Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 180 Ambush and Being Ambush

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It was at that time that the people from the Blizzard Mercenary Group took action. They wiped out the bandits very easily. Moreover, they never touched the people in the village. Instead, they often brought some supplies to the people in the town. Exchange daily necessities.

No matter what others think, people in this town feel that these people in the Blizzard Mercenary Group are good people.

Suddenly, a mercenary strode in from outside and whispered a few words in Yaqir's ear, but Yaqir's eyes gleamed and he shouted, "Okay! Not bad, I really found it. Those guys from the Blizzard Mercenary Group!"

But before he finished speaking, he was pulled hard by Li, "Why are you shouting so loudly!"

At this time, several people abandoned the mayor and took the mercenary to ask detailed questions.

The mayor naturally pricked up his ears and listened to the conversation of several guys. However, the voices of the noble boys were very low at this time. Although the mayor listened carefully, he could only hear a few keywords. . But he probably knew that these guys were coming to deal with the Blizzard mercenary group.

Then everyone directly greeted other mercenaries and left the town together. Of course, these guys did not know the specific location of the Blizzard mercenary group. Even if they were occupying the castle, in fact, their troops could not be there all day long. Stay in that castle.

So they devised a strategy to expose the mayor himself to the whereabouts of the Blizzard mercenary group.

After everyone left the town for a while, they released a mage's eye and began to closely monitor the town. Sure enough, after waiting for a while, the mayor found a young man in the town and said a few words to the young man. After speaking, the boy quickly left the village and ran towards Petersburg.

Then, Li sent a mercenary to follow the boy closely. In this case, the whereabouts of the Blizzard mercenary group would soon fall into their hands.

But Li Ke was not prepared to just wait here. After all, if the other party learned that there was a group of people with evil intentions towards him, he would definitely wait on his way back, so everyone had no intention of actually going to find those Blizzard mercenaries. The people of the Blizzard Mercenary Group planned to go back like this, and then give the people of the Blizzard Mercenary Group a good look on their way back to Nambula.

Not long after, the cavalryman came back. According to him, those members of the Blizzard Mercenary Group were ostensibly in Petersburg, but were actually stationed near Qingzhou Town. The young man from Qingzhou Town just now After running over and making a report, there was a burst of people inside shouting and neighing. In short, something was done.

Li nodded, and Yaqir also understood that the current situation was really going according to Li's vision. They were happy and relaxed, and headed straight in the direction of Nambra.

The first half of the journey was quite easy, at least no one found any trace of the Blizzard Mercenary Group at all. However, when everyone turned around at an intersection, their expressions changed, because at this time, there were one hundred and fifty people in front of them. Only cavalry, all of these cavalry are strong and healthy. Just looking at it this way, everyone's strength is about the same as that of the scouts they dealt with last time.

Looking at these cavalry, everyone probably knows that these guys are mercenaries from the Blizzard Mercenary Group.

It seems that these people are the troops used by the Blizzard Mercenary Group to intercept everyone.

It's just that the people in Qingzhou Town only saw more than seventy mercenaries at the beginning. The purpose was to prevent the other party from sending out all the troops. However, they didn't expect that the other party really thought highly of these noble boys and actually sent them forcefully. One hundred and fifty elite cavalry were recruited.

You must know that the Blizzard mercenary group around Petersburg only has five or six hundred people. According to normal proportions, these one hundred and fifty cavalry are all their mobile troops, and the rest are at most Some infantry or archers.

At this time, seeing that the opponent's cavalry was ready, the Konoha Shadow mercenaries here were a little nervous. At this time, Akiel snorted coldly, but he did not show any stage fright. He yelled at this time, " Ready! Shoot!"

Following his roar, the mercenaries here immediately took out short bows and short crossbows and shot at the opponent's cavalry. These short crossbows were obtained by Li Li at a huge cost. Originally, these short crossbows were good items that only military personnel could equip. They were powerful and penetrating, but difficult to cock. However, what everyone was fighting for was to cause a lot of damage to the opponent in the first wave. Sure enough, the first wave at this time When the arrows rained down, more than ten cavalrymen fell down.

When the other party saw that the people of Konoha Shadow had already started to take action, they no longer waited and started charging directly after the leader gave the order. At this time, Akir took his time and yelled again. He shouted, "Ready! Shoot!"

Following his voice, the people of Konoha Shadow fired another wave of arrows. This time, the opponent was already prepared, but only seven or eight people fell. At this time, the opponent was less than a hundred meters away. meters away.

Li nodded to Imber, clasped his hands together, and then the earth trembled, and a large number of muddy swamps appeared on the ground. These muddy swamps appeared very abruptly, as if they were originally here, and Li just made them appear. Come out normally.

As soon as he saw Li's hand, Yin Beier's eyes lit up, "You kid really hid it. Tell me, you can release this seventh-level magic underworld swamp. How many levels of magic power do you have?"

Even though Imber was saying this at this time, his hands were not idle either. Pieces of ice had already formed on the ground in the blink of an eye.

Crystals, these ice crystals all appeared on the ground that was not covered by the Huangquan Swamp. However, the opponent's cavalry were superb in equestrian skills, so this magic did not have a great impact on them.

Although these two magics cannot cause combat casualties to the opponent, they have slowed down the opponent's charging speed, at least enough to fire the third wave of arrows. ..

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