Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 205 Process

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After such an inspection, Li couldn't help but frown. In fact, he didn't know how to describe such a territory. It was so poor here that he shouldn't think about taxes. There is a so-called mithril mine, which can indeed make some money, but the problem is that there is no road construction between the outside and here. Even if you get here from Nambra, you have to go through the damn forest.

In other words, even if you can mine a large amount of minerals here, you can't transport them out at all.

However, the villagers here have strong folk customs, which can be used. Encouraged by Li, Angel sent several eloquent mercenaries to go to every house to lobby, and finally got more than a hundred people. Tough mountain people.

As the saying goes, poor mountains and harsh waters bring out unruly people. The quality of these mountain people is not necessarily worse than those of mercenaries without armor. This can be regarded as a supplement.

As for how they got these one hundred people... they naturally promised various benefits. Of course, these benefits were just high salaries that could keep their family fed and clothed.

As for the mithril mine, it has finally been on the right track recently. Under the strong request of Li and Yin Beier, the treatment of the slave laborers here has been improved by more than 10%. Now they eat much better than the mountain people. As for their overseer now, that's Jace.

The last time Jace was used as Li's gun, he was still a little nervous at first, fearing that he would be killed by his lackey. However, Li did not wrong him and directly made him the supervisor here.

This made him feel emboldened all of a sudden. Now under his control, no one of the supervisors below would whip those slaves at will. This actually increased the efficiency of those slaves a lot. Of course, some slaves were deliberately lazy. , Jace also has the right to sell him to the slave market and then buy back a slave.

As for Petersburg itself, it is also dilapidated. After all, no one has lived in it for quite some time. Only if it is not dilapidated can there be ghosts. Although a few guys can afford to repair this huge castle, it will cost a lot of money and no one will. I am willing to really pay this money, and finding a group of craftsmen in this place is really a big trouble.

So the place was left alone, and the exterior was only hastily repaired, but the interior was still the same.

As for the other guys, they began to prepare to move the Titan Weapon Manufacturing Factory to Badria City, the capital of the Principality. It is the capital of the Principality of Arubares, with a population of more than two million, and is the largest in the entire alliance. one of the cities.

It's not like Petersburg. The transportation there is extremely convenient, and there are very stable roads between it and several other big cities in the alliance. In addition, the Principality of Arubares has been a very strong military power for a long time. A powerful country, and every grand duke basically has a very high political leadership mind, so this country becomes more and more prosperous.

Bradman also provided these guys with a good location, a store in a prime location on the most prosperous Third Street in Badria City. Bradman just used his connections to get that The businessman obediently gave up the shop. Of course, Bradman just used his connections to get people to give up. As for the money to buy the shop, it was naturally these nobles who came to pay for it.

This is a five-story small building. The place is quite spacious, and the decoration inside is quite high-end. Several nobles put their heads together and bought it immediately. Although it cost a lot of money, It's worth it.

More than ten days later, after everything was sorted out, everyone's appointments were finally made. Yakir and Angel were officially made knights and transferred to serve in the army. As for the other guys, they were also appointed. Being appointed as a knight, although it is not a great title, it finally enters the ranks of the nobility.

As for the Konoha Shadow Mercenary Group, it was turned into a state-owned army. The leaders are still these few noble boys, but when necessary, they must participate in foreign wars with the principality's army.

Of course, it will no longer be called a mercenary group from now on, but will be called the Fourth Mixed Force of the Fourth Army of Arubares.

Of course, the name doesn't matter. At least these guys don't have to run around under the name of a mercenary group. It's hard to explain when they are caught like this. On the contrary, after officially joining the army, it is much easier to do things.

The person who came to consecrate everyone was a bishop of the Anxelam Cult. As for why it was a person from the Anxelam Cult who came to canonize them, it was because the state religion of the Principality of Arubares was Cult of Anxeram.

It is said that the head of the Principality of Arubares admired the Pope Zeref of the Anxelam Cult very much, and even wanted to give his throne to Zeref, but in the end he was rejected by Zeref, but since After that, there were rumors that the king of Arubares would share the entire principality with Zeref.

Although Zeref did not participate in political affairs, the king promoted a large number of religious personnel to some important positions in the principality. Since then, after experiencing several grand dukes, everything seems to have changed. It has become a routine.

The name of the bishop who came to perform side stitches for everyone was Lanciat. It sounds like the name of a handsome young man, but in fact this guy is already in his forties, not to mention handsome, with hair on his head. There are only a few left, but he doesn't look like a sinister figure.

After this guy came to Petersburg, he first saw the dilapidated castle. The color on his face was not very good. Of course, he didn't express any dissatisfaction verbally. He just sat with a few guys in Petersburg. There was chatting in the hall.

But what are Angel and the guys like?

As a character, he naturally grasped these small details very well. There was just a look of displeasure on Lansiyat's face. When he turned around to talk to Imber, Yakir secretly placed the hand in his hand. A small box was placed on the table. ..

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