Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 263 Sneak Attack

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"Our king is extremely wise! To be honest, I have never seen so many mineral veins gathered together in all my life! Those humans who covet our bodies are at least hundreds of miles away. Even with their strength, they can't even think about it. Through that forest? You know, when we came here, no less than a thousand soldiers died!" Mingxi kept talking to himself. She didn't even notice that Shen Sha was already lying on a big rock and fell asleep.

How could there be enemies in a place like this? Mingxi couldn't help but yawned, thinking, would it be surprising if a place like this could be attacked? Although there are many monsters in that forest, they are unwilling to leave the forest. Now the world outside is dominated by dwarves!

Just when he thought this, boom! A loud noise rang in Mingxi's ears, although Mingxi felt that the whole world seemed to be shaking. An earthquake? Mingxi couldn't help but be shocked. What the highlanders who lived underground were most afraid of were earthquakes, so they chose places where there were no earthquake zones. But at this moment, it seemed that an earthquake had actually occurred here.

But when he saw Shen Sha, who was still sleeping soundly, he suddenly realized that it was not the world that was shaking, but his head that was dizzy. He couldn't help but glance around, knowing that he would never If you suddenly feel dizzy, someone must have attacked you secretly!

He roared and got up, the weapon in his hand had been raised, and he began to frantically look for the attacker. At this time, Shensha was also attacked by a sneak attack, and was left unconscious.

Mingxi couldn't help but gnashed his teeth. Mingxi's strength was too weak. After being attacked by someone, he was knocked unconscious. It didn't look like he could fight back after being hit hard.

"Hey!", a voice suddenly came from behind Mingxi. "I really want to say that you highlanders are really strong. They didn't knock you unconscious at all. It seems that you will need to use a heavier weapon in the future!"

"Are you an idiot? What if you are beaten to death? This is all money!"

Mingxi couldn't help being startled at this time, and quickly turned around, but this time a fist wrapped with magic light had already struck Mingxi's face. Then Mingxi's vision went dark, and this time he finally lost consciousness. Before he fell into coma, he thought in confusion: "Why are there humans here?"

At this time, Akir carried two Highlanders and threw them to the Shadow Knights of Konoha who were following behind them.

The knights quickly found the exit of the Highlanders' tunnel. At this time, Yakir looked at the deep cave with a solemn expression, and asked slowly: "Li, tell me, is that poison really useful?"

Li replied slowly. "You must rest assured about this, after all, you also know where that thing comes from."

"The Highlander just now felt very strong. To be honest, I don't take the younger Highlander seriously at all. But if this middle-aged Highlander comes, I feel that if there are more than ten, I will probably be in a hard fight. They can It doesn’t look like he’s taken medicine at all. If all the Highlanders are like this, I think it will be difficult for us this time!”

"Don't worry, the poisoned Highlanders will not be sent out as sentries. Let's just stick to the original plan. Okay, this is the last tunnel entrance in this area. Go back, thirty-six Exit of the tunnel, in this case we have captured more than 70 highlanders."

At this time, a large tent was set up deep in the Dark Night Forest. The unknown number of Warcraft that originally lived here had to give up their territory. As long as they have a little bit of brain, they will know that this is no longer a place they can enter, and those without brains have become Angel's experimental materials.

However, this camp is not very quiet or peaceful. Although there are no monsters, there are still pitiful screams in the camp. Dozens of highlanders captured in the past two days are being tortured. Now, except for the knights of the Bradman Knights, everyone in the camp is an expert in torture, and from time to time, some information will be found out.

At this time, there is a huge sand table suspended in the largest tent in the center of the camp. At this time, the sand table has been strengthened and has become thirty square meters in size. In the sand table, every detail is displayed. The terrain of the Highlanders' underground kingdom.

From time to time, someone would rush in and report the latest information from the torture. Then some cursors representing various meanings will be added to the sand table. Slowly, the distribution of military strength and important strategic locations of this highland human race were marked on the map.

However, during the interrogation process, everyone experienced the extreme arrogance of the Highlanders.

According to these highlanders, the highlanders have an almost god-like worship of their tribal king. According to them, the strength of Highlander Wang Yijia is enough to rival any strong man in the world. He can deal with at least two hundred of the strongest Highlander elite warriors by himself! As for these humans here, when they really face the King of Highlanders, Yi Jiafu, they are nothing more than rats howling miserably on the ground.

Of course, these warriors would not stop their chattering. They directly taught these blind highlanders a lesson. However, these highlanders would never bother them as long as they could endure it, and only when their spirits completely collapsed. Only then will a little bit of information come out of his mouth.

Now based on the descriptions of the highlanders, Li et al. have deduced that the king of the highlanders, Yi Jiafu, is at least level 17 in strength. As for his fifty personal guards, they seem to be about the same strength as the knights of the Bradman Knights. As for the one hundred senior warriors in the tribe,

Two hundred and fifty mid-level warriors and four hundred and fifty lower-level warriors gave everyone a headache.

But all this is almost insignificant. You must know that there are a thousand craftsmen in this tribe! ..

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