Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 206 The World of Death

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The small box that Aqil put down was certainly not in good condition, so when Lanciat suddenly found this thing on the table next to him, he was stunned for a moment, thinking that even if these boys had done something Credit is useless. If you don't even know how to give some benefits, your career will probably be bumpy in the future.

However, he still picked it up, but as soon as he opened it, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. It was nothing else, but the emblem of the Anxelam Divine Cult, the emblem of the Anxelam Divine Cult. The emblem is a huge sun, with the middle part of the sun hollowed out, and the surrounding area is a circle of symbolic flames, representing the heat of Anxeram.

This badge was made entirely of gold. Like other religious badges, it was hollow in the middle, but the surrounding flame totems seemed to be jumping. Lanciat understood that this was the result of magic being applied to it, and It is impossible for most magicians to apply magic on gold, so the only way is to add mithril to gold, and it is high-purity mithril.

You will definitely be very proud to take this thing out, and it is a religious emblem. No matter how luxurious it is, others will be embarrassed to say anything about it. If you want to sell it yourself, the mithril content alone must be a satisfactory figure.

Of course, this was just an interlude. Everyone was soon satisfied with the canonization, and the bishop Lanciat seemed quite satisfied. After all, he also got a lot of benefits this time.

This is a happy outcome for everyone.

After sending Lanciat away, everyone went about their business. Li stayed alone in the bedroom and fell asleep unknowingly. In fact, Li didn't really sleep for a long time. After sleeping, most of the time he just practiced a little to improve his energy and spirit, and then continued to start his busy day.

But today he fell asleep, and not just asleep. After closing his eyes, he suddenly felt that the whole world had become a little unreal. Li was actually dreaming. He felt that there was darkness around him, and he whispered Calling the system, but at this time the system made no sound, as if it had fallen asleep.

Suddenly, there was a little more light in front of Li's eyes, but it couldn't be said to be light. It could only be said that compared to the darkness just now, it was a brighter tone, that was gray.

In other words, everything that appears in front of Li now is gray.

The gray sky is covered with lead-colored dark clouds, there are no fish in the gray river as if it has stopped flowing at this time, there is not a leaf on the gray trees, and there is no life on the hills.

It seemed that this was the realm of death, and the depression made people want to go crazy. Li suddenly thought that it seemed that such a world should be created when punishing people. I guess in that case, it would be much more terrifying than the so-called death by sword and fire. ?

Li suddenly felt a tug and floated towards a hill. Soon he saw a skeleton warrior standing on the hill. As if by telepathy, Li blurted out, "Leila?"

That skeleton was Leila. Although it didn't speak, Li subconsciously felt that it was Leila.

Layla looked at Li without saying a word, while Li looked around here. In fact, he suddenly discovered that the place where Layla's fighting power was located was not a real hill. It was piled up into "hills".

The basic material of the hill is countless corpses. These corpses are all the corpses of undead creatures. They are very mixed. There are skeleton knights, zombies, and some huge skeleton beasts. Although I don’t know why these guys want to besiege Layla. , but it seemed that Layla won in the end.

Leila looked at Li, and suddenly stretched out a hand and pointed at Li. In an instant, Li felt that his power was losing crazily, and Leila also slowly opened her cloak, and under the cloak What emerged was a shattered body. At this time, Layla was even worse than when she was first summoned. Most of the bones in its body were missing, and at least two-thirds of its ribs were missing.

If this happened to a person, it would have already killed him.

As the power in Li's body slowly disappeared, Leila's injuries were also recovering quickly. However, when all the bones in Leila's body were restored, Li discovered that Leila had not stopped absorbing, and the power was being lost at such a rate. Instead, it got faster.

Leila also slowly changed at this time, and her body began to gradually build muscles.

Li previously suspected that Layla was a woman, but now it has been confirmed. In fact, when the flesh and blood on Layla's body gradually became plump, the body of a human female was formed.

I don’t know how long it took, but when the power in Li’s body was almost exhausted, Leila finally stopped absorbing it. She looked like a standard European woman, with long, very light golden hair tied behind her head. , revealing her slender and white neck, and her appearance has interpreted the beauty of classicism to the extreme. Whether it is her slightly trembling eyebrows, her straight and pretty nose, and her lips that seem to have infinite magic, they all seem to It is as if it has been carved with a knife or an axe, revealing its incomparable beauty.

She's a lot like a person, Layla.

That's right, it was Lucy's mother Leila. Leila didn't say anything, just looked at Li, and suddenly said slowly, "Is there still enough time?"

Li was stunned, time? What time?

"You know what time it is." Leila's voice seemed to come from the abyss, "But I don't know, so I want to ask you now, do you have time?"

"There's enough time." Li almost blurted out. After hearing Li's words, Leila nodded slowly, "Then I can continue to sleep."

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, all the flesh and blood on her body instantly collapsed, and she turned into that skeleton again, but this time it had a little blood red color on it, which looked a little weird. ..

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