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Since there is no impact, there will still be a long period of time left.

The system has not given me any prompts for the next step, and I think there is still some time left. Now I just hope that the time when the two things will break out will not occur at the same time, otherwise I will really go crazy.

Li tried hard to think about the plot in Dungeons and Warriors. It was probably an adventurer who saw injustice on the road and killed people everywhere, and by the way, he killed the apostles who were transferred from the demon world, that is, the fragment of Terra.

But all this is the conspiracy of the second apostle. The second apostle needs to kill all the apostles, and then the Arad continent will become the new mother body of Terra...

If this plot really develops, Li Daodao really doesn't know what to do. If that second apostle transfers several other guys here, should he fight? Should we just grab them and throw them into outer space?

Li is not Ultraman...

Li scratched his head hard, and then left his spiritual world directly. Of course, what he didn't notice was that Malfurion slowly opened his eyes at this time. It was not the kind of person who completely lost his memory after being searched. As if he had lost consciousness, he whispered, "You are really too young. You can completely control the world. Similarly, if I believe that I will still be conscious after being searched by you, then I can also retain my consciousness." ah."

And just when his voice fell, Malfurion suddenly felt that his body seemed to weigh tens of millions of kilograms, and he could no longer move an inch.

"Of course I know." Li's voice sounded at the same time, and then with Malfurion as the center, the earth appeared again, and then began to spread endlessly. Malfurion's eyes widened, as if he didn't believe it at all. "No, no, I am willing to serve you as my master. As long as you can help me turn this place into a new planet Terra, I am willing to sacrifice everything for you!"

Li shook his head gently and spat on the ground, and then a dazzling light began to emit from there. Malfurion felt that there was suddenly a terrifying magic power emitted from there, and all of a sudden, everything in his body His memories were awakened, a long time ago, in his hometown, when the high elves were still the rulers...

The high elves rely on a huge magic well to absorb magic and release powerful magic. However, Malfurion has no talent for releasing magic, so...

He chose another path. He chose Cenarius as his teacher and then became a druid.

When Malfurion slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was standing in a huge elven city, and in front of him was a huge deep well like a lake. He saw Looking at the deep well, it was as if he was looking at his long-lost lover.

"Brother, okay, Lord Cenarius' people have been waiting for you for a long time..." A voice sounded behind Malfurion, "Illidan?"

Malfurion turned around suddenly and found that his brother who had betrayed him was standing behind him, with a smile on his face, full of sunshine. Malfurion opened his mouth, he wanted to tell his brother Never take detours in the future, but at that moment, he forgot what he wanted to say and just nodded slowly.

And another voice also sounded, "Malfurion, you must be careful. After all, it is not your hometown."

This voice made Malfurion tremble slightly. He looked at the person, who was a tall elf girl, but Malfurion remembered that she was the love of his life, "Tylande..."

Malfurion's body was about to tremble. Although this was Tyrande, her face was that of his son. Li's words just flashed through his mind, "You know? I just made a sudden decision." ...Whether I can know your secret or not, I will make you sink into pain forever..."

"Li! You bastard!" His voice stopped suddenly, and several other people looked at him, "Who is Li?"

Malfurion shook his head slowly at this time, "No, I don't know... I just suddenly wanted to say that, as if I couldn't control myself, Tyrande, you are still so beautiful."

Malfurion looked at that very masculine face and said involuntarily. Although he felt something was wrong, he was the Malfurion who had not yet visited the demigod Cenarius. The young elf, Malfurion, Fario.

This is the eternal pain that Li has given him. Maybe one day when Li thinks about it, he will come over and restore Malfurion's memory, letting him sink in endless pain, and then erase his memory and let him He sank into his own pain again.

This world was created using Malfurion's memory, and there is no need for other profound things like laws, because now although Malfurion can feel that the things around him seem to be real, this world is also He only saw a little bit, and wherever he went, fantasies would form. For Li's strong mental power, it was just a very easy thing.

Then Li returned to the real world. Since Li exposed Malfurion's "true face", the villagers in Qingzhou Town obviously respected Li a lot.

Li didn't care about this territory at first, but this time after he walked around this small territory, he had to admit that it was indeed a piece of garbage territory that no one wanted.

The terrain is bad, the climate is bad, it's close to a forest where monsters often appear, and it's very close to the edge of work.

Originally, no tax collector in the principality was willing to come here, so after the last lord died, the people here never paid taxes again.

Moreover, the people here are basically uncivilized, that is, they are like villagers in the mountains. The last time they wanted to fight with people like Li was the best example, and anyone with a little bit of brains knows that even a village Even a group of people might not be able to defeat two hundred well-armed mercenaries. ..

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