Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 181 Escape and Counterattack

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At this time, Yaqir shouted again, "Get ready!"

After the first two rains of arrows, these Blizzard mercenaries inevitably thought that Yaqir would still let his men shoot the rain of arrows at this time, so they couldn't help but raise their hand shields. At this time, they had to avoid the people under their horses. Those swamps and ice crystals, while still preparing to avoid those arrows, could not help but slow down again.

But I didn't expect that this time Yakir didn't shout, "Shoot!" Instead, he turned the horse's head and shouted, "Retreat with me!" After shouting this, Yakir took the lead in riding and galloping. And going, this time directly shocked the Blizzard mercenaries. They had never seen such an opponent before.

At this time, these Blizzard mercenaries were stunned, but their leader was so angry that he was just teasing himself. He yelled, "Follow me! Chase with me." Get on them and kill them all!”

At this time, he roared and rode forward. However, he did not care whether the horse was dismounting from a swamp or an ice crystal, but he just rushed forward with his horse. Several soldiers following him shouted, "Master Xiangze! Don't be impulsive. ah!"

But at this time, Xiang Ze could not listen to what others were saying. He just kept galloping on his horse and chased Li and others crazily.

Over the years, he had never been teased like this before. At this time, he had made up his mind to torture these little nobles and let them know how big a mistake he had made.

On the other side, everyone had already fled to the edge of the forest. Seeing that the other party was about to catch up, Li gave an order to slow down the mercenaries and stopped in place. As for the other party because they wanted to catch up. The entire team was far away from them, and the first few Blizzard mercenaries naturally did not dare to rush in directly, so they pulled their horses sharply to slow down their speed and converge towards their own team.

But at this moment, two feather arrows were suddenly shot out in the forest. The speed of these two feather arrows was very fast. How could these two Blizzard mercenaries defend themselves! It would be better if they were wearing steel armor, but what they were wearing was just leather armor prepared for portability!

A handful of blood burst out from the two men's bodies, and then they could no longer sit on the horse and fell down.

Along with these two feather arrows, Xiang Ze's expression couldn't help but change. The direction from which the arrows were sent was not the direction away from them. In an instant, a word came to his mind, "Ambush?"

These nobles would actually ambush? Just when he felt doubtful, a group of people suddenly came out of the forest. These people were wearing heavy steel armor. Although it was not the kind of chain armor, this kind of equipment was already crushing. Blizzard mercenary leather armor!

But at this moment, Xiangze glanced at these mercenaries with his eyes, and naturally knew that although these mercenaries of Konoha Shadow were equipped with good equipment, they were actually just ordinary goods, and they were definitely not as good as himself. The strength of the Blizzard mercenaries on the side.

After confirming this, a sneer appeared on his face. In this case, he was not going to be polite! He waved slightly, and in an instant his mercenaries slowly picked up their lances from the sides of their mounts.

In fact, they didn't use lances at the beginning of the charge. They just held some ordinary sabers and other weapons, because they didn't regard these people as their opponents at all, but now the opponent has their own way to compete. Capital, then they are also ready to use their true abilities, and they plan to really charge.

Seeing these cavalry aiming their lances at his side, Li sneered. It is true that his side seems to be weaker now, but in fact, there is Li here. As long as Li wants it, these guys can't even think about it. gone!

He chanted the spell slowly at this time, and then cast auxiliary magic on the mercenaries under him one by one. With the addition of these auxiliary magics, the strength of these mercenaries would increase by at least 30%, but This was also Li's last help to them. Although Li could easily destroy the opponent, Li didn't want it to end like this.

At this time, Yakir's face also turned pale. Of course, he knew that comparing the strengths of the two sides, his side was definitely weak. This made him regret that the cavalry on his side were all half-baked, because Their original plan was that the other party would evacuate in the opposite direction when they discovered that there were many people on their side, but they did not expect that the other party would rush directly towards them.

But of course he knew that he would be dead if he led people to escape into the forest at this time, so he yelled. And the doctor, the light of magic had already flashed on his body, his magic was very special, the magic practiced by Akil All magic is used to strengthen oneself. This is also a kind of magic specialization, and this magic specialization will become more powerful as his own combat power increases.

Li still remembers that Akir also appeared in the original work. He is not one of the twelve shields. In the original Fairy Tail work, he is the prime minister of the empire, that is, a high-ranking official, although he does not fight in it. scene, but when it comes to strength, it is definitely something that cannot be ignored.

At this time, with the release of his magic, no less than twenty kinds of auxiliary magic light suddenly shone on his body. The speed of this magic release was enough to make most magicians feel frightened.

Then he rushed forward with the mercenaries behind him. As soon as the two sides collided, everyone was immediately turned upside down. At this time, Yaqir struggled to cut down the two Blizzard mercenaries, but Xiangze on the other side was even more like a madman.

Generally, they were frantically slashing and killing the mercenaries on the Shadow of Konoha side.

However, after Xiang Ze killed three or four mercenaries, he seemed to be unsatisfied and glared at Yakir. Of course, he still remembered that this guy was teasing him. ..

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