Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 186 Result

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After this battle, everyone got the reward they wished for. Although this reward was just for Petersburg and a few small villages and towns around it, it was still a big deal for everyone. After all, this world There are many nobles, but there are not so many nobles with actual fiefdoms.

There are two small villages and towns around Petersburg. There are about a dozen small villages with no people at all. They are as poor as they are. The annual taxes paid among them are probably not enough to cover the living expenses of a noble child for a month. This leads to After this place was later occupied by guys from the Blizzard Mercenary Group, the principality had no intention of taking it back.

However, everyone is not a carefree owner. They are simply digging into the ground here. Since the previous owner of Petersburg was a tomb robber, how could the property he left behind be just a few gems?

But what disappointed everyone was that no matter how they searched, the result they got was that the owner here was just a pauper. But what surprised everyone was that they still found it in this poor place with nothing left. Something to get everyone excited about.

for example……

When they were rummaging through a nearly abandoned iron mine here, they discovered that there was a certain amount of mithril hidden in the iron mine here. Think about it, a mithril mine, mithril, is very important to most people. It is a good thing for magicians, because it is a metal that does not hinder the release of magic, which means that it can be used as armor for magicians.

In addition, he also has extremely strong magical properties. Those who specialize in "dress-up" magic basically have to inject a considerable amount of mithril into their equipment. Otherwise, they will not be able to change their equipment from their own equipment. These things were taken out of the space. After all, if the metal itself has strong resistance to magic, then it cannot accept the transmission of the magician.

But what makes these nobles unhappy is that although there is mithril hidden in the iron ore here, the problem is that the content is really not high, but this is not a problem. They are originally engaged in weapons workshops, so Just collect a large amount of iron ore and extract the mithril. The remaining iron ore is directly used as a good material for making weapons. The quality of the iron ore that is accompanied by mithril is very good.

If the original lord had not chosen the hopeless career of tomb robbers, but instead gathered a group of slaves here to mine and sell them, it would probably be a good business.

Although Li was not interested in this, the few minor nobles were very interested in it. Within two days, they bought a large number of slaves from the slave market in Nambula. Although these slaves looked sallow and thin, they This is already a pretty good cheap slave that Nambra has found.

Because although Nambra is a military city, the problem is that the hostile forces in this area have not moved for many years. The country to which the Blizzard Mercenary Group belongs has been repulsed by the principality several times, and it has long been scared to death. Where can He still dared to use troops easily. There was no fighting, no prisoners, and naturally there were fewer slaves.

The slaves we got now are not real slaves. Most of them were people whose families owed too much debt and eventually had to sell themselves into slavery, or simply couldn't afford to eat at home. In the end, being a slave allowed them to live in a different world. It comes from eating.

These slave laborers don't plan to go back to Nambra. They are all squatting here and watching these slave laborers work.

Li didn't care, he was just studying the design draft of the holy pattern he found on Xiang Ze. In fact, the design draft had great flaws. No matter how he looked at it, Li felt something was wrong. If there was something wrong, it was this. The holy pattern is filled with an extreme sense of imbalance, as if the holy pattern itself exists for something extremely extreme.

Bradman also heard about what happened here. Although he praised everyone's luck as being extraordinary, he still said he wanted to come over and have a look. As for what he wanted to see, he didn't know.

On this day, Li was studying the holy pattern in his hand again. In the eyes of several other nobles, Li was not doing his job properly. After all, the magic circle was nothing more than an auxiliary tool in the magic world. What can really determine a person is often his own strength.

Naturally, these guys didn't know the terrifying nature of the holy pattern, but just when Li was studying the holy pattern, two uninvited guests arrived.

Now there is only one person in Nanbula, and several other noble boys are squatting in Petersburg. At this time, Li slowly raised his head. In fact, the inexplicable feeling made him also I had to put away the holy pattern on my hand and every nerve in my body became tense.

There is no doubt that it is murderous intent, no matter who it is directed at, but in Li's feeling, it is an unparalleled murderous intent.

Li's door slowly opened, and two figures walked in one after the other, almost staggering. Li didn't move. The feeling emanating from the other party made Li have to admit that the other party was indeed a threat. He has noticed his own existence, and now his energy has been completely locked by the opponent. If he takes action now, there is no doubt that the opponent's thunder strike will arrive immediately.

The other party was very strong, and Li felt a little pain on his skin. The killing intent alone could give Li such a feeling. It seemed that the other party had killed many more people than Old Jack, but these two people and Old Jack's realm is completely different. Old Jack can control the amount of his killing intent at will, but the two people in front of him obviously can't control their killing intent at all. They just act like this.

As they walked, without even paying extra attention to the people around them, their murderous intent could already make some weak-willed people faint. Who are these two people? ..

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