Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 185 Bradman’s Reinforcements

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At this time, the mage was not polite and began to ask everyone for the things he took from Xiang Ze. At this time, everyone looked at each other, and they felt a little surrender in their hearts, even though Bradman had a bright future. It’s immeasurable, but my life still matters now.

The current situation is that Yakir was seriously injured. Although the bleeding on his leg has been stopped, if it is not treated for a long time, his life will definitely be in danger. In addition, several other nobles The boy also suffered a lot of injuries, so they immediately wanted to surrender.

At this time, the mage saw that everyone was still a little confused, and shouted coldly, "What? Are you not going to hand it over? It's the same thing if you don't hand it over. Just kill them all and search them slowly!"

Li glanced at the mage and couldn't help but shook his head, thinking that if these people were really willing to let him go, forget it. If they really wanted to fight, it was not even sure whether these people would be enough to kill Li in one minute.

At this time, Angel took a step forward, "If we are really willing to hand it over, can you really let us go?"

Hearing what Angel said, the mage snorted coldly, "That's natural. Otherwise, wouldn't my position as the leader of the Blizzard Mercenary Group be in vain?"

When they heard what she said, everyone's expressions changed. It turned out that this woman in her thirties was actually the leader of the Blizzard Mercenary Group, a dignified B-level mercenary group!

This Blizzard mercenary group is B level, and Konoha Shadow is also B level, but this level is much worse. Not to mention other things, the quality of the individual soldiers of this Blizzard mercenary group is better than Konoha Shadow. How many times the force is there, plus it is said that the actual mercenaries of the Blizzard mercenary group are about three thousand, plus those peripheral personnel, fighting three or four mercenary groups like the Shadow of Konoha is probably just a joke. Same.

Seeing what the mage said, Angel sighed slightly, "Then..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of horse hooves, and a not tall man suddenly galloped into the middle of the two armies on horseback. Who was this man if he wasn't Bradman?

Bradman was sitting on the horse at this time, with a somewhat mocking smile on his face, looking at the cavalry of the Blizzard Mercenary Group in front of him. He was the only one coming at this time, but the cavalry of the Blizzard Mercenary Group They all felt like they were breathing heavily, as if a beast had encountered its natural enemy.

The leader of the Blizzard Mercenary Group was stunned for a moment and said slowly, "Bradman?"

The tone was also uncertain for a while, as if she very much hoped that the person in front of her was not Bradman. Bradman smiled slightly at this time and said, "It's official."

As soon as Bradman finished speaking, the mage yelled, "Charge!"

After saying this, the cavalry behind him no longer showed any fear and rushed towards Bradman like tigers looking at raw meat.

Li shook his head slowly at this time. The strongest people on the other side were the three leaders, but their strength was only less than level 15. I am afraid that in actual combat they are not as good as Xiang Ze, and Bradman's The true strength is estimated to have reached level 18. If the two meet, Bradman will definitely win.

Even if the opponent has more soldiers, so what? Are they still planning to kill Bradman with a bunch of flies?

Moreover, now Li clearly felt that there was another magic source nearby. Just when Li locked on that magic source, a black light appeared next to Bradman. That was the one who had been beside Bradman. The woman slowly raised one of her hands, shook it slightly, and then three cards appeared in that hand, "The Emperor Judges the Pope—Thunder Judgment!"

As the three magic cards in her hand disappeared, a large magic cloud appeared over the cavalry of the Blizzard Mercenary Group in an instant, and then countless flash points fell crazily from it. When these cavalry came out of the range of those thunder and lightning, When they rushed out, they had already lost no less than five hundred people!

But Bradman didn't care at all at this time. He didn't even draw the special holy pattern he used when he fought with Li. He just stood there, as if one man was in control and no one could get rid of him.

As soon as those cavalrymen got a little closer to Bradman, Bradman waved the spear in his hand and flew the man away. While the man was in the air, he began to vomit blood and his eyelids became lifeless. , but the other cavalry didn't care what kind of strength Bradman had at this time, they just charged towards Bradman crazily.

Bradman frowned slightly, then laughed. The spear in his hand was not straight at all. No one could break through his spear and reach him. What was surprising was that even if these cavalry knew that they were Although he was not Bradman's opponent at all, he kept rushing towards Bradman, as if Bradman was really their life and death enemy.

However, Li could see some clues. These people were actually completely unconscious and seemed to be completely charmed. At this time, his eyes were steady and he looked into the distance. In the distance, there were still three leaders. There, but in fact, it can be seen that these three people are actually not the same three people.

In fact, they had already escaped, and the three people now were probably the substitutes they had arranged long ago.

These cavalrymen risked their lives to attack and were consumed by Bradman in less than a moment. The three guys in the distance seemed to have been ordered to escape. Just as they were about to escape, they were stopped by the woman in black next to Bradman. After throwing out three cards, they were instantly imprisoned and could no longer break free.

As for their fate, too

It goes without saying that they must be treated like the leaders of the Blizzard mercenary group. The most severe interrogation will require them to reveal some secrets that they don't even know. Of course, this is a story for another day.

After Bradman took care of these guys, he had a good conversation with everyone, and his remarks were naturally that everyone did a good job...

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