Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 207 Dispute

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The moment Layla returned to her skeleton appearance, Li suddenly opened his eyes. At this time, he was lying on the bed, his eyes widening as much as possible, as if he had been awakened by a nightmare.

What was that just now? Is it a nightmare, or is it something that really happened?

Li was really unsure. After all, that dream was too real, as if what had just happened was spinning before his eyes.

He shook his head vigorously, what did Leila mean?

She asked herself if the time had come, could this guy actually see everything? That's a little too incredible, right? Just a skeleton, just a skeleton.

Even if it can evolve itself, it won't be able to stand on the same level as itself, right?

Li sighed slightly and started to call the system. This was no longer the time to argue with the system. It would be better to ask the question clearly as soon as possible.

The system's response was very responsive, eight words, "You are for me, and I am for you."

Then there was no response from the system. Although Li didn't understand what was going on, it could only be like this. The system had changed drastically since Juedao. Who knows what was going on.

After that, the matter fell into disuse. The first priority for everyone now is to move most of the industries here to Badria City.

Now Badria City has sent a notification letter to everyone here. In fact, everyone is going to Badria to take up their posts soon.

In less than five days, everyone arrived in Badria City while running around. Of course, the first thing they did was to report to the military headquarters. Although these guys were all ruffians, they had been recognized as official troops by the principality after all. Moreover, they were given a separate number, which was quite considerate of them.

Although the Fourth Mixed Troop of the Fourth Legion is not an ace unit, when it comes down to it, it is always much more confident than any other mercenary group.

When Li arrived in Badria City, he didn't have any sense of being a commander of the mixed force. He looked at Zhang Shengwen's design drawing every day. To be honest, this design drawing has indeed exceeded Li's current production level. Although He was able to imitate it, but he always felt that he was still a little short of it, and it was this little thing that prevented him from completely drawing this sacred pattern.

In the blink of an eye, everyone had moved to Badria City for a month. On this day, Li Li was still studying the sacred pattern that he couldn't draw at all. Suddenly, Li's door was knocked open. Li frowned and looked up, about to blame who rushed in without knowing the rules.

But then he stopped talking. The man standing outside the door at this time was the Shadow of Konoha Mercenary Group, or a cavalry member of the Fourth Mixed Army of the Fourth Legion. At this time, his face was covered with bruises. As if he had just been beaten violently, Li opened his mouth, "What's going on?"

"Oh... Lord Olgaste, no... it's not good!" The cavalryman looked very anxious.

Li Dan commanded a calming spell. It was just a very low-level magic, but the effect on the cavalry was very obvious. After seeing the cavalry calm down, Li Cai said slowly, " Tell me slowly what happened."

The cavalryman took a few breaths before telling the story in detail.

It turned out that this guy Angel drank some wine and went to drink with a few cavalrymen in a tavern in Badlia. The tavern is quite famous here, and some members of the official troops of the principality often appear in it. , these guys spend money like water, which makes this tavern very profitable.

Angel took these guys over there today and just had a few sips of wine when they saw a few guys from the second unit of the second legion walking in. They didn't know why they came up to provoke them, so originally. There weren't many people in the second unit, so they were beaten to the ground by Angel. However, they didn't expect that these guys from the second unit went out directly and called a large group of people to come over and surround Angel. .

The cavalryman also ran out after using up a lot of strength. Didn't he just run out and rush to Li here to report the news? At this moment, Li couldn't help pinching his eyebrows. Is it possible that in future generations, all the super strong Twelve Shields who can stand alone are like this?

He is greedy for money and lustful, and his fighting ability is scumbag...

How did they become strong? Li sighed dejectedly, "What are you talking about? Just call someone quickly! Tell them they are not allowed to bring swords, not even bladed ones. Well, sticks are fine, as are chairs. Whatever, you can find something handy." Just take it and go there, if you can’t find something handy, we’ll tell you when you get there!”

At this time, Li Fengfeng ran to the square downstairs in a hurry. Within ten people, those guys who had been free for a long time all ran to the square one by one. Li Feng counted the number of people, more than four hundred There were quite a few of them, and Li sneered at this moment. His own troops had already overwhelmed the opponent in terms of numbers, and he was not afraid of what trouble they might cause.

He said hello, and everyone immediately rushed towards the tavern. In less than a moment, more than 400 people had surrounded the tavern. There were four or five burly men standing in front of the tavern. When they saw Li Da Bu walked over and wanted to enter the tavern, and immediately snorted, "Sorry, we've already reserved the place!"

Li was almost shocked. Could it be that these guys were stupid because they were soldiers? More than 400 people went to the pub to drink, and these guys figured it out.

He sneered, a flash of fire flashed in his hand, and then three or four fireballs blasted towards the five guys.

These boys, who never thought that they would take action as Li said, and they didn't even need to start their hands to release magic, were immediately blasted into the tavern.

Of course, Li also restrained himself. ..

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