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There are quite a lot of good things in this guy, but Li doesn't think she can really block Bradman's attack. After fighting with Bradman, Li deeply understands that Bradman alone It can be said to be very strong in terms of destructive power, not to mention that he is still in a rage, and his strength is estimated to be improved.

The crazy red flames were completely swallowed up the next moment the Wall of Sighs appeared. After a while, the flames dissipated. Others could not see clearly, but Li could clearly see that at this time the defense around the female magician was complete. She collapsed, and she herself looked a little shaky. It seemed that the magic really didn't block Bradman's attack, and later, Bradman's attack severely injured her.

Li took a deep breath. The battle situation here seemed to have been settled. He had a more important thing to do. Then Li slowly closed his eyes, and then his energy crazily penetrated into the black-clothed man just now. The place where the woman disappeared.

On the other side, the female magician was not killed with one blow, and there was no sign of disappointment on Bradman's face. Instead, he slashed with his sword, and another large ball of flame was about to erupt. out.

In this moment, the crazy red flames once again dyed the sky red, but this time the flames did not devour the woman quickly, but only moved towards her slowly.

The movement was very slow, as if Bradman didn't want to kill her directly at all, but wanted her to be swallowed up bit by bit in fear.

However, everyone soon discovered that this was not intentional by Bradman, because now everyone started to slow down.

Everyone's movements were slowing down, and the trend of slowing down was getting bigger and bigger. Everyone's expressions showed panic, and at the moment everyone was slowing down, a figure suddenly jumped into the sky. Next to the female magician, IE fell from the sky holding the female magician.

Then time returned to normal, and huge flames swept across the empty sky crazily, as if they were unsatisfied giant beasts.

The person who rescued the female magician was a young man with short blond hair. He didn't have any armor and knowledge, just a casual cloth, but he looked a bit graceful and luxurious. She exuded endless splendor, but she was so beautiful, with a pair of blue eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate to the bottom, a tall yet beautiful nose, and a slightly thick red color that made people full of desire. Lips seem to be able to stimulate the desires of most people in an instant.

He looked like such a nobleman, an extremely gorgeous noble boy. He just held the female magician in his arms. He looked at the female magician in his arms, and then looked at Bradman, with a look on his face. He had a lazy expression, but his voice sounded louder, "Is that Bradman?"

The female magician was leaning on his arms very much at this time. The two battles just now had caused her to completely lose her fighting power. No one could survive the massive consumption of magic power.

"Is that Michelangelo's brother Dimar?" Bradman asked coldly, as if he wanted to completely devour the handsome man in front of him in an instant, "With your strength, you are no match for me. , I advise you to hand her over, lest your brother come crying and ask me for his brother."

Listening to what Bradman said, Dimar's face also showed a bit of anger. Bradman's tone in front of him did not take him seriously at all, and the air around him suddenly began to fill with anger. Causes a lot of magic fluctuations.

"If Dimar alone is not enough, how about adding me?" the female magician said slowly, and then powerful magic waves surged through her body again, as if the way she had exhausted her magic power just now was just an illusion. She spoke softly, as if she were an elegant lover narrating love words.

Bradman frowned, and the other guys were even more nervous. Although they didn't know where Dimar came from, he shouldn't be that weak if he dared to challenge Bradman like this. Well, plus the female magician who just showed off her power.

Several noble boys have already begun to think about how they should surrender after a while.

When Bradman saw such a lineup, he didn't look excited at all. He just snorted lightly, with a bit of disdain on his face.

This disdainful look completely angered Dimar, "Okay, okay, Bradman, I have only been looked down upon by one person in my life, and now you are the second one, and I want you to have a taste of my methods!"

Then Dimar yelled and was about to take action, but another voice rang out, "My brother, I didn't expect you two to come over so quickly. It really makes me a little excited."

With the sound of the sound, Michelangelo slowly walked from a distance. At this time, he also showed his amazing strength. Although he only took a slight step, but with one step, the whole person moved forward. In just a few dozen meters, in just a matter of seconds, Michelangelo had already reached Dimar's side.

"My brother, if you come a little later, the Mits Empire will have to go to war with the Principality of Alutres. After all, I will kill their young master here." Dimar said this It looked like he could kill Bradman at will.

This did not put Bradman in his eyes at all, and seemed to be retaliating against Bradman's contempt for him just now.

Bradman was not angry, but had a somewhat sarcastic smile on his face, "It's really ridiculous, since you think you

You three guys who are like chickens and lackeys can deal with me. How arrogant are you! Since you are so arrogant, then I don’t care to show you my strength! "

Bradman took a deep breath, and then endless magic began to surge through his body. ..

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