Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 158 Zeref’s trump card

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Although the blood curtain has left somewhere, the blood curtain is still ready to move. They seem to have some hatred against all the destroying things. Even if someone wants to destroy the order of the space, they will not allow it at all.

At this time, a wave of fluctuation flashed through the space again, which gave the bloody sky a great stimulus.

However, this time, Li did not use the bloody sky to stop him. Instead, he quietly watched Zeref's space teleportation magic complete.

At this time, a nearly invisible thin black line suddenly appeared in the sky. Soon, the black line began to thicken and lengthen rapidly, and then turned into a black cave that could provide a person with access.

Immediately afterwards, Zeref, who looked embarrassed and was in tatters, stepped out of it.

In fact, Zeref didn't believe that someone could do this to him. This was the first time that he had become so embarrassed in a battle.

After Zeref officially walked out, Li's eyes moved slightly, and then the bloody sky near the black space immediately swarmed towards Zeref like ants seeing honey.

At this time, these bloody sky curtains did not attack Zeref, and they themselves had no ability to attack. They just kept devouring the black cave behind Zeref. At this time, traces of blood began to slowly Drained into black, the red and black began to reverse rapidly. In less than a moment, there was no trace of Zeref coming here.

Li looked at Zeref, with no expression on his face at this time, as if he was saying to him, "How about it, the winner has been decided, right?"

However, Zeref had a smile on his face, "I didn't expect that you actually have such a trump card, seal the space, and then let me use black magic to fight you?"

Li snorted, the expression on his face seemed to be nothing, "You are too arrogant if you think you can defeat me with black magic alone."

Zeref shook his head gently, "No, no, no, I don't think black magic can kill you. At least if there is no space magic to save my life, your attack alone will give me a headache. You can ignore my immortality. As for the attacks that use the special effects of my body to cause damage to me... let me think about it, you probably won’t be able to use it a few times, right?”

Li snorted, and the blood-red sky on his body deepened again, and he wanted to completely condense this space. As long as this happened, Zeref would never use space magic here. Even if he did, it would be useless!

By then Zeref won’t even have the capital to escape!

As if he felt what Li was thinking, Zeref seemed to want to laugh. He gently stroked his face, "There is really no other way. Let me show you my other trump card!"

At this time, Zeref suddenly tore open his clothes, and then exposed his chest, which was not very broad. Without any hesitation, he directly inserted his left hand into his chest, and then pulled hard.

With the extreme pain on his face, he actually pulled out his heart.

Li opened his mouth, could it be that this guy's trump card is suicide? Even if I can't beat you anyway, I won't let you beat to death?

In this case, Li Zhen was a little speechless.

But Zeref didn't think so. He looked at his heart with a bit of fascination on his face, "What a powerful force. Hey, I'll let you see it! Seal!"

Following his words, an inexplicable powerful beating suddenly came from his heart, as if what was beating at this time was not Zeref's heart, but the heart of a prehistoric beast, the heart of a huge god. With the beating of this heart, the surrounding bloody sky is actually twisting.

Yes, they seemed to be struggling, as if they were in pain. They quickly shrank their boundaries and soon all returned to Li. Li wanted to ask the system, what on earth was this.

But now is not the time at all. As long as he slacks off a little bit, he will be greeted by Zeref's thunderous attack.

It seems that this is Zeref's trump card. I don't know what the real function of his heart is, but it seems that it can at least remove the effect of the bloody sky that locks the space.

Zeref looked at the heart in his hand, with a bit of dissatisfaction on his face. He shook his head gently and pinched his heart. Then he spat out a large mouthful of blood, but his heart was not big. However, at this moment, as if in response to his pinch, the heart suddenly beat violently. With this beat, a kind of extremely bloody, extremely violent, full of curses and resentment power emerged from this heart. burst out.

It seemed like an ancient power that had been sleeping for tens of millions of years. It seemed that it was not satisfied sleeping in Zeref's heart. It wanted to struggle and kill endlessly.

All kinds of negative emotions seeped out from the heart and began to spread out, and then rushed towards Li like a tsunami. In this trance, Li felt as if he was in a boundless sea of ​​blood, with thousands of evil ghosts trying to climb up from the sea of ​​blood beneath his feet, and countless resentful spirits flying around his body. Fly away.

At this time, they kept exuding all kinds of negative emotions that were a little unbearable for Yi Li, as if they wanted to let Yi Yi blend into one with them.

Li understands that this is definitely not an illusion. Although the things used in other worlds are not necessarily the principles of illusion in the Naruto world, under the Mangekyou Sharingan, nothing can affect the host.

What I see in front of me is mental fluctuation. Is this true?

Nothing can stop the mental fluctuations.

It is constantly affecting me with various negative emotions, and is assimilating me in its own way, trying to make me its servant. These mental fluctuations do not come from that heart, this heart only serves as a relay. It's just a role, the real source is actually Zeref.

This may be the various negative emotions he has collected over the years, or he is the creator of these negative emotions, or perhaps he has been enduring these terrible negative emotions. ..

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