Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 262 Sand Table

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This sand table covers an area of ​​no less than ten square meters, and the sand table is officially reduced to the surrounding terrain.

However, this sand table is completely different from the previous sand table. On this sand table, the rivers, trees, underground tunnels and residences of the highlanders, their underground water veins, and all underground mineral veins are all extremely clear. Clearly marked. Based on the ratio between this magic sand table and the land that everyone has estimated, the range displayed by this sand table is estimated to be hundreds of meters deep underground!

Such terrifying reconnaissance methods were beyond the dreams of Caesar's scouts. What is even more frightening is that under such a spell, Angel's men do not have any secrets about the deployment of troops.

At this time, Angel yawned and woke up from her nap. While everyone else was on tenterhooks, Angel was full of confidence in herself. At this time, she strode out of the tent, and they gathered beside the magic circle to observe. Looking at the terrain in the sand table. Angel adjusted the display angle of the sand table from time to time. Under Angel's magic, a huge mountain tribe, or country, appeared in front of everyone.

The scale of this Highlander tribe is much larger than everyone expected. Although there are no living creatures in this sand table, judging from the scale of the entire sand table, there are probably at least 8,000 people here.

This mountain man's residence is built in a huge cave of at least seven or eight square kilometers. This crypt is more than 100 meters high, and the tallest building among them actually reaches a height of more than 30 to 40 meters.

The entire underground cave is semi-natural and semi-artificial, so everyone can't help but admire the power of these highland people, who can actually build such a huge underground city in such a place!

There are countless tunnels outside the mountain people's residence. Most of these tunnels are used for mining, and some are used to connect to the outside world. But what makes everyone feel a little confused is that in There is a tunnel here that leads directly to the underground. This tunnel goes straight up and down. These mountain men can't fly. How did they create such a tunnel?

The devil knows what they are doing with it. Although everyone is still a little confused, there is no way to explain it. Unless you go in and take a look now.

Now the mineral veins of the entire Highlander underground city are clearly displayed in the sand table, and several of the large mines are also within the scope of the sand table. Only the purpose of this tunnel is unknown. At this time, most of the people present frowned slightly, because each of them knew very well that although the mountain people had always said that they were on the side of justice, no one knew whether they would turn to the darkness underground in Xinyang. God or some kind of demon, who knows if this tunnel is used for sacrifice.

You know, although the dark gods are insatiable and like to eat blood, as long as you can give a certain sacrifice, they are still very willing to help their believers. Unlike the gods of light, even if you believe in them for a lifetime, He may not even pay attention to you.

But this is all a thing for another day. You must know that now everyone has no room to retreat, and this is the only way to go.

To deal with such a huge tribe of Highlanders, Li estimated that it would be really difficult to barely win, let alone annihilate them all with the few manpower he had in front of him. But there is no chance of victory. Everyone here is a cunning and insidious person, so they will naturally have some way to solve the problem at hand.

Li doesn't worry about these things...

The afternoon sun has always been a favorite in the Highlands. Especially for the highlanders who live underground, they spend most of their lives underground. No highlander will miss the opportunity to come to the ground to bask in the sun. Although their skin is not suitable for living under the sun for a long time, this feeling also makes them feel that they are treated somewhat differently from their tribesmen.

Two highlanders named Mingxi and Shensha were lying comfortably on a pile of rocks. These two Highlander warriors were both about 1.78 meters tall and had pale features. Their faces looked a little different from humans, which was just the result of interbreeding with the Yodels.

You must know that normal mountain people are about two meters tall. At this time, the brown leather armor they wear is very close to the color of the surrounding rocks. Unless you are very close to them, you will not find these two highlanders at all. Mingxi was six years older than Shen Sha, so in terms of hand-to-hand combat, he was naturally much better. Mingxi is a good warrior who plays with battle axes. Of course, because they don't practice magic at all, they can only be called warriors.

In terms of strength, Mingxi has entered the top two hundred tribal warriors. Originally, sentry work like this was only done by newcomers, but in the past two days, more and more people in the tribe began to get sick inexplicably. Fortunately, their condition is not serious, they are just physically weak, and they can still carry on with their work.

Soldiers like this can't just deal with it casually. After all, what they do affects the safety of the entire tribe, so only healthy people can go out to guard.

But what makes people a little worried now is that several wizards in the tribe still don't understand this disease, and there is no good way to treat it. Even some wizards have begun to contract this strange disease.

Lord Thrall, the great wizard in the clan, has been looking gloomy these days. He keeps saying that the devil has come to this world, and that the devil's claws have reached out to the clan. Now he keeps asking the Highlander King to move. The whole tribe goes somewhere else, of course

This request was flatly rejected by the clan leader.

You must know that in a tribe like the Highlanders, although the wizard has a respected status, it is only a spiritual symbol. The person who is really responsible for the entire tribe is still the tribe leader or their king. ..

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