Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 175 Heartfilia

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But even if this violent and ferocious wolf could gain the upper hand, it still couldn't defeat the armor Layla was wearing. It can be said that Li's gravity load was beyond the imagination of people in this world, so he directly took a suit when wearing it. Armor worn only by heavy cavalry.

This armor is extremely well made. It seems that the blacksmith has never seen so many raw materials in his life, so he used them all in one go. So now the armor is more than 80 kilograms if not a hundred kilograms. This violent and ferocious wolf is determined to He bit Leila to death, but what could he do about this armor?

At this time, Li slowly put his hand on Reinhardt's head. Once the magic of searching memory is completed, this guy will definitely be disabled, let alone become an idiot, and he will probably be mentally retarded.

But as soon as Li searched his memory, he immediately regretted it, because Li found out that this guy was from Ishgar!

And Li discovered some very subtle things in this guy's memory.

Ogast's concept of time was actually wrong. Thinking of this, Li couldn't help but frown.

Because this guy's memory is only 730 years ago, and this is the result of staying in the Anxelam Temple for a period of time!

But when I first came to this world, the year I got in Ogast's memory was 740. That is to say, there was actually a fifteen-year gap between the two people's concepts of time.

Suddenly, Li thought of something. At that time, he had met Hades, the second generation president of Fairy Tail, and the young Makarov in the Anxelam Temple. If calculated in this way, Olgas The time that the special message was conveyed to him must be wrong. After all, according to the Fairy Tail chronology that Li had seen in his previous life, Marklov had become the Fairy Tail president in 740.

Zhuan Li shook his head slowly, so what should he do with these guys appearing around him now?

Agil, Angel, Val, and Imber, these guys are all the Twelve Shields who later appeared next to Zeref. Each of them will reach level 17 or 18 in strength in the future, which is the so-called It surpasses the strength of the Holy Ten, but the ages shown in the original work are quite span.

Not to mention Angel who looks like he is only in his twenties.

As for the magician who is now useless in Li's hands, Li is even more dumbfounded. This guy's last name is actually Heartfilia, which means that he is the protagonist of Fairy Tail who serves as a clue to guide Lucy. A grandfather or something like that.

Li sighed, and gently patted the guy who had completely turned into an idiot, and then he turned directly into fly ash. There is no use thinking about it now. Let's talk about what happens when the time comes.

Even if the sky falls, what does Li have to fear?

Li glanced at the still stalemate battle on Leila's side again, sighed slowly, and lightly snapped his fingers. Leila disappeared from the place. Facing a pair of armor, the violent ferocious wolf was obviously There was nothing of interest. At this time, he looked around and immediately discovered Li's existence. At this time, he rushed towards Li directly.

This kind of directly summoned magical beast usually does not obey the detailed orders of the magician. It probably just listens to instructions. Moreover, even if the magician's magic power is exhausted or he is dead like now, this kind of magical beast will not disappear immediately. Yes, it will disappear only after its own magic time limit expires.

This is also very different from contract summoned beasts.

Li looked at this violent and ferocious wolf and just sighed slightly. For him, something of this level was no different from delivering food.

Li just slowly raised a finger, and then gently tapped the guy who was rushing towards him. The violent and ferocious wolf that was just arrogant just disappeared from this world, not even ashes. remain.

Li then walked towards the battlefield of Angel and the others. By this time, the situation over there had already been completed. Two mercenaries were dead and three were injured. The injured were not serious, but they were just shouting at this time. It's just more miserable.

As for the aristocratic boys on the other side who were squatting there to trouble the scout captain, although the scout captain was pretty good, he couldn't withstand the beatings of these people, and he was beaten to the ground after a while.

Now that he was breathing in less than he was breathing out, it seemed that they had been quite ruthless, but judging from Angel's tone, he had already asked all the questions that should be asked.

Li listened to Angel's narration, and the whole matter became clear.

It turns out that the opponent's team is really a Blizzard mercenary group, and it is one of the more elite squadrons. There are about 500 people coming this time, and each of the team captains is probably as strong as the scout captain. , there are almost twenty people of this level in total.

Li nodded lightly when he heard this. Don't look at this guy with only a few people, but the scouts are the most elite of all arms. Since the scout captain is so strong, the other squad captains are about the same. That's it.

As for their purpose, Angel also asked. It turned out that the original owner of Petersburg was not really down and out. This guy was actually a famous tomb robber. He had dug through many tombs, so the collection also cost a lot of money. people are drooling.

Later, he died suddenly for unknown reasons. A leader of the Blizzard mercenary group later found out the true identity of this tomb robber, and there seemed to be something in his collection.

There is something that the leader of the Blizzard mercenary group must get, so he sent such a team to find this thing here.

Li frowned when he heard this. He originally thought that this was just a reason that Zeref had arranged for him, but he didn't expect that something was really involved. However, Zhuanli shook his head. If Zeref really had any hostility towards him, he would be able to detect it immediately, so there is nothing to worry about. ..

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