Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 270 Battle

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Highlander Wang Yijia is riding on a rather huge giant earth dragon. This kind of earth dragon is usually kept in dungeons by those underground races. It is very afraid of light by nature. I don’t know why. He was actually tamed by this highlander tribe.

Although this kind of earth-moving dragon is ferocious in nature and has extraordinary combat power, it is extremely difficult to tame. If injured, it is easy to riot. Therefore, most countries do not equip such mounts on a large scale.

At this time, Yi Jiafu raised the sharp blade in his hand. The Highlanders soldiers stopped and then formed a square formation that seemed to be somewhat neat. They just set up their formation directly in front of the camp away from here. Look. They didn't look like they wanted to take action directly, but rather they felt like they wanted to confront each other.

At this time, Yi Jiafu felt quite at peace. After all, this time he came with 600 elite Highland warriors and four violent warriors who could fight one against ten. Although more than 300 soldiers who should have been able to fight were left in the city because of the unknown disease.

But the current six hundred warriors are enough to deal with a normal human army of at least a thousand people, not to mention that the people in front of them are only five or six hundred people.

Yijiafu calculated the time, and it was roughly one gram of time later. The sharp blade in the hand of Highlander King Yijiafu suddenly raised. A violent warrior nearly three meters tall suddenly walked towards the front of the formation. Although this violent warrior still looks humanoid, his skin is green. At the same time, he has a rather ferocious face, with four fangs sticking out of his mouth. At this time, he heard from a highlander next to him The warrior took a stone the size of a round table in his hand.

At the beginning, others didn't know what this rock was used for. After all, three or four highlanders were carrying such a rock together. At this time, it seems that this violent warrior is going to be used as a siege weapon.

This violent warrior seemed to have amazing strength. As he roared, the round table-sized stone directly hit the wall of the camp away from here. This wall was not a stone wall in the first place, but was directly made of Made of wood, it can at best block wild beasts and the like during normal times, but if it were to be fought, it probably wouldn't be able to block soldiers' attacks at all.

Just hearing a bang, a big hole was directly smashed into the wall. This only made a big hole and did not directly bring down a piece of the wall. It was because these people had worked hard on the camp.

But even if it was just a big hole, the guards on the wall were in a panic at this time. Obviously, most people here did not expect that the Highlanders could mobilize so many troops, and it seemed that the people they pulled out were all soldiers. And it's not about using those civilians to recharge.

However, the panic went away as quickly as it came. After a while, the gate of the camp opened directly, and then groups of soldiers filed out and began to line up neatly.

The number of human troops that appeared at this time also surprised Yijiafu. These were not the five or six hundred people he had planned. The people in front of him were clearly in their early 1,000s!

However, Yijia Server does not think that the opponent can really be its enemy. After all, he still has a back-up. At this time, there is a team underground digging towards the back of the camp. When the time comes, he only needs to attack from both front and back. , can the other party really be able to run away?

Then Yijia Server signaled again, and then the violent warriors threw boulders directly at the soldiers in the formation, but this time the people on the other side were already prepared and directly waved more than a dozen fireballs to return them. The three rear harpoons flying in the air were all blown up.

At this time, Yijiafu saw that the stone throwing was not of much use, so he snorted coldly, and a bit of dissatisfaction flashed on his face. He thought, these violent warriors usually brag about their strength like that. Isn't it still invincible to the magician at this time?

Although he was thinking this in his heart, he still shouted, "For the honor of the Titan God!"

"For the honor of Titan!" All the Highlanders shouted in unison!

With this roar, Yi Jiafu pulled the reins suddenly, and then a burst of flames suddenly spurted out from the mouth of the earthly dragon under him, and then it carried the Highlander King towards Li. The men and horses rushed over.

However, the troops on this side were also well-informed, and they quickly formed a formation. The Bradman Knights were in the center, the Shadow Knights of Konoha were behind, and Caesar's warriors were guarding the two wings. The dark knights and assassins of the guards were scattered in the formation.

At this time, the four violent warriors were following closely behind the Highlander Wang Yijiafu, rushing to the front.

Highlander Wang Yijiafu raised the sharp blade in his hand high, and then with an almost crazy roar, the sharp blade in his hand struck down hard, and then a bolt of lightning filled the entire land. This lightning spanned dozens of meters of space, he rushed towards Li's camp crazily, but in the blink of an eye, he directly swallowed up a Bradman knight and a David's man. At this moment, the violent warriors waved their giant axes and faced the crowd.

At this time, Arthur took the lead and faced the Highlander King directly with the sword in his hand. As for Yakir, his whole body was burning with a lot of magic light and Caesar's three elite guards intercepted the four violent warriors.

The troops on both sides were on the verge of breaking out and fell into a melee almost instantly.

At this time, in the battle formation, the Bradman knights formed a small square team, but they refused to retreat in the face of waves of attacks from these highlanders. In the blink of an eye, a dozen Highlanders fell in front of the Bradman Knights.

But what is surprising at this time is that although the Shadow Knights of Konoha

Although the quality is not as good as the Bradman Knights, at this time they are not at all inferior when facing the elite Highlanders warriors.

The quality of the armor on these Shadow of Konoha knights far exceeds that of the Bradman Knights. These guys hold long spears in their hands and stand on stacked shields that are nearly a person tall. ..

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