Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 176 Miscellaneous Discussions

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In the evening, everyone returned to Nambra.

However, these guys did not rest, but went to the most prosperous night alley in Nambula to gather together.

This night alley is the largest gold selling cave in Nambula. No matter how big or small a place is, this kind of gold selling cave is indispensable. Whether this night alley is bragging or not, at least he dares to say that he can get it. Come out to find the best things in Nambra, whether it’s beautiful women or food, this is the top place in Nambra.

Although this Nambula is a small place, there are many merchants coming and going here, so naturally it has slowly grown up.

Although this night alley is called an alley, it is actually a five-story building covering a large area.

Although it is said to be five floors, it is actually nearly seven floors high. At the front of the night alley is a large square. As long as it is evening, it will be filled with various carriages. Of course, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are either rich or noble.

In the center of the square is a quite large fountain. Not only does the fountain spray out a water column of more than ten meters high before it falls, but there is also a magic array that emits colorful light at the bottom of the fountain. This magic array alone emits light. One of its functions costs thousands of gold coins every day, not to mention that this magic circle has to restrain the splashing of water.

After passing through the square, there is the gate with a height of five or six meters. The lobby in the night alley makes people feel the splendor of the golden wall. The outside is already so gorgeous, and there are countless installations in the lobby. Magic lamp. These lights decorate the lobby extremely dazzlingly.

As for the artworks from all over the world, they are absolutely indispensable. The artworks displayed in the lobby at this time are also items that many customers who come here to consume with all their wealth cannot afford.

The cost of the lobby alone is estimated to be in the millions.

As for the second floor of the night alley, it is divided into compartments one by one. Each room inside is decorated in a different style. Naturally, there are people resting and people talking about certain things in it.

As for the fifth floor, it is completely different from the lower floors. As long as you have money and can spend money on the lower floors, you can play casually, but only VIPs here can enter the fifth floor.

Auctions of rare items are often held here, and of course slaves are among them.

At least in this world, slaves exist on this continent, and the source of these slaves is often prisoners of war.

After the business of the Titan Weapon Manufacturing Factory became better and better, these noble young men became regular visitors here.

Although these guys can only show off their arrogance on the first floor, these guys who are young and successful still have to show off their wealth. Otherwise, wouldn't the money be as good as nothing?

Today, these guys didn't ask the girls to play with each other. Instead, they gathered in a corner of the lobby in a depressed mood. It's not that they didn't want to go to the second floor to talk about things, but the problem is that even with their current wealth, they would have to go to the second floor. A good heartache.

"Hey, tell me, is the leader of the Blizzard mercenary group full of food? According to the current scale of the Blizzard mercenary group, he can't eat whatever he wants and sleep with whoever he wants? It's worth it. Are you going to suffer when a wave of people come over? The same goes for that lord. Even if he becomes a tomb robber, he still insists on leaving the treasure. Now it makes us suffer endlessly." Angel sighed at this time and seemed to be quite resentful.

"There are more than five hundred people. Who knows if they will send reinforcements in again? Even if they don't send reinforcements, it depends on the comparison between the group of people we recruited and the other party. If we don't get a thousand reinforcements, I will be worried in my heart." No bottom." Yakir also looked very depressed at this time, with a frown on his face.

"Alas..." Imber also sighed at this time: "This matter is big or small. If we can't do it, we won't lose our heads. It's just that we can't butter up that guy Bradman. It's annoying!"

"What's wrong with you guys? Please, when we go out this time, the one who suffers is the one on the other side. Eight people were killed on the other side. There were two mages among these eight people. I think the scout captain you took care of is pretty good. , according to him, there are only more than twenty people of this level on their side. As for the guy I dealt with, he is also very strong. I think it would be good if they could have two or three more traditional mages like this. ! Now they are not sure how anxious they are!" Li looked at everyone looking unhappy and said directly, and then glanced at everyone again, knowing that these guys were all worried, he stopped talking. .

"Brothers! This matter must not be let go like this!" Yakir yelled at this time, which shocked everyone. He was very excited at this time, "If you don't say anything else, look at my dad, he After living and dying for the principality for so many years, now I am just a baron, I became a military defense officer, and now I am just a deputy commander. Deputy commander, you can’t make the decision in anything! Listen to me, we are here. This opportunity must not be let go. If we want to stand out, we have to play a big game with this guy Bradman. If we don't do this well, he will probably look down on us for the rest of his life!!"

"You are pretty good. At least you can inherit a title. How much better am I than your father? If nothing else, we brothers are quite famous outside, but in fact we are no different from common people. If a few of us commit a crime, why don't we hide in a small place like that? In the past, if you wanted to steal a girl, you would have to check her origins first. If you didn't say she was a noble, you wouldn't dare to rob her, unless you had some connections in the family. Dare to steal, even if it is a mercenary, we have to weigh the opponent's strength, if it weren't for this guy Ogast's brain

Well, we have built a Titan Weapon Manufacturing Factory. I guess now we will still have to squat outside and look at this drooling thing in the night alley. "Angel couldn't help but start to complain when he heard what Yakir said. He looked very unhappy...

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