with Li's attack, Zeref chose to escape directly.

Faced with Zeref's sudden escape, Li's sneer became even more serious, as if Zeref had fallen into his own trap.

Zeref also felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what it was. Could it be that Li had mastered some trump card that could defeat him.

Zeref didn't think Li had such a powerful weapon and held back until now to use it.

And just when Zeref thought of this, the cross in Li's right eye suddenly jumped again. This time it turned into something almost solid. It was such a jump that the cross in Li's right eye actually jumped. A piece of red in it turns into something similar to white.

But there was a red color around Li's body...

The red area was huge, like a large red curtain, covering both Li and Zeref.

Zeref wanted to ask what this thing was, but at this time, although he could still see the scene where he was standing just now, he had actually entered a space mezzanine, and through this space mezzanine , he can quickly move to other locations and flash out. In this case, Zeref is like a displacement.

What Zeref didn't know was that just after the blood in Li's eyes gushed out, in an instant, a large area centered on Li turned red, and everything, regardless of their original Whatever the color was, it was all covered in a layer of blood red at this time.

The short blade that Li was waving in his hand no longer had just a little bit of red light. Wherever it was swung, the blood color multiplied, as if the blood curtain had been strengthened a bit at this time.

And at this time, Li suddenly felt the blood curtain diagonally behind him tremble slightly. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li slashed the blow directly into a horizontal slash diagonally behind him. As for himself, The weapon's attack range is not enough?

Li almost wanted to laugh a few times. Since it was a weapon condensed with his own strength, didn't he give it the length?

The condensed length of less than two meters is just a length that is more accustomed to use. If necessary, even a giant weapon that can be condensed into a hundred meters in an instant can be easily pinched with Li's power.

But when Li was thinking about the position behind him, his expression suddenly changed, because when he wanted to use his attack to attack Zeref's foothold, he found that the entire space had become stagnant, and Li felt His movements, which were already extremely fast, became slower and slower at this time.

It was as if something was hindering Li.

And as if he felt extreme danger, the part of the time when the fluctuation occurred began to shake violently, as if he was afraid of something, trying to shrink desperately, and trying desperately to get rid of whatever brought him. It felt comfortable, and as if feeling the vibration of this part of the space, the blood-red sky from the surrounding area condensed directly towards this place.

Finally, the blood-red canopy in the entire sky condensed into this area, and finally turned into a thin film here.

And at the moment when the red film was formed, countless bursting sounds suddenly occurred in the entire sky. Li understood that these bursting sounds were the traps set by Zeref against him. Countless black brilliance flashed across the sky. These traps were all space traps and black magic traps, but they were extremely vicious.

Li was involved, and although he said he wouldn't die, it would definitely have a big impact on the rest of the battle.

After taking a look at the ceilings and spaces that were riddled with holes due to Zeref's trap, Li sighed slightly, but at this time, these blood-red sky curtains condensed, and Li sensed the distance in the entire space. He suddenly returned to normal at this moment, and then the short blade in his hand pierced the blood curtain effortlessly.

As the short blade penetrated, the blood-red color began to beat crazily as if it was stimulated by something, as if it was fearing something and also looking forward to something. Li Leng snorted, With a vigorous stir, these blood-red sky curtains suddenly turned into countless red lights and dispersed, and a huge space-collapse black hole appeared in its original position.

At this time, Li successfully destroyed Zeref's teleportation. With a sneer on his face, he succeeded with one blow. Zeref was not invincible at all. Maybe he had not been defeated by anyone else. In this The world is, and it is also in the original work, but

It doesn’t matter if it’s in your own hands.

Li turned around gently. At this time, the entire blood-red sky covered the space again. Li didn't believe that Zeref would leave here directly. In this case, Zeref had actually admitted his failure. .

Li slowly stared at the edge of the blood curtain. ..

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