Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 225 Return

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This magic power was even more powerful than when he fought with Li before. He was already breaking through the previous upper limit of magic power. Soon, his magic power reached the peak of level 18, but at this time, he still did not stop. , but directly reached level 19 before he slowly let out a breath.

Level 19, this is already a level of powerhouse like Heli and Zeref!

Endless pressure began to pour out of Bradman's body crazily. These terrifying pressures made everyone present feel as if they had been punched hard in the chest. They looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Level 19, which can be said to be second only to Zeref on this continent. Now that a miracle has befallen the Principality of Alutres, and with this level 19 powerhouse, there is no doubt that It is not impossible for the Principality of Alutres to dominate the continent, at least the same south.

At this time, Li couldn't care less about being surprised that Bradman had hidden his strength. At this time, Li was in a storm. At this time, Li threw his spirit into the space storm outside the plane without using the power of the system. Among them, it is definitely not an exaggeration to say that he is crazy. At this time, his spirit is extending a tentacle to grab the aura of the woman in black who knows how many planes away.

And the woman in black was already prepared to die after being hit by the Galaxy Star Explosion. At this time, a life-saving straw suddenly appeared. How could she not hold on tightly?

With his current strength, it is still impossible to bring back a guy from countless planes, so he can only count on the woman in black to work hard to go back. If it is time to run out of mental power, , then there is no doubt that Li Hui directly cut off the connection between himself and the woman in black. At that time, the woman in black will definitely fall into other planes forever.

Of course, Bradman doesn't know the current situation of the woman in black, and he has no time to care about the situation of the woman in black due to the situation he is facing now.

Although the three guys in front of him are not as powerful as him, in a life-and-death duel, strength cannot decide everything. Besides, he has not yet figured out what the female magician's ability is. If she is a traditional magician, Brad Man definitely didn't believe it.

He glanced at the three people in front of him again. The weakest person among them was undoubtedly Michelangelo, but Michelangelo was also the one that Bradman was most afraid of now. This guy cherished his life very much. If this time How could he have come here to die without any preparation.

So in an instant, Bradman was ready to kill Michelangelo with one blow, and then go to deal with Dimar and the female magician.

Just in the blink of an eye, Bradman had already taken action. At this time, the giant sword in his hand slashed wildly. Under such a terrifying attack, there was no doubt that Michelangelo was much weaker than Bradman. There is no life left.

But Michelangelo was not dead. When Bradman slashed the sword in his hand, Michelangelo was no longer where he was. He appeared in the open space dozens of meters away, and Bradman's There was an expression of disbelief on his face.

Then a trace of blood appeared on Bradman's face. He opened his mouth wide and looked at Dimar in disbelief, "Time?"

Dimar slowly swung the dagger in his hand, "Yes, time."

A bit of blood slowly slipped from the sword and hit the ground. Bradman nodded slowly, "No wonder you dare to come to fight with me. It turns out you are the trump card."

Dimar shook his head gently, "If I knew that you had reached level 19, I think our plan would have been cancelled. But now that we have taken action, I can only kill you!"

As Dimar's voice fell, Bradman once again felt that time was freezing. He wanted to move, but it became extremely slow, and the entire slowness became more and more serious. At the end, Bradman Man already felt as if everything around him had stopped, and the only one who hadn't stopped was Dimar. In her own domain, he was completely unrestricted.

He walked up to Bradman easily, and slowly stabbed Bradman's throat with the dagger in his hand.

But at this time, a blood-red lightning flashed, and then another blood-red lightning surged through. Dimar's face changed. The surrounding magic field was rapidly collapsing, and he couldn't care less about killing him. Bradman just started to fly back crazily, and at the moment he just retreated, Bradman's sword had already cut through him less than one centimeter in front of the tip of his nose. The strong sword was more dangerous. To tear his face apart.

Bradman actually unlocked his magical realm, which he couldn't believe no matter what.

But Bradman did it, and as long as he had dodged just a little late, he would have been dead!

Although Bradman defeated the magic, he did not think that he was really weaker than Bradman. At least at that moment, he had felt that this space was being invaded and that something had entered this plane. At that moment the magical laws of time fluctuated, giving you an opportunity for Bradman to take advantage of.

Who is it? Traveling through the planes is not like traveling to the next town, where you can just walk away.

Dimar frowned tightly, and then another blood-red lightning flashed across. This lightning seemed to foreshadow something. Li next to him took a long breath, with a bit of relief on his face. expression, and then a bright light suddenly flashed in the air. After the bright light, the man who should have disappeared into the unknown

The woman in black from which plane appeared in everyone's eyes.

At this time, there was a bit of anger on her face. Anyone who was suddenly thrown into another plane would not have a good temper. Besides, the woman in black was not a person with a good temper.

This can be seen from her daily behavior. ..

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